
Chongqing specialties, how many do you know?

author:Thin cool for a lifetime

The mountain city of Chongqing not only has hot pots, beautiful women, but also specialties! On the weekend, what "buns" will you bring to your family and friends when you are ready to go home? Today, Xiaobian summed up Chongqing's top ten must-buy specialties, hot pot base, Jiangjin rice candy... All kinds of good goods, remember to pick up a little along the way! Chongqing must come, these must buy!

NO.1 Concentrate the hot pot base

Chongqing specialties, how many do you know?

Hot pot base in the hot pot restaurant include bone thick soup base, fish soup base, chicken soup base and so on.

Bone soup hot pot base is fragrant, high nutrients; fish soup base, fish, blind effect, fish soup has a tonic effect; chicken soup base, light, fragrant, not easy to fire. There are also some hot pot bases specifically aimed at women, such as pigeon soup bases, which have a yin effect.

NO.2 Light Shadow Beef

Chongqing specialties, how many do you know?

According to legend, more than 1,000 years ago, the Tang Dynasty poet Yuan Shu, who was serving as the imperial court inspector of imperial history, was demoted to The Post of Sima of Tongzhou (通州, in modern Dazhou, Sichuan) for offending eunuchs and conservative bureaucrats. One yen shu to a hotel for a drink, the beef slices in the appetizer are thin and fragrant, and there is no residue in the mouth, he is quite impressed, and he is immediately known as "light shadow beef". Light shadows, or shadow puppetry, use light to project silhouettes of figures made of animal skins or cardboard onto the curtain. The use of "lamp shadow" to call this beef shows the thinness of its meat slices, so thin that it can reveal objects under the light, like a curtain in a shadow puppet play

NO.3 White City Stagecoach Duck

Chongqing specialties, how many do you know?

Baishi Yiban Duck is an intangible cultural heritage brand in Chongqing, belonging to Chongqing Baishi Yiban Duck Food Co., Ltd., named after the Baishi Yi Town in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing, which is famous for its color, aroma, taste and shape. The White Stagecoach Duck is fan-shaped, golden in color, and fragrant and delicious. There are many ways to eat, steaming, boiling, and stir-frying are delicious and delicious. Baishi Yiban duck has a history of more than 100 years, through pickling, baking and other processes, refined, delicious, endless aftertaste, is high protein, low fat, drinking and accompanying meals.

NO.4 Jiangjin rice flower sugar

Chongqing specialties, how many do you know?

Jiangjin rice candy, named after the Jiangjin District of Chongqing, is one of the famous specialties of Chongqing. Made of high-quality glutinous rice, walnut kernels, peanut kernels, sesame seeds, sugar, animal and vegetable oils, caramel, rose candy, etc., it has been made by more than 10 processes. The product is white and crystal clear, sweet and crispy, refreshing slag, sweet but not greasy, rich in nutrition, nourishing yin and kidney, appetizing and strengthening the spleen. Jiangjin rice candy has a long history, sold to 234 cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Kunming, Xinjiang, etc., and is also exported to the United States, New Zealand and other countries and regions, and is deeply loved by consumers everywhere.

NO.5 Ciqikou Chen Twist

Chongqing specialties, how many do you know?

Not to the Chaotian Gate, to the Ciqikou. Ciqikou, that is the place where the hearts of the people of Chongqing are thinking.

Ciqikou is a famous historical town in Chongqing, and is a scenic spot with revolutionary roots. People who come to Chongqing all go with a longing mood to see its beauty. The town is bordered by the Jialing River, leaning obliquely against a hill and slowly flowing on the edge of the river beach. Her old and sturdy posture is still difficult to hide the youthful beauty of the past, and she is like a contemplative beauty, telling a desirable story in the slight wind. The town has several narrow streets and characteristic shops; the ancient buildings and arrangements of the 30s and 40s are slightly historical; the wonderful revolutionary stories and character statues interspersed with the novel "Red Rock"; a small temple and tower; these elements constitute the main meridians of Ciqikou. The most famous "Chongqing Old Street Twist" you see the crowded scene and the long dragon-like purchase team, happy to spoil the merchants, but also happy to spoil the tourists in the town.

 NO.6 Sour and spicy pickled claws

Chongqing specialties, how many do you know?

With chicken claw and pickled mountain pepper as the main ingredients, it belongs to the Sichuan cuisine family, mainly highlighting the salt taste of kimchi. The meat is smooth and tender, salty and slightly spicy, the aftertaste is slightly sour, and the mountain pepper is rich in flavor.

NO.7 Fuling squeezed vegetables

Chongqing specialties, how many do you know?

The Fuling area is between longitude 106°56'-107°43'E and latitude 29°21'-30°01'N. The terrain is dominated by low mountains and shallow hills, which belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons, mild climate, and annual precipitation of about 1072 mm. The unique natural environment of the region is suitable for the large-scale planting of green cabbage head, and the planting area of green cabbage head in Fuling area accounts for 43.20% of the planting area of green cabbage head in the country, which is the largest and most concentrated vegetable production area in China, and has won the reputation of China's "hometown of vegetable juice". The head of green cabbage in Fuling area is sown in September, transplanted in October, and grown in the coldest 4 °C-5 °C and fog environment in Fuling area, forming a dense tissue structure of green cabbage head, casting the unique tender and crisp quality of Fuling squeezed vegetables.

NO.8 Wulong dried carob

Chongqing specialties, how many do you know?

Wulong carob dried beans is a famous specialty of Chongqing, according to legend, the natural spring water under the fairy mountain, the gentle breeze of the Wujiang River, the convergence of hundreds of years of traditional crafts, the results of nutrition and health care research, and finally condensed into this smooth and fragrant folk boutique. Sichuan flavor to spicy jia world, dried carob is one of the characteristics of Chongqing delicious representatives, it has appetizing and other effects, is a must for home travel.

NO.9 Momogra Ichikawa

Chongqing specialties, how many do you know?

Hechuan peach slice, a specialty of Hechuan District, Chongqing, is a national geographical indication product of China. Is one of the traditional famous spots in Hechuan District, Chongqing, its founding in 1840, the snack with the finest glutinous rice, walnut kernels, Sichuan sugar, honey roses and other raw materials, refined processing, its characteristics are fine powder, soft, thin slices, white color, sweet taste, highlighting the rich peach kernel, rose fragrance. On May 26, 2009, the former General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine approved the implementation of geographical indication product protection for "Hechuan Peach Tablets".

NO.10 Chongqing strange flavor of beans

Chongqing specialties, how many do you know?

The bean particles are strong like mulberry, the color is moist, the sweet and crisp is delicious and peculiar, the spicy salty is comfortable and refreshing, and in addition to the intuitive sense, there is also a wonderful imaginary taste when tasting. There are many fun and complementary complements each other, hence the name Weird. There is a kind of cuisine in the world, its taste banner is clear and complex and changeable; its taste type is difficult to express, it does not play cards according to the card, it does not take the usual road; strange, is its main theme, it punches and kicks, fists and beat the teacher to death; it has a typical Chongqing style and style, it is difficult to copy and imitate in the world; its name is "strange flavor hu bean".