
The truth that people can't accept: the night sky you see when you look up is actually an illusion from tens of millions of years ago

author:Moonlight in the city

In the distant universe, humans are always trying to capture those twinkling stars and want to decipher the stories behind them. But do we really understand the universe as we see it, and are the night sky we gaze at just an illusion from tens of millions of years ago?

The story begins on a silent night, Xiao Ming looks up at the starry night sky, and infinite reverie swells in his heart. He has been curious about these stars since he was a child, always imagining what the world behind them will be like. However, as he grew older, he gradually realized that those stars were not what he imagined.

The truth that people can't accept: the night sky you see when you look up is actually an illusion from tens of millions of years ago

Xiao Ming once read a popular science article, which mentioned that because of the limitation of the speed of light, the stars we see are actually what they used to be. This concept is a bit difficult for him to accept. He always felt that those stars were there, twinkling with their light, how could they be the way they used to be?

However, this is indeed the case. It takes millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of years for light to travel from those distant planets to Earth. When we look up at the starry sky, we are actually watching a cosmic "videotape", and this "videotape" records the universe in the past.

The truth that people can't accept: the night sky you see when you look up is actually an illusion from tens of millions of years ago

In order to understand this concept more intuitively, Xiao Ming did a simple experiment. He turned on a flashlight and shook it quickly. He found that when he quickly shook the flashlight, the trajectory of the light spots on the wall was not real-time, but slightly lagged. This is because light, although it travels fast, still takes time. In the same way, it takes time for light to travel from distant planets to Earth, so the stars we see are actually what they used to be.

This concept gave Xiao Ming a deeper understanding of the universe. He began to realize that the universe we see is not the real, present universe, but an illusion woven of light. This illusion records the history of the universe and gives us a glimpse of what the universe was like in the past.

The truth that people can't accept: the night sky you see when you look up is actually an illusion from tens of millions of years ago

Xiao Ming continued to think deeply about this question. He thought about how scientists could learn about the history of the universe by observing and studying starlight. For example, by observing the redshift phenomenon of distant galaxies, scientists can deduce that the universe is expanding. And by observing the eruptions of specific types of stars, such as supernovae, scientists can learn about the formation and distribution of elements in the universe.

These studies all rely on the starlight we see. However, these starlights are actually records of the past. So, how can we understand the current state of the universe?

Xiao Ming thought of other methods used by scientists. For example, by observing cosmic microwave background radiation – the afterglow left over from the Big Bang – scientists can learn about the early state of the universe. In addition, scientists are using gravitational-wave detectors to detect gravitational wave signals in the universe, which helps us understand extreme events in the universe, such as black hole mergers.

The truth that people can't accept: the night sky you see when you look up is actually an illusion from tens of millions of years ago

While these methods do not directly allow us to see the present state of the universe, they provide an indirect way to understand the current state and evolutionary history of the universe. Through these methods, we can piece together a more comprehensive and accurate picture of the universe.

Xiao Ming realizes that although the night sky we see is an illusion from tens of millions of years ago, it does not mean that we cannot understand the real universe. On the contrary, through scientific methods and technical means, we can gradually unravel the mysteries of the universe and explore its mysteries and essence.

On that silent night, Xiao Ming looked up at the starry sky again. This time, there was more awe and emotion in his eyes. He understands that although those twinkling stars are only illusions of the past, they also carry the history and secrets of the universe. And he, as a small observer, was fortunate enough to be able to get a glimpse of the mystery and magnificence of this universe.

The truth that people can't accept: the night sky you see when you look up is actually an illusion from tens of millions of years ago

Everything in the universe may not be something we can easily guess. The distant planets, the twinkling stars, and the stories behind them are full of unknowns and mysteries. But it is this unknown and mystery that fuels our curiosity and desire to explore. Let's continue to explore the universe and pursue the truths and mysteries hidden behind the stars, because every small discovery may change our knowledge and understanding of the universe.

The truth that people can't accept: the night sky you see when you look up is actually an illusion from tens of millions of years ago

In the end, Xiao Ming silently made a wish in his heart: he hoped that one day human beings would be able to transcend the limit of the speed of light, see every corner of the universe in real time, and understand all the stories and miracles that are happening there. Although this wish may be distant or even unattainable, it represents the endless pursuit of the unknown and the spirit of longing for the mysteries of the universe. It is this spirit that pushes human beings to continue to move forward, grow and surpass themselves, and write their own legendary chapters in the vast universe!