
4 Psychology of Cats Riding on Your Shoulders: Is It Love, Is It Desire?

author:Wake up and dream YY

Anyone who owns a cat must have had the experience of one day, your cat suddenly jumped on your shoulder and lay on its stomach leisurely. Although this scene is common, do you really understand the inner world of cats? Today, let's explore the four psychology that cats may hide when they "climb on your shoulders".

1. Seek comfort and warmth

4 Psychology of Cats Riding on Your Shoulders: Is It Love, Is It Desire?

We all know that cats usually prefer to stay in high places because this can provide them with a better view in order to spot potential threats in time. Also, when your cat chooses to ride on your shoulder, it may feel like it's a warm and comfortable environment. Especially when it's cold, cats may choose to stay close to your body to keep warm.

2. Express demands and wishes

4 Psychology of Cats Riding on Your Shoulders: Is It Love, Is It Desire?

Riding on the owner's shoulder is sometimes also a way for cats to express their needs. It could be that it is hungry, wants to play, or has some other daily need. When you read its appeal and respond appropriately, the cat will feel satisfied and reassured. Of course, different cats have different demands, and some may simply want to get the attention of their owners.

3. Demonstrate status and authority

4 Psychology of Cats Riding on Your Shoulders: Is It Love, Is It Desire?

In the world of cats, status and authority are crucial. When a cat chooses to ride on your shoulder, it may be demonstrating its authority to other cats or pets. In multi-cat households, shoulder riding often becomes a way to show superiority. At the same time, it can also mean that it thinks it is more dominant than you.

4. Seek intimacy and safety

4 Psychology of Cats Riding on Your Shoulders: Is It Love, Is It Desire?

Cats are emotionally rich animals that crave a deep emotional bond with their owners. When a cat chooses to ride on your shoulder, it may feel that it will bring you closer and bond with you more closely. This intimate contact makes them feel safe and content. At the same time, it could also be that they are trying to leave their scent on you in order to declare sovereignty and show love for you.

In conclusion, when your cat chooses to ride on your shoulder, there are various psychological motivations hidden behind it. Whether it's comfort, appeal, status, or intimacy, this shows that your cat trusts you a lot and relies on you. Keep in mind, though, that each cat's personality and needs are unique, and some cats may not like to be carried on their shoulders. Therefore, it is equally important to respect their individuality and will. Instead of forcing them to accept a certain behavior, try to form a deep emotional connection with them in other ways. By gently petting, companionship, and attention, you can build a closer bond with your cat. While understanding them, also give them enough space and freedom to make them feel happy and fulfilled in the process of being with you.

4 Psychology of Cats Riding on Your Shoulders: Is It Love, Is It Desire?

Finally, if you have any questions or concerns about shoulder riding or other behaviors, it's best to consult with a veterinarian or professional pet behavior counselor. They can provide you with more specific and personalized recommendations to help you better understand and meet your cat's needs. By creating a deep emotional bond with your cat, you can create a harmonious, happy family environment where you can spend quality time together.

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