
Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

author:Eternal Chi Guosheng


Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

I can't laugh or cry, and I talk about things with clichés

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty wanted to eat sunflowers, offer meat, and cut meat, just like Zheng Bi, a poet from Yangzhou in the Tang Dynasty, wanted to eat a three-headed banquet in Yangzhou, which was as stupid and ridiculous.

Anyone with a little historical knowledge knows that this is impossible!


Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks - Zhou Tong's so-called Yue Guogong broken golden rice test - Today's headlines

The author of the [Shijing] mentioned in the text is Xie Feng, the chief of the Sui Yang Emperor Shangshi, [Shijing],

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

The book has been lost and is no longer available.

Fortunately, there is a record menu in the [Song Taogu Qing Yilu Xie Feng Food Classic] There is a recorded menu, the details are as follows.

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks
Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks
Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks
Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks
Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks
Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Where is the sunflower meat?

Where is the sunflower chop?

Where's the sunflower chop?


Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks - Heaven does not hide traitors! A certain person should not covet Zhenjiang's meat - Today's headlines

I have long named and scolded you, @Scholar with dreams, Hanafire@Scholar with dreams, Hanafire, will never end well as a liar!


Today, I'll let you know that today's headlines have me as the number one person who peels the skin for Tianxingdao!

Xie Feng's [Shijing] is not to even think about it, so maybe there is [Zizhi Tongjian] and I don't know?

I'm a skinner, and I don't want to jump to conclusions.

We have ancient records!

[Song, Sima Guang, Zizhi Tongjian, Sui Ji, Eleven, Emperor Yang of Sui built Xiyuan to visit Jiangdu]

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Where is the sunflower meat?

Where is the sunflower chop?

Where's the sunflower chop?

@怀揣梦想的学者花火@怀揣梦想的学者花火就是因为有你这样透支读者信用度的人, Yangzhou people have a bad reputation, do you know?

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

What a sin you have!

Also, clumsy

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks - Is sunflower pork from Yangzhou? - Today's headlines

It is clearly pointed out that the sunflower plant is not a native plant, and it was only introduced to China at the end of the Ming Dynasty, and even so, it is not called sunflower!

Published in the 47th year of Kangxi (1708) [Ming, Wang Xiangjin, Qunfangpu]

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks
Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Call it Zhangju!

Published in the forty-sixth year of Kangxi (1707) [Qing Chen Fuyao Secret Flower Glass]

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks
Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

It's not called a sunflower, it's called a sunflower!

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty wants to eat sunflowers, offer meat, sunflowers, chop meat, sunflowers, and chop meat, and it is relatively easy to achieve his dream of eating fart!

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

So @ Scholar with Dreams Fireworks @ Scholars with Dreams Fireworks said

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Is Dajie (Yinzhuan) meatballs Yangzhou cuisine?

It's still the same sentence, we have ancient records!

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

What is the matter with your Yangzhou cuisine!


What else would you do but deceive people?

Qianlong's southern tour, Jiang Chunjiang Guangda, the general merchant of the Lianghuai salt industry, took over, and the history was called [piling salt overnight to build a white tower, and Hui cuisine took over Emperor Qianlong].

What's the matter with your Yangzhou cuisine?

In 1934, Chen Guofu, governor of Jiangsu Province

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks
Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

The provincial exhibition was held in Zhenjiang, and you Yangzhou was called Jiangdu County at that time

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Let's see what Zhenjiang is called!

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Meat is also called a lion's head!

The bone-out catfish head is the Zhenjiang dismantled stewed catfish head!

Don't think that others don't know the history of your Yangzhou cuisine, you Yangzhou cuisine worships Zhenjiang cuisine as your father-in-law,

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Form a combined fleet to town Yangcai, with the town in front and in the back.

openly robbed Zhenjiang cuisine, and the three-headed banquet in Zhenjiang became a three-headed banquet in Yangzhou for a pig's head.

Zhenjiang dismantles the stewed catfish head

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

It has become a famous dish in Yangzhou, Yangzhou dismantled stewed catfish head,

Zhenjiang crystal meat

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

It has become a famous dish in Yangzhou, Yangzhou crystal dish trotters!

Zhenjiang slash meat becomes your Yangzhou famous dish Yangzhou slash meat,

Zhenjiang lion head

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks
Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Become your Yangzhou famous dish Yangzhou lion head!

Then kicked away Zhenjiang cuisine, and lied that Zhenjiang cuisine was radiated by your Yangzhou cuisine to have Zhenjiang crystal meat, Zhenjiang lion head, Zhenjiang braised catfish head!

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Turn your head and worship my Dahuai An Huaiyang Cai as my father-in-law,

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Formed a joint fleet of Huaiyang cuisine, Huai in the front and in the back, openly robbed the soft pocket long fish, added vermicelli to become Yangzhou famous dish soft dough with powder, and added dried silk to become Yangzhou famous dish Huaiyu dried shredded

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Then Tian shamelessly declared to the outside world that it was a traditional famous dish of your Yangzhou cuisine

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

Enough is enough! It's time to end!

Zhou Xiaoyan

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks

On behalf of Yangzhou's application for cultural heritage, Huaiyang cuisine, the gray face returned with a feather, why!

Zhou Xiaoyan shamelessly pulled me to apply for the World Heritage List!

Poor and pathetic @ scholar with dreams fireworks
