
The heroes in life may live like villains

author:Xiao Xiao's Eating and Eating Travelogue


I prefer "villains" who make a difference to "gentlemen" who don't do anything.

Gentlemen are always high above and disdain to do some "flattering" livelihood skills, so they either run into walls everywhere or can only embrace arrogance and so-called incorruptibility and be isolated by the environment and do nothing, they value themselves more than justice, rather than doing something, and do not want to cause dust.

The heroes in life may live like villains

And the villain is different. They can think very low of themselves, in order to do something, they don't mind "cliché" themselves, "please" others, you may look down on them, but their "following the crowd" allows them to do a lot of things relatively smoothly in the general environment without offending others, and trying to reduce the obstruction of their own functions.

Why do we always look at people and look away? Because we care too much about what the other person says rather than what they do.

The heroes in life may live like villains

Lei Jiayin in the movie, coaxing his wife at home, coaxing leaders outside, basically talking softly when he sees people, all kinds of ways of living that do not offend people, no matter how you look at it, you will not think that he can do anything big.

On the contrary, the hard-headed Gao Ye gives people a sense of justice that can make things happen. The result?

It's useless to speak hard and upright, but hard and soft in your heart, and the key is to use all your strength to help yourself succeed, rather than forcing the world to be your enemy.

The heroes in life may live like villains

Lei Jiayin's strength is his thoughtfulness and transparency. His wife asked him to apologize for bringing people wine, and as a prosecutor, he may have violated discipline by doing so. But he followed his wife and did not expose her ignorance and unreasonableness to her face, but secretly exchanged the wine for a fruit basket. It did not lead to more serious family conflicts. He knew that his wife was not an enemy, and that husband and wife should be united with each other.

Many times, in the face of the emotional catharsis of his wife who does not understand the law, he only adopts the principle of coaxing his own woman, tries to be muddy, does not take the truth, does not educate, does not reason, and does not hurt feelings.

In the face of his colleague Gao Ye's various case-handling encounters, he is also trying to reconcile the contradictions and make the work at hand better promoted.

The heroes in life may live like villains

It's true: not a family, not a family. He understands the law and uses his functions to help others, his warm-hearted wife and chivalrous nature, and his son helps in the face of school bullying.

What do we do when the cost of being a good person remains high?

The heroes in life may live like villains

In the face of the ruthlessness of the law, in the face of the methods of the bad guys, in the face of the pressure of public opinion, you can still see the tears of the weak, and strive to change the unfair fate of the behavior, even a fair word, a stand up to protect the molested girl, a speech to awaken human compassion, all have the energy of "creation of the world". Don't underestimate yourself, your actions are changing the world. Because you and I are the world.

The heroes in life may live like villains

The reality is not what it would be: everything that is right has a price. Human beings can be self-actualizing: they can't stop doing it because it comes at a cost.

The heroes in life may live like villains

When the "bad" accumulates to a certain extent, the "good" can be broken as long as it continues.

The heroes in life may live like villains

With a soft attitude, when he seized the opportunity, he won so beautifully: the law cannot make concessions to the law, what we do is not a case, it is someone else's life.

The heroes in life may live like villains

Article 20: Justifiable Defence. Finally, all the harm caused by righteous and courageous actions can be treated as righteous acts.

The world we live in has to be guarded by ourselves. A good person's life is not an empty word, it is a promise.