
Braised beef is a classic traditional dish, and the texture and taste are deeply loved by the majority of diners

author:Brother Kui talks about eating, drinking, and playing

Among the treasures of Chinese cuisine, braised beef is a classic traditional delicacy, which is loved by diners for its mellow taste and rich taste. To take this dish to the next level, here's a breakdown of best practices for braised beef so you can easily cook it at home.

Braised beef is a classic traditional dish, and the texture and taste are deeply loved by the majority of diners

First of all, we need to select the best beef. High-quality beef is the basis for cooking delicious braised beef. When purchasing, you should choose parts with full meat, ruddy color, and no obvious fascia, such as beef brisket or beef tendon. The meat of these parts is soft and mellow, making it the first choice for braised beef.

Next is the processing of the beef. Cut the selected beef into moderately sized pieces and rinse them with water to remove the blood. Then, blanch the beef in boiling water to remove the fishy smell and impurities. When blanching, add a few slices of ginger and an appropriate amount of cooking wine, which can better remove the smell and increase the flavor. After blanching, rinse with cold water, drain and set aside.

Braised beef is a classic traditional dish, and the texture and taste are deeply loved by the majority of diners

The key to cooking braised beef is the heat of the stew and the combination of seasonings. Heat the pot first, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil, add the chopped ginger slices, garlic cloves and dried chili peppers and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add the blanched beef cubes and fry them slowly over low heat until lightly browned on both sides. Then add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar and salt, stir-fry evenly, add an appropriate amount of water, and the amount of water should not exceed the beef. Bring to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam, reduce heat and simmer. During the stewing process, an appropriate amount of spices such as star anise, cinnamon, and bay leaves can be added according to personal taste to increase the aroma of braised beef.

The time of simmering is key. In general, beef needs to be simmered for 1 to 1.5 hours until the meat is soft and the soup is thick. During the simmering process, pay attention to the adjustment of the heat to avoid the soup drying up too quickly or over-simmering. At the same time, turn the beef at the right time to ensure that it is evenly heated, and stew the braised beef more deliciously.

Braised beef is a classic traditional dish, and the texture and taste are deeply loved by the majority of diners

When the beef is simmered until soft, turn off the heat and serve. A delicious dish of braised beef is ready. At this time, the braised beef is bright red in color and full of aroma, which makes people salivate. You can serve the stewed braised beef on a plate with a bowl of white rice and enjoy this delicious dish.

In addition to the traditional braised beef practices, you can also try some innovative practices to add texture and flavor to the braised beef. For example, you can try adding some vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, or mushrooms to the stewing process, which not only add nutritional value, but also give the braised beef a richer and more varied flavor. Alternatively, you can also add spices such as paprika or curry powder to your personal taste for a bit of exoticism.

Braised beef is a classic traditional dish, and the texture and taste are deeply loved by the majority of diners

In short, braised beef is a traditional dish with a great taste and flavor, and its mellow texture and rich flavor are unforgettable. By selecting the finest beef, carefully processing it, and pairing it with the heat and seasoning, you're sure to be able to cook delicious braised beef at home. Innovative approaches allow you to try more possibilities while enjoying the delicious taste. Hopefully, the introduction of this article will give you a deeper understanding and mastery of the preparation of braised beef, so that you can also show your skills in the kitchen and bring delicious dishes to your family and friends.

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Conclusion: I am Brother Kui, an authentic food lover, although not a professional gourmet, but willing to share your favorite food with you every day, if you like it, please give me a like, favorite, forward and follow, thank you for reading again.