
If you don't know how to lead a team, you can only be tired to death

author:Jiang Xiaohua Management

Introduction: Build an efficient team, master the secret of leading the team, and lead the road to success!

In this lightning-fast modern business battlefield, countless managers are behind bars and exhausted.

They went around fighting fires, but found that they were getting more and more tired, and the team's performance was like a dou who couldn't be helped, which was very disappointing.

At the same time, leaders who operate efficiently and effortlessly feel like they're in another world, enjoying the fun and fruits of their work.

Why is that?

There is only one answer: they don't know how to lead a team, and they are doomed to die of exhaustion.


Stick to one philosophy

Develop problem-solvers

The first task of leading a team is not to solve all problems, but to develop a group of people who are good at solving problems.

Therefore, managers are not problem solvers, but cultivators of problem solvers.

A good manager should be a coach and mentor

Like a skilled sculptor, he sculpts each team member with his heart and brings out the best in them, allowing them to think independently and act decisively when faced with problems.

Through empowerment, training, and facilitation, managers gradually inject problem-solving skills into the blood of team members, so that they can feel confident and comfortable in the face of challenges.

In this way, managers can be freed from trivial affairs, stand on a higher mountaintop, overlook the overall situation, and strategize.

If you don't know how to lead a team, you can only be tired to death


Avoid a misconception

Leading by example is not being a babysitter

Leading by example is the golden sign of managers, but this does not mean that they have to be like nannies who take care of everything.

Being overly involved in the work of the team will not only deprive team members of opportunities for growth, but also make them become dependents and lose the ability to think independently and solve problems.

The role of managers is to be a leader, a supporter, not a replacement.

They should be like a wise mentor, guiding team members to move forward in exploration and grow in challenges.

Learning to let go and allowing team members to exercise and sharpen in the process of taking responsibility is the real wisdom to do.


Follow the five-digit principle

Be the best manager you can be

To be an exceptional manager, you must follow these five principles:

1. Positioning: Precise and clear responsibilities.

Managers need to be clear about their roles and missions, focus on key issues, and avoid getting bogged down in trivial matters. Only by doing the right thing can you ensure that your team is on the right track.

The reality of many companies is that responsibilities are not clear, resulting in duplication or omission of work.

Therefore, managers need to clearly outline their core responsibilities and key performance indicators (KPIs)

And communicate regularly with superiors and subordinates to ensure that responsibilities are understood consistently, avoid micro-management, and focus only on the issues that have the greatest impact on the team and the company.

2. Low: Humility, going deep into the grassroots.

Put your head down, mingle with your teammates, and learn more about their work and life.

This allows for more realistic decisions and makes the team more comfortable in battle. The reality is often that information transmission is distorted, and grassroots voices cannot be uploaded.

Therefore, it is recommended to communicate one-on-one with grassroots employees at least once a month to understand the actual work.

Also, participate in the team's daily meetings to understand the dynamics of the frontline.

At the same time, team building activities are regularly organized to enhance team cohesion.

If you don't know how to lead a team, you can only be tired to death

3. Transposition: more points, altruism.

Put yourself in the shoes of your team members and understand their needs and expectations.

Through empathy, the sense of trust and belonging of team members is enhanced, so that the team can radiate infinite strength in harmony and collaboration.

The reality is that decisions are too self-serving and ignore the interests of the team.

Therefore, before making decisions, think from the perspective of employees, customers, and partners, and encourage the reversal of roles within the team to enhance mutual understanding.

When allocating resources, ensure that they are fair and reasonable.

4. In place: Execution, ensuring results.

Be result-oriented and ensure that the team's work can be completed with quality and quantity.

This requires the establishment of an effective monitoring mechanism and evaluation criteria to ensure that the team's execution and delivery capabilities reach their peak.

Many of the practical problems are that the progress of the work is lagging behind and the quality is not up to standard.

The effective approach for managers is to set clear and measurable work goals. The second is to regularly check the progress of the work to ensure that it is carried out as planned.

The third is to conduct an objective evaluation of the results, with clear rewards and punishments.

5. Filling: Timely and never dismantle.

When team members encounter difficulties or mistakes, managers should stand up in time to provide support and help.

Maintain the unity and cohesion of the team, so that the team is more indestructible in battle.

Especially in cross-departmental collaboration, it is necessary to fill the position in time and never dismantle it.


Achieve the goal of eight modernizations

Lead your team to victory

In order for the team to stand out in the fierce market competition, the following ten goals must be achieved:

1. Management: Ruthless

Establish an iron-faced and selfless management system to ensure that team members strictly abide by discipline and regulations.

When the system is poorly enforced, it leads to internal chaos.

Of course, ruthless management is not ruthless, but requires managers to be unrelenting in defending the interests of their teams.

At the same time, in strict accordance with the assessment mechanism, the award should be rewarded heavily, and the punishment should be severely punished.

If you don't know how to lead a team, you can only be tired to death

2. System: ruthlessness

The ruthless system requires us to be impartial and non-favoritist in the implementation process, so that everyone can feel the power of fairness and justice.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish a sound system to ensure that the work of the team has rules to follow and laws to follow.

At the same time, there must be laws to follow, violations must be investigated, and there is no human affection to talk about.

3. Process: Keep it simple

Simple processes help team members quickly grasp the essentials of their work, improve work efficiency and execution.

Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the work process, remove cumbersome links and unnecessary steps, and make the work more efficient and smooth.

Simplicity is beauty, simplicity is easy to execute, and complex processes are destined to be difficult to implement.

4. Work: Standardization

Standardized work helps to improve the professional image and service quality of the team, so that customers and partners are more trusted and satisfied.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop clear work standards and norms to ensure that the quality of the team's work reaches the industry-leading level.

5. Goal: Focus

Focusing on goals helps team members form a common sense of values and purpose, and inspires endless combat effectiveness and creativity.

Therefore, clarify the core goals and strategic direction of the team, and concentrate all efforts to overcome difficulties.

The general hurried and did not chase the rabbit.

When executing, it is extremely important for managers to guide the team to focus on the most important goals.

There is also a sentence, which I have said dozens of times, that the goal is engraved on a steel plate, and the plan is written on the sand.

If you don't know how to lead a team, you can only be tired to death

6. Rewards and punishments: transparency

Transparent rewards and punishments help motivate team members to be motivated and competitive, allowing them to work harder and harder.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish an open and transparent reward and punishment mechanism to ensure that the efforts of team members are proportional to the returns.

It can be said that transparency is an incentive in itself.

7. Decision-making: democratization

Democratic decision-making helps to ensure that the team's decision-making is more scientific, reasonable and feasible, so that everyone can contribute their wisdom and strength to the development of the team.

At the same time, it can give employees a sense of participation and achievement.

Therefore, team members should be encouraged to actively participate in the decision-making process and fully listen to their opinions and suggestions.

8. Leadership: Warmth

Warm leadership helps to enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the team, so that the team is more determined and brave in battle.

As a manager, we should care about the growth and development of our team members, and provide them with a warm working environment and humanistic care.

There is a very domineering and warm sentence: to be good to the employee, so good that the employee is reluctant to leave, to train the employee, to train him to be strong enough to leave at any time.

This is a phrase said by the chairman of Virgin Multinationals.

✎ Write at the end

Remember: "One person goes fast, a group of people goes far." ”

In this era full of challenges and opportunities, only by mastering the method of leading the team can we lead the team to glory.