
Born in a poor family, he was a late bloomer

author:Middle-aged money

Why do children from poor backgrounds tend to face greater challenges, mature later and have a relatively slow understanding of the rules that society works? Although there is an old saying that "the children of the poor are in charge of their families early", it is more about children learning survival skills earlier and being able to cope with life's challenges in resource-constrained settings.

However, this early survival skill tends to focus on practicality, ignoring the improvement of self-awareness and the in-depth insight into the functioning of society. As a result, many children from low-income families may lack core competencies and stand out in society when they grow up, although they are diligent and hardworking. They may focus too much on the work itself and neglect the development of interpersonal and social skills.

Born in a poor family, he was a late bloomer

To change this, these children need to learn how to perceive human nature and understand the interactions and influences between people. This will enable them to be more comfortable with life's challenges and learn how to use the resources around them to create opportunities for themselves. At the same time, they also need to learn how to exchange interests and know how to cooperate and interact effectively with others, so as to accumulate more resources and experience.

In addition, the ability to integrate resources is also very important. In this competitive society, hard work and hard work alone are not enough. One also needs to learn how to integrate various resources, including connections, information, funds, etc., to achieve one's goals and dreams.

Born in a poor family, he was a late bloomer

Therefore, for those children from poor backgrounds, if they want to change their destiny, they not only need to be diligent and hardworking, but also need to constantly improve their cognitive level and social skills. Only in this way can they better understand the rules of society and grasp the key elements of success, so as to realize their values and dreams.

Born in a poor family, he was a late bloomer
