
The AI actor is in place! The digital human Lili appeared in a variety reality show for the first time, and the innovative AI technology was stacked

author:Muye biscuits

The emergence of AI digital humans not only shines in variety shows, but also gradually shows strong potential and influence in the field of film and television dramas and films. With the advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, AI digital humans are gradually becoming one of the important roles in film and television production, providing new possibilities and imagination for the creation of film and television works.

The AI actor is in place! The digital human Lili appeared in a variety reality show for the first time, and the innovative AI technology was stacked

In the field of film and television dramas, the application of AI digital humans has gradually become a trend. In the past, people often believed that the filming of film and television dramas required a lot of manpower and material investment, and the production cycle was long and the cost was high. However, with the development of AI technology, this is changing. With the help of AI digital human technology, the production team can create a variety of film and television works more flexibly, saving a lot of human and material resources, reducing production costs, and improving production efficiency. At the same time, the emergence of AI digital humans has also brought more imagination and creative possibilities to the creation of film and television dramas, making the themes and styles of film and television dramas richer and more diverse, and more in line with the tastes and needs of the audience.

The AI actor is in place! The digital human Lili appeared in a variety reality show for the first time, and the innovative AI technology was stacked

In the field of film, the application of AI digital humans is also becoming more and more popular. In the past, people often thought that the production of movies required a lot of manpower and material investment, and the production cycle was long and the cost was high. However, with the development of AI technology, this is also changing. With the help of AI digital human technology, the production team can create colorful film works more flexibly, reducing production costs and improving production efficiency. At the same time, the emergence of AI digital humans has also brought more imagination and creative possibilities to the creation of films, making the themes and styles of movies richer and more diverse, and more in line with the tastes and needs of the audience.

The AI actor is in place! The digital human Lili appeared in a variety reality show for the first time, and the innovative AI technology was stacked

In the future, with the continuous development and improvement of AI technology, the application scenarios of AI digital humans will become more and more extensive and influential. We can expect that in the near future, AI digital humans will play a more important role in the film and television entertainment industry, bringing more innovations and breakthroughs to film and television production, and bringing more shocking and moving audio-visual experiences to the audience. At the same time, we also look forward to seeing more excellent AI digital human works and more excellent AI digital human creators emerging, injecting new vitality and impetus into the film and television entertainment industry and promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the industry.

The AI actor is in place! The digital human Lili appeared in a variety reality show for the first time, and the innovative AI technology was stacked

To sum up, the emergence of AI digital humans has not only brought new vitality and charm to variety shows, but also shown strong potential and influence in the field of film and television dramas and films. With the advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, AI digital humans will become one of the important roles in film and television production, injecting new impetus and vitality into the development of the film and television entertainment industry, and bringing a more colorful audio-visual experience to the audience, which is undoubtedly an exciting and exciting thing!

The AI actor is in place! The digital human Lili appeared in a variety reality show for the first time, and the innovative AI technology was stacked
The AI actor is in place! The digital human Lili appeared in a variety reality show for the first time, and the innovative AI technology was stacked
The AI actor is in place! The digital human Lili appeared in a variety reality show for the first time, and the innovative AI technology was stacked