
The "culprit" of high blood pressure is not salt, but it!

author:Xiao Xu Health Science Popularization
The "culprit" of high blood pressure is not salt, but it!

Wang Gong is the creative director of a foreign-funded advertising company, and often stays up late to work overtime, with irregular work and rest, and a relatively casual diet.

In recent times, he has often felt dizzy and his heart is racing. Once in the company, he suddenly felt weak and sweated profusely. Seeing this, his colleagues rushed him to the hospital.

A check in the hospital showed that Wang Gong's blood pressure was as high as 180/110mmHg, which was indeed severe hypertension.

The "culprit" of high blood pressure is not salt, but it!

The doctor told him solemnly that if his blood pressure is not controlled in time, it is likely to lead to serious complications such as stroke and coronary heart disease, which is life-threatening.

Wang Gong broke out in a cold sweat and finally realized the dangers of high blood pressure.

The doctor then asked him about his daily routine, eating habits, etc., and had a physical examination. Finally, he clearly told Wang Gong that the "culprit" that caused his high blood pressure was not the well-known high-salt diet, but the poor lifestyle of obesity and lack of exercise.

The "culprit" of high blood pressure is not salt, but it!

Wang Gong was a little puzzled by this: "I thought I would have high blood pressure if I ate salty, and I didn't feel fat." "

"Of course, a high-salt diet can also aggravate high blood pressure, but in recent years, more and more studies have shown that obesity and lack of exercise are the number one causes of high blood pressure," the doctor patiently explained. Obesity and lack of exercise are the result of a quarter of all hypertension patients in the mainland. "

"Obesity increases vascular flux resistance, causing blood pressure to naturally rise. At the same time, the accumulation of fat in the body will secrete a large amount of vasopressin and other substances, which will also increase blood pressure. Lack of exercise causes muscle atrophy and weakened heart function, making it impossible to effectively control blood pressure. The doctor said.

The "culprit" of high blood pressure is not salt, but it!

Wang Gong recalled the current situation that he had no way to lose weight, just sitting for a long time every day, working overtime and eating supper every night, and no other activities, and lowered his head in shame.

The stress of modern life and poor lifestyle have indeed led him to a high-risk path of obesity and lack of exercise.

So how do you lower your blood pressure?

The "culprit" of high blood pressure is not salt, but it!

1. Control your weight, especially abdominal obesity, and lose excess weight to help improve blood pressure.

2. Stick to aerobic exercise, such as jogging, swimming, etc., and exercise for at least 150 minutes a week.

3. Limit alcohol consumption, excessive alcohol consumption can raise blood pressure.

4. Eat more potassium-rich foods, such as bananas, tomatoes, beans, etc., which is conducive to potassium and sodium excretion.

The "culprit" of high blood pressure is not salt, but it!

5. Limit salt intake, but not to the point of being unreasonable.

6. Avoid smoking, smoking will aggravate blood pressure and the risk of coronary heart disease.

7. If it is still uncontrollable after a period of time, you need to take medication to lower blood pressure.

The doctor finally told Wang Gong that high blood pressure is silent, but it can be fatal, and he must effectively change his sedentary, overeating, and lack of exercise lifestyle in order to truly control blood pressure and stay away from the threat of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The "culprit" of high blood pressure is not salt, but it!

Wang Gong woke up from a dream and was determined to rebuild a healthy life from now on. He began to insist on jogging, salad with fruits and vegetables, and control alcohol and meat every day. Soon, his weight dropped by 10 pounds, and his physique improved significantly.

It is not difficult to see that the "culprit of high blood pressure" is not all high-salt diet, but more of a modern lifestyle of obesity and lack of exercise.

The "culprit" of high blood pressure is not salt, but it!

High salt can undoubtedly aggravate hypertension, but from an epidemiological point of view, obesity caused by long-term excessive calorie intake and lack of exercise is the number one cause of hypertension. Obesity affects blood circulation and hormone secretion, raising blood pressure; Lack of exercise can lead to decreased heart and lung function, which can worsen high blood pressure and complications.

Therefore, for the vast majority of people, it is important to change their lifestyle, control their weight, and keep exercising, without excessive taboos. Of course, limiting alcohol intake, eating a balanced diet, etc., is also essential. For some patients with severe hypertension, medication is also needed to control it. Overall, regular life and moderate exercise are the keys to preventing and controlling high blood pressure.

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