
The "age table" for the promotion of civil servants has been released, and it is said that there is basically no hope for promotion after a certain age!

author:I'm in the cold night
The "age table" for the promotion of civil servants has been released, and it is said that there is basically no hope for promotion after a certain age!

The promotion of civil servants was once a goal that many people fought for. However, the recent release of an "age table" for the promotion of civil servants has aroused widespread concern and discussion. It is said that after a certain age, there is basically no hope of promotion. This news makes one wonder if it is really so difficult to promote civil servants, and has age really become an insurmountable obstacle?

Let's look at some data. According to statistics, in recent years, the competition for civil servants has become increasingly fierce, and the number of hires each year is far from meeting the needs of applicants. As a result, more and more people are joining the ranks of the civil service examination, which makes the competitive pressure even more intense. At the same time, the chances of promotion are reduced.

We can't simply blame age for the problem. Age is just a symptom, and there are deeper reasons behind it. We should ask ourselves, why is this happening, is it because of other factors that age is an obstacle to promotion?

The "age table" for the promotion of civil servants has been released, and it is said that there is basically no hope for promotion after a certain age!

We can understand this problem with the help of an analogy. Just like a tree, civil servants need to go through different stages of growth when they are promoted. And age, like the rings of this tree, records every trace of growth. Each layer represents the experience and accumulation that are necessary for promotion.

In reality, we tend to focus too much on age and ignore other important factors. For example, work experience, competence, professional level, etc. These are the key factors that really determine whether a person is suitable for promotion or not. Age is only one part of it, and a person's abilities and potential cannot be judged solely by age.

Age is not set in stone. Although we can't change our year of birth, we can make up for it by constantly learning and improving our abilities. Just like pruning a tree, we can prune off those unhealthy branches and allow new branches and leaves to thrive. Age is just a number, it cannot determine our future.

The "age table" for the promotion of civil servants has been released, and it is said that there is basically no hope for promotion after a certain age!

Age does have certain restrictions on civil service promotion. However, we must not allow this limitation to be a stumbling block for us to move forward. We should pay more attention to the improvement of our own ability and quality, and continue to learn and progress. Only by constantly improving one's overall quality can one go further and further on the road to promotion.

Civil service promotion is not hopeless. Age is only one factor, not the decisive factor. We should pay attention to our own abilities and qualities, constantly improve ourselves, and make ourselves better. Only in this way will we be able to overcome difficulties and achieve our promotion goals. Just like a tree, it can only thrive if it has gone through the baptism of years.

The "age table" for the promotion of civil servants has been released, and it is said that there is basically no hope for promotion after a certain age!

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