
If there are these 3 signs when sleeping, or if the liver is not good, you should be vigilant if you occupy one of them

author:Yishui release

As we all know, if the liver is damaged, multiple organs of the body will also be affected, and the human body will send out many distress signals.

Generally speaking, people with a bad liver will have a lower sleep quality, and due to abnormal liver function, it will have a serious impact on the sleep quality of the human body, which will not only pose a threat to the health of the human body, but also cause serious damage to the body's biological clock, and bring a lot of trouble to people's normal life.

Therefore, if you often have these 3 signs when sleeping, most of them are signs of bad liver, if you don't occupy one, then it is worth congratulating, indicating that your liver is still healthy.

1. Prone to insomnia

If there are these 3 signs when sleeping, or if the liver is not good, you should be vigilant if you occupy one of them

In today's society, many people feel troubled every night because they can't sleep, obviously they don't like to stay up late, but they sleep more and more late day by day, even if they don't play with their mobile phones and close their eyes to recuperate, they always can't sleep in bed tossing and turning. And this phenomenon of insomnia is often a sign of liver damage.

In general, long-term unexplained insomnia is mostly related to abnormal liver function, which is often caused by liver damage.

Insomnia will inevitably lead to staying up late, and staying up late will deepen the damage to the liver, and if this vicious circle continues, it will inevitably lead to serious damage to the liver and cause a series of liver diseases. Therefore, for people who are often prone to insomnia, they must be vigilant on weekdays and go to the hospital as soon as possible to check whether the liver function is normal.

2. Grinding your teeth and talking in your dreams

If there are these 3 signs when sleeping, or if the liver is not good, you should be vigilant if you occupy one of them

Many people think that grinding teeth and talking in a dream while sleeping is a sign that the human body is in deep sleep, but in fact, long-term teeth grinding or talking in a sleep is mostly a sign that the body is suffering from certain diseases.

Generally speaking, if the liver is damaged, people with a bad liver are especially prone to sleep talking. And with the intensification of liver damage, this phenomenon of dreaming and talking will become more and more frequent.

Not only that, but in addition to talking in sleep, it may also be accompanied by symptoms of teeth grinding. Therefore, when the human body grinds its teeth and talks in a dream while sleeping, don't simply think that it is a manifestation of the human body sleeping, which may be a symptom of a bad liver.

3. Calf cramps

If there are these 3 signs when sleeping, or if the liver is not good, you should be vigilant if you occupy one of them

Although in most cases, the cause of calf cramps at night is mostly a manifestation of calcium deficiency in the body, but if there are frequent calf cramps during sleep, it is necessary to be vigilant, which may not only be a manifestation of calcium deficiency in the body, but also a symptom of abnormal liver function due to liver damage.

This is mainly because the abnormal liver function will have a certain impact on the blood lipids and blood sugar in the body, and when the blood lipids and blood sugar in the body are high, the blood circulation in the legs will be affected, resulting in the calves can not get sufficient blood oxygen supply in time, which is easy to make the legs have symptoms of nerve spasm, which is what we often call calf cramps.

Therefore, most of the above three signs when sleeping are signs of bad liver, if you don't occupy any of them, then congratulations, it means that your liver is still healthy. If you have more than one, then you need to be vigilant, and it is best to seek medical attention as soon as possible to check the health of liver function.