
Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: Blood vessels, this seemingly insignificant tissue and organ, actually play a vital role in our body, they are like the city's transportation network, criss-cross, the source of life - blood, to every corner of the body, it is these tiny pipes that ensure that our body can function normally and maintain the vitality of life.

Imagine how terrible the consequences will be when there is a problem with the circulatory system and all parts of the body are not getting enough blood and nutrients.

In recent years, cardiovascular diseases have gradually become a major killer of human health, although most cardiovascular diseases are chronic, but if not taken seriously, the consequences are unimaginable.

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

A remarkable Japanese research report pointed out that the choice of breakfast is inextricably linked to vascular health, which makes us wonder why breakfast has such a profound impact on blood vessels.

Breakfast, as the most important meal of the day, is of great importance. However, many people do not pay much attention to the choice of breakfast and often do it hastily.

As everyone knows, such habits are quietly eroding our vascular health. So, what is the connection between breakfast and hardening of the arteries? The reasons behind this are worth exploring in depth.

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

What harm will arteriosclerosis bring us?

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

In this case, the heart needs greater strength to pump blood, which increases the burden on the heart and easily leads to heart disease, myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


Arteriosclerosis will make the blood vessel wall inelastic, thereby affecting the constriction and diastolic function of blood vessels, which will lead to the failure of the regulatory mechanism of blood pressure, so that blood pressure continues to rise, and eventually lead to hypertension, which is an important risk factor for many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

Thrombus formation

Arteriosclerosis will make the inner wall of blood vessels rough, easy to attach platelets and other components in the blood, forming blood clots, blood clots will block blood vessels, resulting in insufficient blood supply, and in severe cases, may lead to myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and other fatal diseases.

Decline in organ function

Hardening of the arteries affects the blood supply to various organs throughout the body, leading to a decline in organ function. For example, the kidneys need enough blood to maintain their function, and hardening of the arteries can affect the blood supply to the kidneys, leading to impaired kidney function. Similarly, organs such as the brain and eyes can also be affected by hardening of the arteries, resulting in functional decline.

Cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease

Hardening of the arteries affects the blood supply to the brain, leading to hypoxia and ischemia in the brain, which can affect the normal function of the brain and cause problems such as cognitive impairment and memory loss. In severe cases, it may also lead to the occurrence of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

Stick to eating breakfast to bring these 4 benefits to the body

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it provides us with the energy and nutrients we need to start our day. However, many people overlook the importance of breakfast due to time constraints or other reasons, in fact, sticking to breakfast can bring many benefits, here are the top four of them;

1. Eating breakfast can increase metabolic rate

The food consumed for breakfast stimulates our metabolism and accelerates the body's energy expenditure. This helps us manage our weight and reduce the risk of obesity. In addition, breakfast can also provide the body with the nutrients it needs to help us stay healthy.

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

2. Eating breakfast can enhance immunity

The nutrients in breakfast, such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals, are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, and by consuming these nutrients, we can strengthen the body's resistance and reduce the risk of contracting diseases.

3. Eating breakfast consistently can improve mental health

Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast are more likely to maintain emotional stability and reduce the likelihood of anxiety and depression. This may be because the food in our breakfast provides the energy and nutrients we need, making us more energetic to cope with the challenges of everyday life.

4. Eating breakfast can improve concentration and concentration

Breakfast provides the brain with the energy and nutrients it needs, allowing us to focus more on work and study. Studies have found that students who eat breakfast are more likely to concentrate in class and have better academic performance.

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

The Japanese research team has deeply explored the problem of vascular aging in the human body, especially the relationship between dietary habits and vascular health.

Japan, a country that places a strong emphasis on health, has an average life expectancy of 87 years, thanks in large part to the meticulous management of their lifestyles.

Despite the fact that Japan is an aging country, life expectancy continues to increase, which is undoubtedly related to its unique diet and lifestyle habits.

The results of the study show that the act of skipping breakfast has a profound impact on health, and when people consume too much food at lunch or dinner, the body is exposed to a large amount of fat and calorie accumulation.

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

Not only does this lead to weight gain, but more importantly, it increases blood concentration, putting a heavy strain on the cardiovascular system, in which case people tend to overeat at lunch or dinner, further exacerbating the accumulation of calories in the body.

In the long term, this dietary pattern can lead to abnormal increases in blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar, which are important risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and over time, blood vessels can gradually "harden" and lose their original elasticity and function.

On the other hand, if you regularly consume high-fat, high-calorie foods for breakfast, it will also cause cardiovascular damage, make blood vessels become more stiff and lose their due elasticity, these consequences are quite serious, so the close relationship between breakfast and vascular health has been fully confirmed.

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

What foods to eat for breakfast to help care for blood vessels?

As the most important meal of the day, breakfast is essential for our physical health, especially for those who want to take care of their vascular health, choosing the right breakfast food is especially important.

The following 6 foods are not only delicious but also rich in nutrients that are good for blood vessels, making them ideal for breakfast.


Oats are a food rich in soluble fiber, which helps lower blood cholesterol levels, which reduces the risk of clogged blood vessels. In addition, oats are rich in vitamins and minerals that provide comprehensive nutritional support to the body.


Blueberries are known as "superfoods" and are extremely high in antioxidants and vitamin C. These ingredients can help reduce free radical damage to blood vessels and protect the integrity of blood vessel walls.

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly


Such as almonds, walnuts, etc., are rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber. These ingredients all help lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health.

green tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, such as catechins, which help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which protects blood vessels from damage.


Salmon is a fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are extremely beneficial for cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke while keeping blood vessels elastic and patencious.

Whole wheat bread

Whole-grain bread is rich in fiber and B vitamins, which help maintain normal blood sugar and blood lipid levels, which reduces pressure on blood vessels.

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

What should I do in my daily life to maintain blood vessels?

Get regular aerobic exercise

Exercise can help us maintain a healthy weight, lower blood pressure and blood sugar, improve cardiopulmonary function, aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can promote blood circulation, reduce thrombosis, and help maintain vascular health.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol

Both smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can cause serious damage to blood vessels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, so we should quit smoking as early as possible and limit alcohol intake to protect our vascular health.

Maintain a good routine

Adequate sleep and regular work and rest can help regulate body functions, reduce blood pressure and heart rate, reduce the burden on blood vessels, and avoid bad work and rest habits such as staying up late and overwork, so that blood vessels can be fully rested and repaired.

Learn to release stress

Long-term stress and anxiety can have a negative impact on blood vessels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, so you should learn to adjust your mindset and release stress and maintain a happy mood through meditation, yoga, reading, etc.

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

Extension: If there are 6 symptoms in the body, or the blood vessels encounter "roadblocks", don't ignore them

Blood vessels are important transport channels in the human body, carrying key elements such as blood, oxygen and nutrients, and once they are blocked, they can have a serious impact on health.

1. If you often feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, it may be a sign that the blood vessels are blocked, the blood flow is not smooth, and the heart cannot get enough oxygen and nutrients, which will cause symptoms such as chest tightness and shortness of breath.

2. Persistent headache may also be a manifestation of blood vessel obstruction, when the blood vessel is compressed or blocked, it will cause insufficient blood supply to the brain, resulting in headache.

3. If you find that your hands and feet are often numb and cold, this may be a sign of poor blood circulation, when the blood vessels are blocked, the blood cannot flow smoothly to the limbs, resulting in numbness and coldness in the hands and feet.

Japanese research has found that the reason for the "hardening" of blood vessels may be related to breakfast, and it is recommended to understand it clearly

4. Blurred vision may also be a sign of blocked blood vessels, the retina needs sufficient blood supply to maintain clear vision, when the blood vessels are blocked, it will affect the blood supply of the retina, resulting in blurred vision.

5. Frequent dizziness and unstable gait may also be a manifestation of vascular obstruction, which may be due to insufficient blood supply to the brain caused by vascular obstruction, which affects the body's sense of balance and coordination.

6. If you find that you are prone to fatigue and physical strength, this may also be a signal that blood vessels are blocked, blood is an important carrier to provide energy and nutrients, when blood vessels are blocked, it will affect the body's energy supply and metabolic level, resulting in fatigue and decreased physical strength.

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