
In the early stage of rectal cancer, there are generally 5 obvious characteristics, grasp these signals and check them in time

author:Dr. Leah

Colorectal cancer is now among the top five common cancers, and its incidence is increasing year by year, showing a trend that cannot be ignored. This phenomenon is undoubtedly a wake-up call for us to pay close attention.

In fact, the fate of many rectal cancer patients could have been avoided. However, due to some seemingly trivial negligence, these patients end up in the dilemma of gradual cancerous rectum.

These negligence may be due to improper lifestyle habits, such as long-term lack of exercise, irregular diet, excessive intake of high-fat foods, etc., or it may be related to a lack of necessary health awareness, such as ignoring the warning signs sent by the body, and failing to carry out timely examination and treatment.

The carcinogenesis process of rectal cancer is a long and complex process, which often starts as a small polyp and gradually evolves into a malignant tumor.

In the early stage of rectal cancer, there are generally 5 obvious characteristics, grasp these signals and check them in time

In this process, if the patient can detect and treat it in time, then there is a great chance of stopping the progression of cancer. However, due to various reasons, many patients miss this precious opportunity, which eventually leads to the deterioration of their condition.


Why is rectal cancer called lucky cancer?

If rectal cancer can be detected at an early stage, the hope of a cure will be greatly increased. For rectal cancer, the overall 5-year survival rate is 67%.

When the disease is in its late stage, the 5-year survival rate is still 89%. But when cancer cells begin to invade surrounding organs or tissues, the 5-year survival rate drops to 70%. Once the disease has progressed to the stage of distant metastasis, the 5-year survival rate is only 15%.

In mainland China, the incidence and mortality rate of colorectal cancer are increasing year by year, while the survival rate is only about 50%. What is even more worrying is that due to the low rate of early diagnosis of bowel cancer, as many as 90% of rectal cancer patients in mainland China have entered an advanced stage when they are discovered.

In the early stage of rectal cancer, there are generally 5 obvious characteristics, grasp these signals and check them in time

This is undoubtedly a wake-up call for us to strengthen the early screening and diagnosis of colorectal cancer, improve the survival rate, and bring hope to more patients.


In the early stage of rectal cancer, there are generally 5 obvious characteristics, grasp these signals and check them in time

Changes in the shape of the stool

When a tumour appears in the rectum, it compresses the intestine like a mountain, narrowing the otherwise wide passage. As a result, the feces are squeezed during the expulsion process, change in shape, become elongated, and even deformed. This change is noticeable compared to normal stool.

Discomfort after a bowel movement

Normally, we feel relaxed and comfortable after a bowel movement. However, if you do not feel this way after a long period of defecation, but feel uncomfortable all over your body, especially if the anus always feels swollen, then you need to be vigilant.

This could be a problem with the intestines, where cancer cells have entered, putting pressure on the intestines, resulting in poor bowel movements. As the tumor grows larger, it will further compress the anus, causing a constant urge to have a bowel movement.

In the early stage of rectal cancer, there are generally 5 obvious characteristics, grasp these signals and check them in time

Blood in the stool

Blood does not appear in normal stools, but if blood is present and accompanied by mucus, it may be a sign that the rectum is cancerous. This blood-carrying condition is more serious than bleeding caused by hemorrhoids and requires prompt medical attention for diagnosis and treatment.

Left lower quadrant distension

As the tumor continues to grow and grow in size, it can trigger intense abdominal pain. This abdominal pain may be dull in the early stages, but as the tumor grows, the pain may become more severe. Even after the tumor grows, an abnormal lump can be felt in the left lower abdomen.

Sudden changes in bowel habits

Everyone has their own bowel habits, and if you have recently noticed a change in your bowel habits, such as not having a bowel movement multiple times a day or several days, you need to be alarmed. This change in bowel habits without warning can be one of the early symptoms of bowel cancer.


Is it true that a colonoscopy can keep you safe for 5 years?

Diagnosing a disease based solely on symptoms is like groping in the dark, and although you may be able to find some clues, you can't know the truth for sure. Therefore, medical examination has become necessary to confirm the diagnosis of the disease.

In the early stage of rectal cancer, there are generally 5 obvious characteristics, grasp these signals and check them in time

Among them, colonoscopy is known as the "gold standard" for the examination of bowel cancer, and its importance is self-evident. Professor Li Zhaoshen emphasized that a high-quality colonoscopy can ensure an accurate understanding of intestinal health for at least 5 years.

The development of bowel cancer does not happen overnight, it goes through three stages: polyps, adenomas, and colorectal cancer, and each stage requires time to precipitate, about 10 years.

In this long process, if we can detect abnormal changes in the intestine in time, it is possible to achieve early detection, early intervention, and even blockade before cancer.

This is the magic of colonoscopy, which can penetrate deep into the intestine and clearly observe small changes in the mucosa, and once a space-occupying lesion is found, a biopsy can be used to further confirm the diagnosis. At the same time, colonoscopy can also perform polyp removal, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of bowel cancer.

In the early stage of rectal cancer, there are generally 5 obvious characteristics, grasp these signals and check them in time

Therefore, regular colorectal cancer screening is particularly important for high-risk groups of bowel cancer, such as asymptomatic people over 45 years old, people over 40 years old with anorectal symptoms that last for more than 2 weeks, people with a family history of bowel cancer, and people with long-term ulcerative colitis.


Do 4 things in advance, cancer is also preventable

Establish healthy lifestyle habits

Good lifestyle habits are the first line of defense against cancer. Maintaining a regular schedule and adequate sleep can help restore body functions and improve immunity.

In addition, a balanced diet is essential. Eating more foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and reducing the intake of unhealthy foods such as fried and barbecued foods can help maintain a stable environment inside the body and reduce the possibility of cancer.

Maintain a positive mindset

In the face of pressure and setbacks in life, we must learn to adjust our mentality and maintain an optimistic and upbeat spirit. Positive emotions can stimulate the body's potential and boost immunity, so as to effectively defend against the invasion of cancer. We can relax and release stress by participating in physical exercise, reading, traveling, etc.

In the early stage of rectal cancer, there are generally 5 obvious characteristics, grasp these signals and check them in time

Have regular medical check-ups

Through the medical examination, we can keep abreast of our physical condition, identify potential health problems and take appropriate interventions. Especially for those with a family history of cancer, regular check-ups are essential.

Avoid exposure to carcinogens

In our daily lives, we should try to avoid exposure to known carcinogens, such as tobacco and chemicals. At the same time, we should also pay attention to environmental protection and reduce the potential threat of environmental pollution to health.