
Love or money, what is the truth of marriage? Women are objectified, and the opposition between men and women is full of suspense!

author:Bai Xiaole

In the process of marriage and love, I think that when a girl gets married, the man should give a bride price. It should be based on the fact that it does not become an obstacle to both parties getting married and starting a family.

The exact number should be decided by consultation between the two young people. The parents and families of both parties are not involved in the discussion of the specific amount of the bride price between the two, and lovers who love each other are easy to communicate after all.

Love or money, what is the truth of marriage? Women are objectified, and the opposition between men and women is full of suspense!

We didn't have a bride price in those days, and we still lived well, but now we are married to our ancestors, and my mother-in-law has now become a girl.

Slow heat, travel, flower arrangement, baking, yoga, food, Mu Qiang, sense of security, eye, self-motivated, emotional value, what I want is not a bride price is attitude, my parents raised me not easily, I only have a younger brother, he is just my best friend, give birth warning, my mother said...... It's all the excuses that modern women have.

Now it's not that the man doesn't give the bride price, it's the woman who wants a high bride price, see if there is a bride price abroad, the bride price is the standard in China, and it is the root cause of today's social problems.

Love or money, what is the truth of marriage? Women are objectified, and the opposition between men and women is full of suspense!

The husband takes care of his wife after marriage, not before marriage, and the gift is just a token, not a financial compensation.

That Yin Chu's statement is not based on the concept of building a family, but calculated by self-interest, he is provoking confrontation between men and women, which will make more marriages more difficult, it seems that what he said is reasonable, but in fact it is very harmful.

Men don't have the hard work of having children! Are married men worth the same as men before marriage? If you talk about value!

Love or money, what is the truth of marriage? Women are objectified, and the opposition between men and women is full of suspense!

Do you know that women who do not know that women who have children are the greatest value of women! We do not deny that the role that women assume as women in a family is indeed a lot! It is precisely because men and women assume different roles because of their genders!

Another crucial thing is that there is also an element of family affection and love here! What you are talking about is not married life, but buying and selling! Do you marry a wife? Do you suffer or take advantage of your wife by marrying you? How much do you give back to your parents when your parents raise you? Do your parents suffer or take advantage?

Love or money, what is the truth of marriage? Women are objectified, and the opposition between men and women is full of suspense!

As long as human beings are involved in blood relations and the feelings of husband and wife, can they take advantage of losses and take advantage of them? The bride price is not opposed by all the men! Rather, the bride price should be based on the actual situation! The bride price should be embodied in the true sense of the word!

From an economic point of view, men's personal wealth shrinks! Purely from this point of view, shouldn't men start a family and marry a daughter-in-law? Some people deliberately say that after a woman marries, she loses this and loses that! Is it possible that women should not marry and have children?

Or are you spreading a concept! The bride price should be higher and more reflective of the value of women? How much bride price did you give to the woman's family when you married a wife? Is it 10 million?

Love or money, what is the truth of marriage? Women are objectified, and the opposition between men and women is full of suspense!

Many people's ugly faces and calculations objectify women, making men look down on women. I'm a woman, and I say the same. Marriage is a two-way street, supporting together.

You have made women into commodities, into business and without divorce. Women should be self-reliant, self-reliant, and self-reliant. The bride price is a fraud of money. The small family is the product of mutual recognition, and it is half the sky, why don't men have a bride price?

Because of giving birth to a child, a woman suffers a loss, so she wants a bride price, which is a bit ridiculous, then if Dink, there is no need for a bride price, or if you can't give birth to a child, you should return the bride price.

Love or money, what is the truth of marriage? Women are objectified, and the opposition between men and women is full of suspense!

This view that women suffer losses after marriage, that is, if the man is seriously ill after marriage, the man can divorce her without fulfilling the obligations and responsibilities of the husband and wife.

The state has formulated a law on the bride price to show its attitude, citizens should respect the law and abide by the law to protect the law, do not make their own clever explanations, capital brainwashing has failed to squeeze men, and the woman feels that marriage is a loss, don't get married, don't blackmail men.

Women's insecurity and self-commodification have created such and such chaos! Marriages in the 7.80s without bride price were much better than they are now, and ideological problems are best borrowed from the results of practice, and all other justifications are self-interested and utilitarian.

Love or money, what is the truth of marriage? Women are objectified, and the opposition between men and women is full of suspense!

If there is a bride price, there must be a corresponding dowry, and from ancient times to the present, the bride price corresponds to the dowry.

If you want to achieve class leaping, the result will be what you say. So it's only fair that the right door is right. Why can't you pay so much dowry? It's all the fault of greed.

If marriage is an exchange, then men in this society should earn more money, and trade whoever they want, then is the moral basis of our society still there, so some people have lost their morals.

Love or money, what is the truth of marriage? Women are objectified, and the opposition between men and women is full of suspense!

There is no one in marriage who takes advantage of the other. Support each other, understand each other, and run a family together. There is no such thing as who suffers and who takes advantage. There are always some people with bad intentions who have lost the meaning of marriage and the original appearance of marriage.