
What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

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What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

△配图来源法国软装女神Claude Cartier



Editor丨 Yu Fan

In fact, as long as the amount of allocation plan (budget plan) is done, the soft decoration budget can be avoided by greatly exceeding the budget.

Therefore, in this issue, we will talk about the "soft decoration quotation list" from the following two aspects

1. Proportion division of soft decoration budget list

2. Key points for making a soft decoration quotation list

ps: This article is excerpted from "Strict Selection of Soft Decoration", which has very practical guiding significance for the work of soft decoration and scheme designers, and it is recommended to read it carefully and collect it.

01. Efficiently divide the proportion of soft decoration budget

When the project funds arrive, the first thing to set aside about 5%~10% as a reserve fund (working capital) to deal with emergencies, the next step is to split the total budget into several pieces, do the allocation of funds for the purchase of soft decoration products.

1. The proportion of soft and hard decoration budget in the residence

Space occupancy comfort is equally important regardless of soft and hard decoration, there is no unified standard for the proportion of soft and hard decoration, the proportion of soft and hard decoration budget should be determined according to the specific needs of the owner, the total cost of hard decoration accounts for 43%, the total cost of soft decoration accounts for 57%, basically half of each 1:1, or hard decoration occupies 4 soft decoration occupies 6, are OK.

PS: Because there are many factors in the design of commercial projects/public installation projects, we do not extend it.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

2. The soft decoration quotation list is generally divided into 3 stages

From the takeover of the project to the signing of the contract in the early stage, the soft decoration quotation list is generally divided into:

Soft decoration budget list, soft decoration configuration list quotation (final version to Party A), soft decoration procurement list (purchasing department), etc.;

There will not be much change in the form, more of a part of the nuclear price and some product adjustments.

3. Allocation ratio of soft decoration funds

Products include furniture, lighting, accessories, carpets, curtains, paintings (art ornaments, floral plants, decorations), etc., which are the most important part of the soft decoration budget.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

With a reasonable budget list guide, we can let go of our hands to decide the number of furniture, material grade, furniture brand selection, lamps, artworks, etc., which is why some designers have a set of whole case design profits as high as 30%~40%, and some designers almost upside down.

There are too many twists and turns about the selection of soft decoration products, and an article must not be put down, more soft decoration product selection, product material collection, and product channel broadening...... and other related content are collected in the "Soft Decoration Product Camp".

02. Key points for making a soft decoration quotation list

First of all, it is clear that the soft decoration budget quotation is an important part of the success of the whole project negotiation of soft decoration, a qualified budget quotation should include the whole process of the entire project, and all the relevant texts related to the budget "money" and process changes need to be saved.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

Be sure to save all money-related information on file

A qualified soft decoration quotation list not only includes a single price list, a single quotation table, a project budget summary table, a contract, a change contact form, an acceptance form, etc.;

There are also a lot of cost management involved, such as transportation, installation, labor, invoice tax and other cost expenditures.

With the continuous deepening and standardization of the market, the soft decoration quotation system is gradually improving, and the general reputable design companies pay great attention to the company's image and professional ethics, and provide Party A with soft decoration materials that are highly matched with the quotation.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

1. Demonstration of furniture quotation list

a. List information of furniture:

Item number, location, product name, specification size, high-definition picture, quantity, unit price, material description, remarks special information, total price.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

b. List information of lamps and lanterns

Project number, location, product name, specification size, high-definition picture, quantity, unit price, material description/implementation standard (lamp body material, accessories standard), remarks special information, total price.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

c. List information of curtain fabrics

Item number, location, product name, wall specifications (length, width and height), product pictures (style), number of sheets/meters, unit price, color/main material, remarks special information, total price.

PS: This list is for Party A, and there is also a curtain fabric production list for the curtain store that needs to be made separately.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?
What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

d. List information of carpets

Item number, location, product name, wall specification/mm (length, width and height), product drawing, number of sheets, unit price, material description/fire rating, remarks special information, total price.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

e. List information of decorative paintings

Item number, location, product name, wall specification/mm (length, width and height), product picture, number of pieces, unit price, material description/implementation standard, remarks special information, total price.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

f. List information of jewelry

Item number, location, product name, wall specification/mm (length, width and height), product picture, number of sets, unit price, material description/implementation standard, remarks special information, total price.

PS: Tableware knives should be clearly divided into numbers and remarks

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?
What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

For more knowledge related to soft decoration products, you can participate in the 11th "Soft Decoration Product Camp".

2. Summary of soft decoration quotations

The purpose of this itemization can be to classify and inventory all products, which is concise and clear, and can be used as a purchase list or a receipt and acceptance list.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?
What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?
What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?
What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?
What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

3. The three lists are indispensable

a. The purchase list of the annex to the contract

As an annex to the contract has legal benefits, the contract list provided by the design unit must be a mature list, not a random paste of numbers and pictures, with a brand, detailed materials and size lamps.

b. List of settings

The list of decorations can remove the quotation from the purchase order after both parties sign the contract.

c. Contact form for soft decoration change

In the soft decoration quotation list throughout the whole project on this "change contact form", in the implementation process, Party A changes all the content, do not verbally promise, need to be signed by the person in charge to retain the change certificate, so as to avoid confusion in the later stage.

In the later acceptance process, the soft decoration quotation list and the change list are submitted at the same time.

Meaning and purpose of a change order:

(1) Supplement and rectify the inappropriateness of the soft decoration design in the implementation process;

(2) When the part that conflicts between design and construction is improved to meet the requirements of the construction process, the design scheme can change the design method through design changes.

(3) Adjust the parts that do not conform to the use and aesthetic function;

(4) Party A and Party B negotiate the changed voucher to avoid the risk of ripping off in the later stage.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

△ schematic diagram, can be adjusted △

4. Completion acceptance form of soft decoration project

The purpose of the acceptance form is to represent that Party A has been accepted, on behalf of the project has been completed, and can enter the stage of quality assurance in the future.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

Brief summary.

Well, the content of this issue is the soft decoration budget quotation list of "Soft Decoration Strict Selection and Growth Camp", let's review it:

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

Keep in mind that:

The purpose of learning output is not to memorize, but to grasp the rules behind the design, apply the methods and underlying logic, and flexibly match and apply them to their own work, which is the strict requirements and output of efficient learning.

What to do with the soft decoration design quotation?

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