
Fantasy Journey to the West: The meridian adjustment of the Immortal Clan is here, and after the adjustment, 175 Dragon Palace has 120 more spell damage

author:Waste but not waste

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just said "I don't brush my pockets", and as a result, the character was banned by the system

Fantasy Journey to the West: The meridian adjustment of the Immortal Clan is here, and after the adjustment, 175 Dragon Palace has 120 more spell damage

In Fantasy Journey to the West, you must be cautious when you speak, Fantasy Journey to the West's control of players' speech is still relatively strict, the player above didn't think that he would be banned for 3600 seconds before he spoke, the player above said that what he said to his friend is not a violation of the content, the player above just said that I don't brush my pocket, and then I was banned by the system, the reason why this is the case, it should be that there are more players copying and pasting in recent times, which has led to the official detection of keywords such as pockets becoming more sensitive than before。

The meridian adjustment of the immortal clan is coming, and after the adjustment, 175 Dragon Palace has 120 more spell damage

According to the exposure time of the sect adjustment in April that was officially exposed, part of the adjustment of the immortal meridians has been exposed today.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The meridian adjustment of the Immortal Clan is here, and after the adjustment, 175 Dragon Palace has 120 more spell damage

The first thing I saw was about the meridian adjustment of the Dragon Palace.,The artifact has been redone in the meridian adjustment of the Dragon Palace.,The redone artifact can directly increase the spell damage.,Level 175 can increase the spell damage by 120 points.,And then the three meridians of Soaring、Dragon Deterrence and Water Resistance have been adjusted.。

The restriction of soaring the same sect has been removed, that is, the damage of the five openings of the Five Dragons Palace has become higher than before. After that, the output of the Dragon Palace is also affected by the five elements, and the spell damage and spell critical strike chance caused by clothes and weapons when they are water can be increased by 2%, that is, it can increase the magic damage by 4% and the magic explosion chance by 4%. And the Dragon Palace can control the weather, and after entering the battle, it may make the weather directly change to rain, that is, the combination of the Dragon Palace and Si Yu can make the output of the character and the summoned beast higher.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The meridian adjustment of the Immortal Clan is here, and after the adjustment, 175 Dragon Palace has 120 more spell damage

The above is about the adjustment of the meridians of Putuo Mountain, Putuo Mountain has adjusted a total of two meridians, one is the auxiliary meridian, the other is the spell master meridian, the auxiliary meridian is mainly to let the players of the Putuo Mountain sect use the water clear recipe and crystal clear recipe after adding an ability to resist small deaths. Moreover, when using Shui Qing Jue and Jing Qing Jue to remove seals and small deaths, you can restore your anger, and this adjustment can allow players of the Putuo Mountain Sect to log in directly to the high-end PK.

The adjustment of the spell master Putuo is to have the ability of the spell link, and the more units the opponent has, the higher the chance of spell combos.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The meridian adjustment of the Immortal Clan is here, and after the adjustment, 175 Dragon Palace has 120 more spell damage

The above is about the adjustment of Huaguo Mountain, and the content of the adjustment exposed by Huaguo Mountain is very small, but it is just an adjustment of a sect magic weapon, and all the damage caused by the use of wishful magic power after the adjustment of the sect magic weapon will be increased. But this is just a text description, and it doesn't say what the percentage of improvement is, and players still need to wait for the adjustment to be tested after it is actually launched.

Fantasy Journey to the West: The meridian adjustment of the Immortal Clan is here, and after the adjustment, 175 Dragon Palace has 120 more spell damage

At present, only the meridian adjustments of the immortal clan that have been exposed are the three sects of Dragon Palace, Putuo Mountain, and Huaguo Mountain, and Lingbo City, Wuzhuang Temple, and Tiangong have also been changed, but they have not yet been exposed.

The editor feels that the adjustments of Lingbo City, Wuzhuang Guan, and Tiangong may not be worse than those of Dragon Palace, especially Tiangong, because Tiangong has been weakened in the previous adjustments, that is, Tiangong has reached the lowest end. Therefore, in this meridian adjustment, it is impossible for the Heavenly Palace to be weakened again, and the meridians that the Heavenly Palace can be changed are only strengthened.