
Sales doubled in 30 days, Xingyue L: As long as the price is cheap, there is no car that can't be sold

Sales doubled in 30 days, Xingyue L: As long as the price is cheap, there is no car that can't be sold

If it is counted from July 2023 to November, the sales of Xingyue L have been steadily rising, from the initial 13,894 units to 22,207 units in November.

Sales doubled in 30 days, Xingyue L: As long as the price is cheap, there is no car that can't be sold

It's just that in December, the sales of Xingyue L fell sharply to 10,075 units, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the sales fell off a cliff. Fortunately, the downturn was short-lived, and in January 2024, the sales of Xingyue L rose to 23,387 units, doubling sales in 30 days, and even higher than the sales in previous months.

Sales doubled in 30 days, Xingyue L: As long as the price is cheap, there is no car that can't be sold

So the question is, why did the sales of Xingyue L climb from the trough to the peak in a short period of time, and the author will talk to you about it below.

In December 2023, the decline in sales of Xingyue L must be affected by the news that the 2024 Xingyue L will be launched, everyone is looking forward to the new model, and the decline in love for the old model is a normal thing, it is a market behavior, and there is no need to interpret it too much.

Sales doubled in 30 days, Xingyue L: As long as the price is cheap, there is no car that can't be sold

On January 11, 2024, the 2024 Geely Xingyue L was officially launched, with a guide price of 137,200-155,200 yuan. Such an affordable price is quite fragrant for an SUV with a wheelbase of 2845mm, and the models in the same price range are Haval H6, Changan CS75 PLUS, Binzhi, XR-V and other models. In comparison, the body size of Xingyue L is larger, and the momentum and face effect brought by it are also better, so it is naturally more worrying about sales.

Sales doubled in 30 days, Xingyue L: As long as the price is cheap, there is no car that can't be sold

In other aspects, Xingyue L's strength is not bad.

For example, the 2024 Xingyue L's two-wheel drive comfort model has a guide price of 137,200 yuan. As the entry-level model of the whole series, it uses a power combination of 2.0T + 7DCT, and although it is a low-power engine, it also has 218 hp and 325 Nm of torque. On the other hand, the Haval H6 at the same price is 1.5T+7DCT, with a maximum horsepower of 184 horsepower and a peak torque of 275N·m, as for Changan CS75 PLUS, it is also a power combination of 1.5T+8AT, with a maximum horsepower of 188 horsepower and a peak torque of 300N·m.

Sales doubled in 30 days, Xingyue L: As long as the price is cheap, there is no car that can't be sold

I have to admit that the product highlights of the Xingyue L series equipped with 2.0T engines have indeed added a lot of style to its models at the same price, and it has also further increased its own sales.

The only point that Xingyue L two-wheel drive comfort is that the intelligent configuration is low, lacking L2 intelligent driving assistance system, as well as 360° panoramic image, electric trunk auxiliary comfort configuration. If you want to have a more comfortable experience, you need to raise your budget a little and choose luxury and prestige.

Sales doubled in 30 days, Xingyue L: As long as the price is cheap, there is no car that can't be sold

Xingyue L can sell well in January, in addition to the low price and the strength of its own products, it is also inseparable from the time.

January is the eve of the Spring Festival, which belongs to the traditional peak season of the auto market, and the 2024 Xingyue L happened to be launched at this time. Consumers already have a demand for car purchases, coupled with the help of car companies and 4S stores in the back, the sales of Xingyue L will naturally rise.

Sales doubled in 30 days, Xingyue L: As long as the price is cheap, there is no car that can't be sold

All in all, the sales of Xingyue L doubled in 30 days, mainly because the new model maintained the strategy of low prices of the old model, coupled with the huge body size and 2.0T power system of Xingyue L, so that consumers feel that it is a cost-effective model. In addition, the sharp rise in sales of Xingyue L has indeed caught up with a good time, supplemented by the preferential policies given to it by car companies and 4S stores, and the sales of Xingyue L have naturally risen all the way. (Text/Youshi Auto forward)

Note: The picture comes from the Internet, the rights belong to the original author, thank you together! This article only represents the author's personal views and does not represent the position of Youshi Auto.

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