
The elderly often drink milk, which is easy to cause two diseases? Doctor: Milk should be drunk like this

author:Global Sharp Eye

The winter sun shone through the window on the dining table, and Lieber held a glass of hot milk as usual, his face full of satisfaction. But lately, this glass of milk seems to be less "fragrant". (Editor: Lubei)

The elderly often drink milk, which is easy to cause two diseases? Doctor: Milk should be drunk like this

Every time he finished drinking, his stomach was always a little fussy, which made him wonder: "My old body is bone, can't even drink milk?"

The wife next to him also noticed his discomfort and whispered, "Why don't you go to the hospital and take a look, don't have something wrong." ”

Li Bo nodded, but he was muttering in his heart: Is it really old that you have to be careful when you even drink milk?


When it comes to milk, this white liquid is synonymous with health and nutrition in many people's minds.

Especially for the elderly, milk is often regarded as a good product for calcium supplementation and physical fitness.

The benefits of milk are mentioned in the classic Chinese medicine book "Compendium of Materia Medica", saying that it can "replenish deficiency, benefit the lungs and stomach, and nourish the intestines".

The elderly often drink milk, which is easy to cause two diseases? Doctor: Milk should be drunk like this

Milk is rich in nutrients such as protein, fat, minerals, and vitamins, which play an important role in maintaining the health of the elderly.

Calcium, in particular, is indispensable for the prevention of osteoporosis in the elderly.

However, it is precisely because of these benefits of milk that many people ignore its risks when ingesting it.

Excessive or improper consumption of milk may lead to a number of health problems.

Therefore, when the elderly drink milk, they must consume it in moderation according to their own conditions and avoid excessive consumption.


1. Stone risk and calcium intake

The calcium in milk is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is an important ingredient for maintaining bone health, and on the other hand, excessive calcium intake may increase the risk of stones.

When the body consumes more calcium than it needs, the excess calcium is excreted in the urine, and in the process, the calcium may combine with substances such as oxalic acid to form stones.

The elderly often drink milk, which is easy to cause two diseases? Doctor: Milk should be drunk like this

In order to avoid this risk, the elderly should pay attention to the amount of milk when drinking it and adjust it according to their own situation.

In general, drinking one to two glasses of milk per day is enough to meet your body's calcium needs.

In addition, the elderly can also choose low-calcium milk or eat it with other foods to reduce the risk of stones.

2. Lactose intolerance and digestive problems

As we age, the body's ability to digest lactose gradually weakens, resulting in uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea after ingesting milk containing lactose.

In response to this problem, the elderly can choose lactose-free or lactose-reduced milk products to avoid discomfort.

The elderly often drink milk, which is easy to cause two diseases? Doctor: Milk should be drunk like this

In addition, drinking milk with other foods can also help reduce the symptoms of lactose intolerance.

If symptoms are severe or persistent, it is advisable to seek medical attention and seek professional help promptly.

3. Risk of milk-drug interactions

Many older people have chronic medical conditions that require long-term medication. In this case, drinking milk may interact with certain medications, affecting the effectiveness of the drug.

For example, the calcium in milk may combine with tetracycline antibiotics to form insoluble substances that reduce the absorption rate of the drug;

The elderly often drink milk, which is easy to cause two diseases? Doctor: Milk should be drunk like this

The protein in milk may bind to iron to form complexes, which affect iron absorption.

Therefore, the elderly should pay attention to the time interval with drinking milk during the period of taking the drug and avoid consuming it at the same time.

If you have any concerns or discomfort, please consult your doctor promptly so that you can adjust your medication and diet regimen.


On the road to health and wellness, milk has always been regarded as an indispensable nutritional product. However, for the elderly, drinking milk is not as simple as "drinking it".

They need to enjoy the benefits of milk while smartly avoiding potential health risks.

Quantity controlled:

One to two cups of milk a day is enough to meet their nutritional needs. Excessive consumption not only fails to absorb more nutrients, but may increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, and even cause a series of health problems.

Therefore, when the elderly drink milk, they should learn to stop in moderation and not be greedy.

The elderly often drink milk, which is easy to cause two diseases? Doctor: Milk should be drunk like this

Choose the right product:

Among the wide variety of milk varieties on the market, there are low-calcium, lactose-free milk products specially designed for the elderly.

These products not only take into account the special calcium needs of the elderly, but also avoid the occurrence of lactose intolerance and other problems.

When choosing milk, the elderly should make an informed choice based on their own health and nutritional needs.

Avoid drinking on an empty stomach:

In the fasting state, the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract has limited ability to absorb nutrients in milk, and it is easy to cause uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea.

Therefore, it is best for the elderly to eat some food to cushion their stomachs before drinking milk, or to eat it with other foods at breakfast and dinner.

This not only ensures that the nutrients in the milk are fully absorbed, but also reduces the burden on the stomach and intestines.

The elderly often drink milk, which is easy to cause two diseases? Doctor: Milk should be drunk like this

Warm is preferred:

Since the gastrointestinal tract of older people is relatively weak, milk that is too cold or too hot can cause irritation to their gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, warm milk is the best choice. Warm milk not only helps digestion and absorption, but also relieves gastrointestinal discomfort in the elderly to a certain extent.


Milk, as a standout in daily beverages, its nutritional value is self-evident.

However, the clever combination of milk with other foods can not only make the nutrition more complete, but also make the taste brand new, bringing a lot of surprises to the taste buds of the elderly.

Milk + Cereal:

A steaming bowl of cereal is perfectly combined with milk to provide both a rich dose of dietary fiber and a multivitamin supplement.

Such a breakfast not only allows the elderly to be fully nourished, but also brings them a good mood for the day.

The elderly often drink milk, which is easy to cause two diseases? Doctor: Milk should be drunk like this

Milk + dates:

Red dates have been a good product for nourishing qi and blood since ancient times, and the combination with milk complements each other.

When jujubes are cooked, they are mixed with warm milk for a silky texture and a soothing effect on sleep.

For the elderly, this combination is undoubtedly the best choice of drinks in the evening, so that they can enjoy the delicious food while also having a restful sleep.

Milk + Walnuts:

Walnuts, known as the "fruit of brain health", are rich in a variety of nutrients that have immeasurable benefits for the brain health of the elderly.

Mashing walnuts and sprinkling them into milk not only adds a unique taste, but also instantly increases the nutritional value of the milk.

Such a combination not only helps to delay aging, but also allows the elderly to feel the beauty of life while tasting delicious food.

The elderly often drink milk, which is easy to cause two diseases? Doctor: Milk should be drunk like this

In short, although it is good for the elderly to drink milk, they also need to pay attention to the way they drink it and choose products that are suitable for them.

At the same time, the elderly should also flexibly adjust their diet plan according to their own situation, maintain balanced and diversified nutrition, so as to better enjoy their old age.