
Fantasy Journey to the West: This is the attribute of the service and combat system, all demons have 3000 magic injuries, and there are also 2800 demons

author:Waste but not waste

The meaning of the game is that it can bring happiness to people, hello everyone, I am a junior, and I share gossip and interesting stories in the game with you every day.

The Demon King's infinite damage is so strong, why is it still bonus?

Fantasy Journey to the West: This is the attribute of the service and combat system, all demons have 3000 magic injuries, and there are also 2800 demons

Xiaobian believes that all players should have read the planned revelations, in the planned revelations, the Demon King Village has been strengthened again, and the probability of the Demon King Village's secret Samadhi True Fire triggering infinity has been increased again, Xiaobian feels that the infinite damage of the Demon King Village is already very strong, and now it is improved, this is the stage for the Demon King Zhai to log in to serve the war. The reason why the Demon King Village was not online in the previous service battle was because the point killing ability was particularly poor, relying on infinite damage, and now that the secret Samadhi True Fire has been strengthened again, the editor feels that the point killing ability of the Demon King Village will also be improved.

The dungeon's urgent quest also has an item reward, and upon completion, you will be given a glow-in-the-dark orb

Fantasy Journey to the West: This is the attribute of the service and combat system, all demons have 3000 magic injuries, and there are also 2800 demons

Everyone should know the emergency task in the Mandate of Heaven dungeon mission, after completing the emergency task, you can get the power of the five elements, and the power of the five elements can be used to exchange for the five elements mountain stone, colorful spirit stone and other props, and you can open some more valuable prop rewards.

But I've never heard of additional prop rewards after completing an emergency mission, the player above has now completed the emergency mission, not only obtained 10 points of the power of the five elements, but also obtained a luminous bead, so this luminous bead is brought by the urgent task, or the player above obtained it in the dungeon task.

Is this the attribute of the service system? All demons have 3000 magic damage, and the demon resistance can also have 2800

Fantasy Journey to the West: This is the attribute of the service and combat system, all demons have 3000 magic injuries, and there are also 2800 demons

If you talk about which type of player's character has the strongest panel attributes, then this type of player must be the Fantasy Westward Journey service player, and the above is the attribute of the Fantasy Westward Journey Service God of War Mulin.

This is the attribute of the same character after the full magic plus points and the wear-resistant points, the spell damage of the Shenmu Spirit with all the magic points has reached 3000, but the spell damage here is not only at the output level, but it is also very strong in other resistances, after becoming a blood resistance point, the defense attribute has risen directly from 2000 to 2500, and the qi and blood have also risen directly to 13000, but the spell damage has not been reduced very much, but it has been reduced from 3000 to 2800.

Is a level 20 Shennong crystal clear chain useful?

Fantasy Journey to the West: This is the attribute of the service and combat system, all demons have 3000 magic injuries, and there are also 2800 demons

When you hit those low-level equipment, there may be a lot of blue-letter effects, such as the 20-level chain that the player above is playing now, and this 20-level chain has two blue-character effects, Shennong and Jingqingjue. Don't look at this as a level 20 chain, it can also be sold for money when the two blue letter effects are stacked together, and if the server doesn't have those low-level PKs, the chain above can also be sold for millions of fantasy coins when used by players of other mission genres.

Iron Rooster-style running ring players, 100 baby rings only have 7 task points

Fantasy Journey to the West: This is the attribute of the service and combat system, all demons have 3000 magic injuries, and there are also 2800 demons

The normal players of Fantasy Journey to the West run the ring for the final reward, and some players will invest tens of millions of costs in order to get the final reward when they run the ring.

But the purpose of the above player's running ring is different from that of other players, the purpose of the above player's running ring is to summon the beast's cultivation experience, so he doesn't care much about the task points of the summoned beast, which leads to the task score of the player above is particularly low, and the score volume when completing the 100 ring task is only 7 points, and such task points will only appear if the task is frequently skipped. That is, the cost of the above player's task is relatively low, and all those more valuable items are skipped.