
These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!

author:Human health care
These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!

I carried a bucket of water, but my back hurt so much that I couldn't move, I moved a box, my back hurt so much that I couldn't stand up, and I stretched my waist, but my waist couldn't move...... There will always be some unexpected accidents in life, after an action or a posture, the waist will "flash".

These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!

What we call "flash waist", also known as acute lumbar sprain, is an acute injury caused by excessive stretching of soft tissues such as lumbar muscles, fascia and ligaments suddenly subjected to external force.

Which poses hurt the waist the most

Heavy Loads

When lifting heavy objects, bending over without bending your legs will increase the pressure on your lumbar spine.

Correct posture: When lifting heavy objects, try to bring the heavy objects as close to the body as possible, bend the knees and hips, and use the knee joints to move.

These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!

Carrying heavy objects on one hand

With one hand, the weight is unevenly distributed, so that the waist is unevenly stressed.

Correct posture: When lifting heavy objects, use both hands to ensure the balance of the body and let the force on both sides of the lumbar spine be evenly stressed.

These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!

"Ge You's Paralysis"

"Ge You's paralysis" will aggravate the pressure of the lumbar intervertebral disc and straighten the anterior curvature of the lumbar bend, which will cause lumbar muscle strain in the long run.

Correct sitting posture: the upper body is straight, if it is a chair with a backrest, the back is completely leaning on the back of the chair, and the hips can not only sit about 1/2 of the chair, sitting like this, the waist is the most tired.

These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!

Get up on your back

If you lie down for too long, you get up suddenly, and it is easy to flash your waist.

Correct posture: When you get up, you should turn over and lie on your side, rely on hand strength to support your upper body, and get up slowly.

These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!

Bend over to do housework

If the waist is in a bending motion for a long time, the degeneration of the lumbar spine will accelerate.

Correct posture: When doing housework, you should get up from time to time to stretch, or adopt a high and low squat posture, and take turns to replace your feet one in front of the other.

These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!

How to recuperate after flashing your waist

Bed rest

Generally, it takes 1 week, and patients with severe injuries should stay in bed for 2~3 weeks to relax and repair the lumbar muscles and joints.

These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!

Hot and cold therapy

A cold compress within 24 hours can relieve pain, and a warm compress after 24 hours can improve blood circulation.

These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!


Apply analgesic ointment, oral anti-inflammatory analgesics, neurotrophic drugs, and when waist swelling occurs, it can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine with the effect of blood circulation and blood stasis.

These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!


Avoid spicy and irritating foods to prevent increased pain and swelling.

These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!

Functional exercises

While in bed, it is recommended to perform a straight leg raise exercise for the lower limbs. Take the supine position, the knee joint is straight, the front of the thigh is tense, slowly raise the lower limbs, keep 10 seconds to relax, and alternate the legs, 3 times a day, 15~20 times each time.

These 5 actions hurt the waist the most, and if you accidentally "flash your waist", you should recuperate like this after that!

Content Sources:

People's Medical Publishing House published "Illustrated Series of Elderly Care - Elderly "Bone" Affair

Editor-in-Chief of the book:

Zhu Kai, Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University

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