
Inventory of the six historical achievements of Emperor Yongzheng

author:Interesting history

Emperor Yongzheng, the fifth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Manchu ancestry, inherited the third emperor of the Great Unification after entering the customs, the son of the Kangxi Emperor, and the Empress Wu Ya of filial piety. During the reign of Yongzheng, he quelled the rebellion of Luobzang Danjin, established the Military Aircraft Department to strengthen the imperial power, and implemented reform measures such as "changing the land and returning it to the stream" and "returning the fire consumption to the public", which played an important role in the continuity of the prosperous Kangqian era. Although Yongzheng is not mentioned much in the history of the Qing Dynasty, his achievements cannot be ignored, and today we will count the historical achievements of this emperor.

Inventory of the six historical achievements of Emperor Yongzheng

When it comes to Yongzheng, everyone knows the prosperous era of Kangqian, and also knows that he is the heir of Kangxi and the father of Qianlong. Yongzheng is rarely mentioned in the history books of the early Qing Dynasty, and even in the history textbooks of universities and middle schools, it is rarely touched. This makes him a mysterious emperor, and his evaluation is mixed, making him a controversial historical figure.

What we see is more of the image of Yongzheng in the drama, however, the work "Yongzheng Dynasty" gave me a positive understanding of the most diligent emperor in history. Leaving aside the means adopted by Yongzheng to implement his policies, I believe that he has contributed to the world in terms of his policy objectives, effectiveness and historical significance.

Inventory of the six historical achievements of Emperor Yongzheng

[1. Rectify the atmosphere of officialdom]

In the last years of Kangxi, the officialdom was corrupt, corruption was rampant, officials were corrupt and degenerate, and the treasury was empty. Yongzheng had already gained insight into this, and as soon as he took office, he began to rectify it, requiring civil officials to be honest and honest, and military attachés not to withhold military salaries. To this end, he also set up a special examination office to conduct strict financial audits, so as to systematically eliminate the occurrence of corruption.

[2. Establishment of the Military Aircraft Department]

In the former Qing Dynasty, military affairs were mainly decided by the Legislative Affairs Office, and day-to-day state administrative affairs were handled by the Cabinet. Yongzheng set up a military aircraft department in addition to the parliamentary office and the cabinet, and selected 5 to 7 military ministers to discuss national affairs, which improved the efficiency of the imperial court's decision-making. However, the power of the Military Aircraft Department was too great, and its status was above the cabinet, which made the original power of the cabinet to draft the decree and correct the emperor's wrong decisions useless, and Yongzheng monopolized the power.

Inventory of the six historical achievements of Emperor Yongzheng

[3. Improve the secret folding system]

Yongzheng expanded the scope of Shangzhuo, reaching 1,200 people at the peak, and broadened the source of information. The folds were directly delivered to Yongzheng, and they could also be directly sent to the performers, which strengthened the concentration of imperial power.

[Fourth, the implementation of land reform and return to the stream]

Yongzheng reformed the hereditary Tusi and Touren system in ethnic minority areas, which were originally not controlled by the central government. The implementation of the policy of reclaiming land and returning the land to the people made these areas under the management of liuguan sent by the imperial court with term limits, thus strengthening the central government's control over the ethnic minority areas.

Inventory of the six historical achievements of Emperor Yongzheng

[5. Implement the beach into the ground]

In ancient China, taxes were paid separately for land and people. Yongzheng implemented the policy of entering the land and incorporated the poll tax into the land tax, which eliminated the unfairness that the landless peasants still had to pay the poll tax, reduced the feudal tax burden and personal dependence, and objectively promoted the growth of the population.

[6. Abolish the system of untouchability]

Outside of the civil register, the untouchables do not belong to the ranks of the peasants and industrialists, they cannot study, they cannot participate in the imperial examinations, and they have been slaves for generations. Yongzheng's abolition of the untouchability system is a major move. During his 13 years in power, he made great efforts to make the country prosperous, strived to carry out reforms, straightened out the officialdom, cleaned up the finances, and implemented the policies of bringing the land into the land, expanding the land reclamation, returning the fire to the public, and using silver to support the incorruptible, which promoted the development of production, economic prosperity, the abundance of the state treasury, the stability of the political situation, the consolidation of the frontiers, and the strengthening of unity. He also set up ministers in Tibet, the fifth Panchen and other positions, laying a solid foundation for Qianlong to create the "heyday of the Qing Dynasty". Emperor Yongzheng had a pioneering spirit and was an emperor who made a difference.

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