
24. After being electrically adjusted to "raise fish", I chose to become a sea king!

author:Mizuki Laboratory NERO

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Never miss a piece of electrical postgraduate employment information!

Hello everyone, this is Luoyan Electric, and I am your NERO senior.

With the opening of the adjustment intention collection system, candidates who regretted not being on the list began to find a way in the direction of adjustment. However, with the progress of the adjustment work, it may be found that the 24 adjustment is rolling and deep, especially in the major of electrical engineering, which has become more and more competitive in recent years, and it is even more difficult to transfer to a favorite school.

Today, the senior will take you into the "big fish pond" of electrical dispensing~

Is the water really deep in the electrical dispensing fish pond?

In the current education and employment environment, the competition in the popular postgraduate entrance examination and employment directions has become increasingly fierce. At present, it is in the stage of postgraduate adjustment, and the adjustment of electrical is more like a mixed fish pond, although it is a fish pond, but it is bottomless!


In the current graduate examination system, especially in popular majors such as electrical engineering, the competition has reached an unprecedented height. Taking Dalian University of Technology as an example, the re-examination line of one English and one is set at 380 points, which is a fairly high standard in the vast majority of 985 universities. However, even so, there are still 4 high-scoring candidates with a score of more than 400 who missed out on the proposed admission and were forced to flow into the adjustment market. And these high-scoring candidates who failed in the re-examination have almost set up one of the few 985 and 211 adjustment places.

24. After being electrically adjusted to "raise fish", I chose to become a sea king!

(Source: Internet, invasion and deletion)

2. Colleges and universities unilaterally like candidates with high undergraduate degrees?

Many colleges and universities often prefer candidates with higher undergraduate backgrounds when adjusting their enrollment work. This is partly due to the belief that these students receive a higher quality of basic education that is better suited to the academic requirements of the graduate level, and partly because the recruitment of students with higher undergraduate backgrounds can directly improve the quality of the school's student base, which is more conducive to the school's publicity and reputation development.

24. After being electrically adjusted to "raise fish", I chose to become a sea king!

(Source: Internet, invasion and deletion)

3. The crisis of dishonesty of tutors and students still exists, and they "raise fish" with each other?

The Graduate Transfer and Re-examination phase is an important process that involves a two-way selection between the supervisor and the student, aiming to ensure that the expectations and requirements of both parties are optimally matched. However, in recent years, there have been a number of cases where tutors and students have released pigeons to each other, reflecting some of the crises of trust that can occur under the current system. There can be many reasons behind this situation, such as information asymmetry, limited resources, poor communication, stress and anxiety, and so on.

24. After being electrically adjusted to "raise fish", I chose to become a sea king!
24. After being electrically adjusted to "raise fish", I chose to become a sea king!

(Source: Internet, invasion and deletion)

4. The number of undergraduates has increased due to the expansion of education, and the source of undergraduates is better than that of one year a year.

With the popularization of higher education, the number of undergraduate students has increased dramatically, and the boundaries of the original educational hierarchy have become blurred. The division between one and two books is no longer as clear as in the past, and even the state has issued relevant regulations: vocational schools and general high schools, vocational schools and general high schools, vocational schools and general schools enjoy the same opportunities in employment and further education.

24. After being electrically adjusted to "raise fish", I chose to become a sea king!

Although it may not be recognized by most employers, it will inevitably lead to a sharp increase in the pressure of job competition faced by graduates, so more and more people choose to go to graduate school. The same is true for the electrical postgraduate examination, the increase in the number of postgraduate candidates has virtually increased the number of high-scoring candidates, which in turn has led to the difficulty of electrical adjustment.

24. After being electrically adjusted to "raise fish", I chose to become a sea king!

(Source: Internet, invasion and deletion)

Is electrical dispensing difficult?

In recent years, with the popularization of higher education and the intensification of competition, postgraduate examinations have become an important way for more and more students to improve their academic qualifications and pursue high-quality employment. Especially for this year's electrical postgraduate examination, although the national line of engineering in Area A has not been improved, it is 273/37/56. However, the re-examination line of many excellent electrical colleges is very high, up a lot compared with last year, such as Shanghai Electric Power University's electrical master's and professional master's re-examination lines increased by 26 points and 37 points respectively, and Chang'an University's electrical master's re-examination line increased by 50 points. Although there are reasons for the change in the difficulty of the topic, it is undeniable that the competition for the electrical postgraduate examination is intensifying!

First of all, the increase in the number of high-scoring candidates means that the number of first-choice admissions will increase accordingly, which in turn may lead to a very limited number of adjustment vacancies. This means that for those candidates who want to enter their ideal colleges and universities through the adjustment opportunity, the adjustment situation of 24 will become extremely severe.

Secondly, this year, many institutions have announced that the re-examination will be conducted in person, which is a challenge for many candidates. Due to time and geographical constraints, they may not be able to take the re-examination of multiple institutions in a short period of time, which undoubtedly increases their stress and uncertainty.

Again, there is a lack of trust between the tutor and the candidate. The act of releasing pigeons to each other damages the relationship of trust between the tutor and the student, which is very detrimental to the future teacher-student relationship. This is also a waste of resources, for students, they may miss other more suitable transfer opportunities, and for tutors, they may also miss the opportunity to recruit suitable students.

Finally, with the increase in the number of candidates who have failed to make the list and the sharp increase in the number of candidates who already need to be adjusted, the competition for candidates for adjustment places has become more intense. In the case of sufficient students, the adjustment institutions will tend to "merit-based admission", not only focusing on the candidates' preliminary examination results, but also comprehensively considering the candidates' undergraduate college background, professional knowledge, and honors, so as to raise the threshold for adjustment.

24. After being electrically adjusted to "raise fish", I chose to become a sea king!

What should we do in such an environment of adjustment?

For electrical candidates who want to stand out from the adjustment channel, the strategies that can be adopted now include:

1. Collect information about colleges and universities with adjustment quotas through the website of the institution, and at the same time, the seniors will also collect some of the latest adjustment information for your reference.

2. According to the collected adjustment information, organize an Excel table to list 5-8 adjustment colleges that meet your intentions. And pay attention to the key information such as the adjustment requirements, vacancies, contact information, re-examination subjects, re-examination time, and last year's adjustment scores and numbers of these institutions.

3. Prepare for the retest. It is recommended to arrange time every day to practice self-introduction in English and Chinese, review professional knowledge, and practice mock interviews.

4. Prepare your resume and various materials required for the re-examination, and face the re-examination with a normal attitude.

According to statistics, the number of candidates participating in the adjustment is as high as 900,000 every year, but only about 100,000 can actually successfully go ashore. On this challenging road of adjustment, candidates need to prepare methodically, and at the same time, they can also consider seeking guidance from professionals to improve their chances of success.

Summary of electrical dispensing information

As of April 1, 2024, the information of colleges and universities that have announced electrical adjustment is summarized:

24. After being electrically adjusted to "raise fish", I chose to become a sea king!