
The doctor sighed: stop square dancing like this, wait until you have this disease, and then regret it too late!

author:Plum osmanthus

Mr. Li, a 62-year-old Shijiazhuang resident who is keen on square dancing, insists on at least two hours of dance exercise every day, with a particular preference for stomping his feet and shaking his legs. During one of the dances, he experienced discomfort in his chest, but did not pay attention to it. Overnight, the pressure in the chest increased instead of decreasing, accompanied by dyspnea. His family rushed him to the respiratory department of Shijiazhuang Third Hospital, where he was diagnosed with pulmonary embolism. Mr. Li and his family find it difficult to understand the situation of a pulmonary embolism caused by dancing. The doctor explained that Mr. Li's condition was due to the violent movements of dancing that caused the venous thrombosis in his lower limbs to break off, which led to the occurrence of pulmonary embolism.

The doctor sighed: stop square dancing like this, wait until you have this disease, and then regret it too late!

The prevalence and risks of square dancing

Group dance activities are very popular in China and have become the choice of daily entertainment and exercise for many citizens. It combines the benefits of social interaction with physical activity and attracts a large number of enthusiastic participants. This kind of activity not only helps to increase social connections and expand networking, but also improves social skills. As an effective aerobic exercise, it strengthens the heart and lungs, improves flexibility and overall coordination, and brings a range of benefits including muscle strengthening, improved heart health and improved metabolism.

Despite this, the popularity and widespread participation of group dances comes with certain health risks. On the one hand, these activities often take place in public spaces, which can lead to crowding and accidental collisions, increasing the risk of injury, such as sprains or falls. Participants need to be aware at all times to reduce the likelihood of accidents. On the other hand, dances that involve strenuous movements and jumps may put pressure on bones and joints, and long-term engagement may lead to problems such as arthritis and ligament damage, especially in middle-aged and elderly groups, which need to be more sensitive to such risks. Therefore, it is important to choose the appropriate intensity of action to avoid overload.

The doctor sighed: stop square dancing like this, wait until you have this disease, and then regret it too late!

In addition, vigorous dancing is also a big test for the cardiovascular system. High-intensity exercise can lead to an increased burden on the heart and pose a potential risk to patients with cardiovascular disease. Be hyperactive when faced with symptoms such as overwork, palpitation, or shortness of breath, which may be a warning sign of a cardiovascular condition. People at high risk of cardiovascular problems are advised to conduct a health assessment and seek medical advice before joining the dance to ensure a safe activity.

The doctor sighed: stop square dancing like this, wait until you have this disease, and then regret it too late!

How can you dance a square dance in a healthy way?

With the increase of age, the central muscle groups of the human body gradually decline, especially by the age of 60, the muscle mass may be reduced by nearly 30% compared with the age of 20 or 30. Therefore, caution must be taken when performing a larger range of exercise to avoid injury, as the cost of injury may outweigh the benefits of the exercise. In any form of exercise, including dancing, it should be ensured that the maximum heart rate limit of the individual is not exceeded. Maximum heart rate can generally be estimated by subtracting chronological age from the formula 220, but for those who are usually inactive or physically weak, adjusting to 200 minus chronological age may be more appropriate. A thorough warm-up is essential before starting any exercise, which includes movement of the knees, neck, and shoulders to quickly prepare the body and thus reduce the risk of injury.

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