
From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?

author:I love Beijing


Retirement statute at age 73

It will be repealed

It will be implemented from May 1

What does it mean for each of us?

What is the impact on sick leave, wages?

From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?

This used to be on the mainland

Retirement system cultivation is being studied

Regulations that play a pivotal role

It's finally about to retire from the stage of history

From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?

According to media reports at the time, as soon as the "Labor Insurance Regulations" were promulgated in 1951, many people beat gongs and drums on the streets to celebrate, shouting the slogan "Farmers have land, workers have labor insurance".


This regulation, which once played a pivotal role in the cultivation and research of the mainland's retirement system, is finally withdrawing from the stage of history

From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?

The Decision of the State Council on Amending and Repealing Some Administrative Regulations was promulgated and will come into force on May 1, 2024.

It was decided to repeal 13 administrative regulations, including the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Labor Insurance (promulgated by the Government Council on February 26, 1951 and amended and promulgated by the Government Council on January 2, 1953), and amended some provisions of the eight administrative regulations.

From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?

The Labor Insurance Regulations were introduced in 1951 to establish a preliminary retirement system for workers, which symbolized the beginning of the earliest retirement system construction in the mainland.

As of this year, it has been implemented for 73 years! With the development of the times, the retirement system in mainland China has been continuously reformed and improved, and various systems have new alternative laws and regulations, and by 2024, the "Labor Insurance Regulations" that have been implemented for 73 years can finally withdraw from the stage of history.


What is the impact of the repeal of the Labor Insurance Regulations on us, and the impact on sick pay......

From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?


Personal rights and interests are not affected, and it is important to pay social security on time

For individuals, the repeal of the Labor Insurance Regulations will not have a substantial impact on their rights and interests. It is important that individuals pay social insurance on time. Only by ensuring that you pay social security every month can you enjoy all kinds of protection, including pension and medical benefits.


Impact on sick pay

Since the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Labor Insurance" was formulated in 1951 and amended in 1953, some supporting documents were formulated relatively early. The Labor Law of the People's Republic of China came into force on January 1, 1995, and the Ministry of Labor has formulated a number of documents in order to cooperate with the implementation of the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China.

Some provinces and municipalities have issued local regulations, such as Hebei Province, Shanghai Municipality, Shenzhen City, etc., which makes the local standards for the payment of sick leave pay relatively uniform.

Now, after the "Labor Insurance Regulations of the People's Republic of China" is repealed, some supporting documents formulated in accordance with this administrative regulation will also be abolished, which will make the standards for the implementation of sick leave pay within a prefecture-level city by enterprises of various forms of ownership be unified.

From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?


The inevitability of social progress

The repeal of the Labor Insurance Regulations is considered to be an inevitable consequence of social progress.

With the development of the times, the old system may no longer be able to adapt to the changes and needs of society. Therefore, the repeal of this regulation means that society will usher in a new change and development in terms of labor security, which is essential to improve people's quality of life.


When the regulations were announced, many people beat gongs and drums in the streets to celebrate, shouting that "peasants have land, and workers have labor insurance"

From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?

In February 1951, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Labor Insurance was promulgated, stipulating that employees have the right to obtain various insurance benefits when they encounter difficulties such as birth, old age, sickness, death, injury and disability.

This is the first unified national social insurance regulation since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The promulgation and implementation of the labor insurance regulations have provided a basic guarantee for the livelihood of workers who have temporarily or for a long time lost their ability to work, relieved them of their worries about the future, and laid the foundation for the development of social insurance in the mainland.

From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?

The Labor Insurance Regulations consist of 7 chapters and 34 articles, which clearly stipulate the insurance methods for employees in the areas of old age, medical care, work-related injury, and maternity.

This was the first unified national social insurance regulation since the founding of New China, which laid the foundation for the social insurance system for workers on the mainland and solved the problem of ensuring the livelihood of workers and workers in the early days of New China.

According to the data, there are two outstanding features of the provisions of the labor insurance regulations: First, there is a special management system. Drawing on the experience of the Soviet Union and embodying the status of the working class as masters of the country, the state authorized "the All-China Federation of Trade Unions to be the supreme leading organ of labor insurance in the whole country" and stipulated that "the Ministry of Labor of the Central People's Government is the supreme supervisory organ for labor insurance business in the whole country." Second, try social co-ordination. The labor insurance regulations stipulate that most of the labor insurance expenses are paid directly by the employer according to the national standard, but they also stipulate that a pooled fund is raised at the rate of 3% of wages, and it is a national pool, and the payment is gradually transferred to the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.

From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?

According to reports at the time, as soon as the labor insurance regulations were announced, many people beat gongs and drums in the streets to celebrate, shouting the slogan "peasants have land, workers have labor insurance," and compared the labor insurance system with the land that peasants regarded as the root of their life.

In January 1953, the Government Council amended the Labor Insurance Regulations, appropriately expanding the coverage of the labor insurance system and raising the standard of treatment as appropriate.

From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?


There are currently 76 regulations in force

In accordance with the requirements of the State Council, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has cleaned up human resources and social security regulations several times, and as of March 13, 2024, there are currently 76 human resources and social security regulations in force.

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From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?
From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?
From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?
From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?
From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?
From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?
From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?
From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?
From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?
From May 1, the retirement regulations that have been in place for 73 years will be abolished! What is the impact on sick leave and wages?

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