
douyin ("Douyin") is open source, and I have a bold idea

author:13 Demon Studios

Project Description

This project is for study and research only and may not be used for commercial purposes. All recommended open source projects have been tested and run by myself. If there is any infringement, please notify the takedown.

Project Brief Introduction

Douyin is a parody of Tik Tok|TikTok's mobile short video project, which is based on Vue and Vite. The latest Vue Whole Family Bucket technology stack is used. The API data is stored locally in the project, and the video is collected from Douyin|TikTok, the atlas is collected from Xiaohongshu|Xiaohongshu, intercept the API through the axios-mock-adapter library and return local json data to simulate the real backend request.

Project address


Effect display

douyin ("Douyin") is open source, and I have a bold idea
douyin ("Douyin") is open source, and I have a bold idea
douyin ("Douyin") is open source, and I have a bold idea

Run the project

  1. Install NodeJS.
  2. Install the pnpm package management tool and run npm install -g pnpm to install it.
  3. Use git clone to download the project locally.
  4. Go to the project directory cd douyin, run pnpm install in the root directory of the project to download the dependencies.
  5. Run the pnpm dev command to start the project, and the default address of the project is http://localhost:3000
  6. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access the project. Chrome switches to phone mode, press F12 to bring up the console, then press Ctrl+Shift+M (device emulation)


  • The node version must be greater than 18, otherwise an error will be reported
  • If git clone gives an error, you can download it directly from the website, decompress it, and use it
douyin ("Douyin") is open source, and I have a bold idea