
How to make the best shredded pork with chili? Teach you the detailed method, the meat is tender and fragrant

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: How to make the best shredded pork with chili pepper? Teach you the detailed method, the meat is tender and fragrant

Lean meat many people like to eat, because it is not fat, eat soft and delicious, common dishes are made of lean meat, such as fish fragrant meat shreds, mushroom fried meat slices, boiled meat slices, etc. are very delicious, as long as one of them can eat more than a bowl of rice, I don't know which dish you prefer to eat about lean meat? I believe that many people are obsessed with chili fried meat shreds, buy lean meat and want to buy chili, simple collocation but the best taste, I also like it, do it at least once a week, otherwise I always feel the disadvantages.

How to make the best shredded pork with chili? Teach you the detailed method, the meat is tender and fragrant

Speaking of chili fried shredded meat, if you do not do well, it is easy to appear in these situations, either the shredded meat is not fishy and the taste is poor, or the meat is poor, no matter which situation will make the quality of this dish worse, if you are not fried well, it must be the right method.

How to make the best shredded pork with chili? Many people make mistakes in the first step, resulting in a delicious taste or texture that cannot be made later. Check yourself whether every time you cut the meat well, you are in a hurry to fry, if it is, you have to change this practice, fried lean meat is the most taboo to cut well and fry!

How to make the best shredded pork with chili? Teach you the detailed method, the meat is tender and fragrant

Chili fried shredded meat, the first step is not to make a mistake, teach you the correct method, the meat is tender and tender, the taste is not chai, not fishy.

Let me teach you the detailed method, the meat is tender and tender into the flavor of the rice, take a look at it, follow the steps to do, make sure that you can make soft and tender meat shreds, fragrant at all, with peppers after with a spicy taste, eat good, too delicious.

How to make the best shredded pork with chili? Teach you the detailed method, the meat is tender and fragrant

Steps to prepare for stir-fried shredded pork with chili peppers:

Prepare a piece of lean meat, if there is fascia on the lean meat, then remove it, otherwise it will affect the taste, and then rinse it under water and cut it into thinner shreds.

If the lean meat is not fresh enough, such as lean meat frozen, then it is best to add water to the meat shreds to scratch and wash twice, remove most of the blood water, so that the fried meat shreds are not afraid of a fishy smell, if the lean meat is very fresh This step can be omitted.

Shredded meat do not directly under the pan to fry, do not do it wrong, the correct way is to add shredded meat with seasonings to marinate for a while, to add the bottom flavor of the shredded meat to more flavor, but also to add flavor, so this step to do the right.

How to make the best shredded pork with chili? Teach you the detailed method, the meat is tender and fragrant

Marinating shredded meat is not troublesome, put a little cooking wine, a little salt, a little white pepper into the meat shredded to mix evenly, according to their own preferences can also add soy sauce, oyster sauce, soy sauce, but the overall taste can not be too heavy, to avoid stir-frying too salty is not delicious.

If you use small tenderloin or tenderloin, just add seasoning to taste it, if you use ordinary lean meat, you also need to add a little starch, higher requirements can add egg white and starch, stir well, add cooking oil and marinate for ten minutes.

When marinating shredded meat, peppers and accessories are processed. Peppers can be used with green peppers, you can also use line peppers, and the spiciness is different in taste, so choose according to your preferences.

How to make the best shredded pork with chili? Teach you the detailed method, the meat is tender and fragrant

Wash the chili peppers and cut them into thin strips, cut the ginger into strips, and slice the garlic.

Wok hot oil, pour out hot oil and then add cool oil, burn to 50% heat to pour the shredded meat into the pot to slide and fry, fry until the shredded meat changes color, pay attention to someone who has obviously cured the shredded meat, but still do not eat well, appear in this situation, it is most likely to fry the shredded meat This step is not mastered, if you use the iron pot Please remember the hot pan cold oil, and after adding the cool oil to the pan, it will be fried soft and tender meat, and it is not sticky to the pan.

How to make the best shredded pork with chili? Teach you the detailed method, the meat is tender and fragrant

After the shredded meat has just been fried to change color, immediately add ginger shreds and garlic slices and stir-fry, stir-fry several times and then add chili pepper shreds to stir-fry.

Do not add water in the process of frying, add raw soy sauce, salt, chicken essence after the pepper is broken, stir-fry evenly, you can get out of the pot, so that the pepper fried meat shredded is ready.

If the firepower at home is not enough, you can first put the shredded meat out, fry the pepper and then pour it into the shredded meat and stir-fry, so that you are not afraid to fry the shredded meat.

How to make the best shredded pork with chili? Teach you the detailed method, the meat is tender and fragrant

Don't make a mistake with the first step of stir-fried pork shredded chili! It means that the shredded meat is cut well and does not directly fry under the pot, it should be marinated first, increase the taste and increase the aroma, and at the same time can tender the meat, then do a good job of this step to fry the shredded meat tender and fragrant and flavorful. Have you learned anything about stir-fried shredded pork with chili peppers? Find time to try it out, and you can be sure that you can succeed at once. Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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