
The return train tickets for the Spring Festival are open today

author:Gale News

Ge Cheng/China News Network

The Spring Festival in 2024 is less than ten days away, and many people have already embarked on the journey home. According to the arrangement of train tickets to be sold 15 days in advance, today, February 16 (the seventh day of the first lunar month) train tickets are officially on sale.

Is it good to buy tickets for the Spring Festival this year? What changes have the weather made? What preparations should be made for travel? Before the Spring Festival comes, you might as well know this information.

The return train tickets for the Spring Festival are open today

The picture shows passengers walking on platform 3 of Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station during the Spring Festival in 2024. Photo by Chinanews reporter Yin Liqin

Train tickets for the seventh day of the new year are on sale today!

During the Spring Festival, the lowest ticket price is 1.9%.

The 40-day Spring Festival began on January 26 and ended on March 5.

According to the arrangement of train tickets to be sold 15 days in advance, passengers can purchase train tickets for the seventh day of the first lunar month (February 16) on February 2, and on February 3, passengers can purchase train tickets for the eighth day of the first lunar month (February 17).

During the Spring Festival transportation period, the national railway launched the Spring Festival train operation map, and adopted the methods of adding temporary passenger trains, reconnecting train units, and night high-speed rail trains, etc., to increase the delivery of transportation capacity in areas with concentrated passenger flow, tense directions and peak hours. At the same time, the fare discount will be increased, with a minimum of 1.9% off the fare of ordinary speed trains and a minimum of 3% off the fare of EMUs, which will further benefit the people.

The railway department reminds that passengers can check the fare discount through the following steps: query the ticket in the 12306 APP, and at the bottom of the train selection page, you can choose to sort according to "price", "time" and "departure time". Click on the "Lowest price" button and the train with the lowest fare will be listed first, and the list of trains will be sorted by price.

In addition, trains that display the word "redeem" on the 12306 APP can also be exchanged for tickets using the railway member's ride points. The ticket of 22 yuan can be exchanged for 2200 points.

The return train tickets for the Spring Festival are open today

Data map: All members of the public security traffic police are on the road to rescue vehicles. Photo courtesy of the Traffic Police Bureau of the Shenyang Municipal Public Security Bureau

The most complicated Spring Festival weather since 2008 is coming

According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, starting from January 31, the mainland will start the largest rain and snow weather since the beginning of winter this year, which will also be the most complicated Spring Festival weather since 2008. Affected by weather conditions, trains are suspended and toll stations are closed in some areas.

In terms of railways, the official Weibo of Beijing South Railway Station announced on the 1st that on February 1, G41 and G151 departed from Beijing South Railway Station, and the G44 train was suspended. According to the Zhengzhou Bureau of China Railway, on February 1, some trains such as G7952, G7914 and D3353 under the management of Zhengzhou Bureau were suspended.

In terms of highways, according to the official Weibo of the Road Network Monitoring and Emergency Response Center of the Ministry of Transport, from 20 o'clock on January 31 to 20 o'clock on February 1, more than 1,000 toll stations were closed in many places across the country due to snowfall and fog.

As of 7 o'clock on the 1st, affected by snowfall and road ice, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia have closed a total of 80 road sections (involving 58 expressways, 3 ordinary national highways, and 3 ordinary provincial roads), and 1,133 toll stations have been closed (involving 94 expressways), and the resumption time is to be determined.

The return train tickets for the Spring Festival are open today

On January 31, on platform 10 of Beijing Railway Station, passengers took train 1461 to their destinations in an orderly manner. Photo by China News Service reporter Yin Liqin

Organize your time wisely

Travel should pay attention to this information

Recently, with the arrival of low temperature, rain, snow and freezing weather, what preparations should passengers make for travel?

The railway department reminds that in view of the low temperature, rain, snow and freezing weather, please arrange your travel reasonably and reserve sufficient time to enter the station, please pay close attention to the train running time through the station broadcast and announcement, China Railway 12306 website or App and other channels to ensure safe and orderly travel, and refund due to train suspension can be made from the time the train suspension information is announced to 30 days after the ticket boarding date.

The traffic department reminds that you should keep in mind the free time period and enjoy the preferential policies to the greatest extent, pay attention to the road condition information, plan the itinerary reasonably, pay attention to the weather conditions, pay attention to driving safety, reasonably choose the lane, and pass the toll station in an orderly manner.

The Public Meteorological Service Center of the China Meteorological Administration reminds that when traveling, everyone should pay attention to cold and warmth on the one hand, beware of colds, and on the other hand, make good time arrangements. The public travelling by car should pay special attention to the prevention of snow, ice and slippery roads, which may cause traffic accidents.
