
How do I get my money back?

author:The dream of youth is not ZSG

I believe that everyone has encountered the situation of being borrowed money in their lives, borrowing it, but worrying that the other party will not pay it back, and not borrowing, and afraid of hurting the feelings. Especially when you lend money to a good friend or someone close to you, it's even harder to open your mouth when you ask for money. Today we will talk about this topic: how do you get the money you borrow back?

How do I get my money back?

Yesterday I saw a netizen share his story. He lent his comrades-in-arms 70,000 yuan, and after many years, his comrades-in-arms have not paid it back, and he has not taken the initiative to ask for it. Recently, he was experiencing financial difficulties and needed money urgently, so he began to think about how to get the money back from his comrades.

How do I get my money back?

This story resonates with a lot of people because we can also encounter similar situations in our lives. So, what should you do if you are also experiencing such a problem?

How do I get my money back?

1. Stay calm: First, don't feel angry or disappointed that the other person hasn't paid back. Such emotions may affect your judgment and communication skills. Stay calm and deal with the issue sensibly.

2. Direct communication: Don't be afraid to ask for money, the more hesitant you are, the harder it will be to solve the problem. Find an appropriate time, such as mentioning your financial difficulties naturally in a chat, and then be honest and tell the other person that you need to pay him back.

3. Make a repayment plan: If the other party is really struggling and can't pay off the debt in one go, you can work with him to make a repayment plan. This can not only let you see the sincerity of the other party's repayment, but also give the other party a certain buffer time.

4. Retain evidence: If you are worried that the other party will not admit the loan or delay the repayment, you can leave relevant evidence when borrowing, such as IOUs, transfer records, etc.

How do I get my money back?

In short, asking for money is not an easy task, but if you can stay calm, communicate openly, and give the other person a certain amount of understanding and time, I believe that most of the time you will be able to solve the problem.

I hope this article can be helpful to you, if you have similar experiences or other ideas, please leave a message in the comment area to share.