
Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

author:The annals of bamboo cultivation

Are mulattos really better?

In recent years, the topic of mixed-race babies has always been accompanied by the emergence of words such as "good looks" and "high intelligence", which seems to have become a "new trend".

However, the truth is quite the opposite.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

From a scientific point of view, there is no evidence that mixed blood is superior to purebreds, but it has been shown to be flawed in many ways.

So where does the argument about the advantages of "mixed races" come from?

What kind of unknown "conspiracy" is hidden behind this?

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years


Nowadays, it is indeed different from the old era, people advocate the freedom of marriage and love, the freedom of reproduction, in short, no matter what the choice is, it is the freedom of the individual.

However, should this be based on a sufficiently comprehensive understanding?

When some big bloggers promote how good mixed-race babies are through the Internet, but never mention the risks, to a certain extent, it is undoubtedly a misleading to the masses.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

Based on this situation, there are only two possibilities, one is that his cultural knowledge is too lacking, and the other is that this person has no good intentions at all.

On this earth, human beings are divided into four different races based on the color of their skin, which are yellow, white, black, and brown.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

We are all distributed in different parts of the earth, and we are treated as equals, and there is no such thing as being more noble than the other, but there are obvious differences in physiology.

Some scientists have done relevant experiments and have come to the exact conclusion that human IQ is directly related to brain capacity.

This is not hearsay, but is shared by many scientists.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

In addition, there is also the belief that "the most complete evolution is the yellow race, and the corresponding IQ is also the highest".

This conclusion was once stated by the American scientist Watson, who must know that he is the "father of DNA" who has won the Nobel Prize.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

The reason why I say this is because there is another term for the yellow race, that is, the East Asian race, which refers specifically to the people in the Asian region, such as China, South Korea, etc.

And people of the yellow race like us have scientifically proven that their IQ is higher than that of other races.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

Yes, you read that right.

The average IQ of the yellow race is in the range of 105-120, while the average IQ of the white race is relatively low at 90-100, and the average IQ of the black race is even lower, only 60-80.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

This also confirms what I said earlier, our pure yellow people in genetics are the most complete statement about the development and evolution that affects the flexibility of the brain.

However, if you want to involve half-breeds, you have to use the theory of biology.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years


Take the example of hybrid rice, people and rice are the same, and their inherent genes are good and bad.

Two different kinds of rice, under the operation of scientists, are constantly interbreeding with each other, and the problem of genetic inheritance is random and cannot be intervened by humans.

This leads to many possibilities for breeding results, either inheriting genes that are completely different from both, or inheriting a good and a bad one, and finally a variety that is good in all aspects.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

Needless to say, scientists will only leave behind high-quality new varieties, and as for the inferior rice in the course of the experiment, it will only end up being destroyed.

But this truth can be applied to human beings, no matter what the situation of the mixed-race children born, there can only be one ending, that is, to be hard and big.

In this sense, we should think about it, why do we only see the advantages of mixed-race children in our daily life, but we don't realize whether they are risky or not?

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

On this basis, it is assumed that the intelligence of mixed-race children is calculated in a mathematical way.

When the yellow race and the white race fall in love, the offspring they give birth to are very likely to be pulled down, and it can only be said that the hope of breaking through to higher is very slim.

Take the lowest average of the former of 105 and the highest average of 100 of the latter, and their mixed-race babies are also hovering around 102.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

If you change to a black person, it can only fall below 100, and so on.

Some people may think that low will not be low, but it is not surprising that it is a single-digit difference.

It can only be said that such an idea is very wrong.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

You know, IQ is expressed in percentage points, and the difference in a number will be huge in practice.

If you think about it carefully, you can understand that these percentage points are all the results of the evolution of our primitive ancestors over hundreds of years.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

It is not difficult to judge that yellow people are obviously more intelligent than mixed-race people, and a person's IQ has an absolute relationship with his parents.

As the saying goes, only the original and a good copy can be intact.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years


From a practical point of view, foreigners often have milk allergies, nut allergies, etc., which are always prone to various physical discomforts.

But looking back at the Chinese around us, this is rarely the case.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

Not only that, as far as fox odor is concerned, 95% of Chinese do not have such a phenomenon, while white people in Europe and the United States are diametrically opposed, and nearly 90% of them have fox odor.

Not to mention the black Africans, the fox smell covers almost 100 percent.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

In addition, fox odor is a dominant genetic factor, in other words, mixed-race babies are very likely to have such defects.

Here, of course, individual talents of mixed-race babies are not excluded.

Just like the athletes we are familiar with, Gu Ailing who skis, Curry who plays basketball, etc., they are all mixed-race children, they have all won championships and have a long face for their country.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

I just want to say that when you see these excellent examples, don't forget to think about those "failure cases" that are not shown in front of people.

A netizen once said that he was married to a pure British Caucasians, but he was hit hard in terms of childbearing.

Their first child was not only congenitally deaf, but also severely autistic.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

Perhaps unwilling to do so, they then had a second child, but it didn't seem like a good decision.

Because the second child is not healthy, but suffers from congenital asthma, it can be said that the couple is exhausted by this.

In the days to come, just thinking about it will make people scared for a while.

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years

Looking at it this way, do you feel that you are quite lucky, so why should we envy others?

Of course, a mixed-race baby has a high appearance, but he does not represent everything, so everything has its two sides and is half and half.

Speaking of which, I just want to break people's beautiful filter for mixed-race children, have an objective and scientific understanding of this matter, do not over-package it, and believe that every baby is good, and your baby is better!

Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood, mixed blood hybridization may be a "conspiracy" that has been sealed in the dust for more than 100 years


1. The Paper, "Anti-Black" Nationalism: Gender/Gender, Fertility and Disease Metaphors

2. Fast Technology "Half-breeds are all beautiful, you are too naïve"

3., "Don't be superstitious about the advantage of mixed blood! Mixed blood hybridization is actually a conspiracy that has been sealed for more than 100 years"