
Novel: Love in the Snow

author:Twilight's wonderful story

Author: Twilight Purple

It is not easy to be original, please refuse to carry plagiarism, and offenders will be investigated!

Novel: Love in the Snow

The snow fell hard for two days and two nights, and the sky and the earth were covered in white, and a private house on the outskirts of the city was lonely in the snow, and if it weren't for the light smoke coming out of the chimney, you wouldn't have thought that there were people living there.

There was indeed a man living here, a lonely and pitiful widowed woman.

Her house is not in the same place as the village, it is a simple house built on her own land, where her husband used to raise pigs, and the family moved here, and later, when the man died, she remained here alone.

The inside of her house was extremely cold, unsheltered and exposed to the wind and snow, the walls seemed to have cracks everywhere, and the cold wind drilled into the house through the cracks, and even the plastic bucket containing water was about to freeze and crack, and there were icicles of different lengths hanging under the eaves, and the plastic sheets nailed to the windows rattled in the cold wind.

The woman stayed in the house by herself, guarding an iron stove that burned briquettes, the flames shone blue and yellow, and the woman could only feel the warmth with her hands very close, her expression wooden, as if nothing could move her.

She just stayed here alone, and before, she would have been afraid, but since the man left, she was like a different person overnight, and she no longer knew what it meant to be afraid.

There was a line of large, deep footprints on the snow in front of the house, covered in snow but still recognizable, leading to the woman's door, the snow was the least able to lie, and the footprints proved that someone had been here.

This footprint is not someone else's, it was a man's, it started to snow the night before yesterday, yesterday afternoon he bought some vegetables and eggs from the vegetable store, and also bought rice and oil, and sent it to the woman in the snow, he didn't dare to break into the woman's house rashly, he came and put the things at the door, and then shouted at the house through the door curtain: The things are put at the door, you remember to take them in!

The woman was startled at first when she heard the voice, and then she heard who it was, and replied through the curtain: Don't come, I'm not hungry.

The man didn't look back, stepped on the snow and creaked away, the woman opened the door, looked at him blankly, and then looked at the pile of things on the ground, her eyes were hot, the cold wind blew her hair high, looking at the man's back, her nose was sour, she took the things into the house and closed the door.

In the middle of the afternoon this day, the man came again, with a cotton curtain under his arm, a roll of plastic sheeting, and a bag in his other hand, and he came to the woman's door, and shouted through the curtain: Are you there? I bought you a cotton curtain, and I will nail a layer of plastic sheeting to your window, and make it tighter.

This time the woman heard the shout and got up and opened the door, she lifted the curtain, and the snow outside pierced her eyes, and the man stood in front of her.

"Didn't I let you come? ”

"This is a blizzard that has not been encountered in many years, and the temperature is also the lowest in decades, you can't take your life to carry it. ”

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of anything, my life is worthless, you go, don't come again. ”

The man was stunned, and he didn't hear the woman's words, so he took out a hammer from the bag he was carrying, and reached in and fumbled for a few nails, and with a clanging sound, he hung up the curtain and nailed up the plastic sheeting.

The woman didn't stretch out her hand to help, she lowered the curtain, shrank back into the house, and sat down by the stove, and the kettle sitting on the stove was boiling hot, and on such a cold day, she should always be polite, she took the kettle and put it next to the stove.

"Hey, come in and have some hot water, warm up. She shouted outside.

The man was almost finished nailing, and when he heard the woman's words, there was a twinkle in his eyes.

"Are you talking to me?" the man said as he packed his things into his bag.

The man hesitated, he stomped the snow off his feet, paused again, and then lifted the curtain.

The room was deserted, the temperature was only a little higher than outside, and the man's heart instantly hurt.

The woman poured the man a cup of hot water, looked at a small bench in front of the stove, and motioned for him to sit down.

The woman turned and sat down on the edge of her bed, saying that it was a bed, but it was actually a simple bed made of wooden planks.

"I said, 'Why are you doing this?'" the man began.

"This is my life, and I deserve this sin. The woman said.

"Life, life, talk about life all day long, life is not in your own hands? He is gone, what's the use of you guarding it? He wants to know you like this, and he doesn't want to. ”

There were tears on the woman's rough and dry face, and she raised her hand to wipe it, "I can't stand you, really, don't persuade me, I'm not worthy." With that, she lowered her head and shoulders and shrugged.

The man frowned, and there was a brief silence.

He raised his head and looked at the woman again, "It's all over, don't say anything, look forward, the days ahead are still long." ”

"No, you don't have to pity me, I have hands and feet, I can live. The woman said.

"Why are you still so angry, you know that I have always had you in my heart, why do you give up your right to pursue happiness for the sake of a dead man?" the man was a little anxious.

The woman's voice also became higher: " I know you have me in your heart, it is you who have always had me in your heart, I feel ashamed of you, you were good to me when I went to school, but I never put you in my eyes, and then we stopped going to school, you still have me in your heart, you came to our village to find me, you gave me gifts, you helped me repair my bicycle, but I never took you to heart, this is not counting, I didn't care about your feelings at all and turned around and married someone else, and then I heard people say, on the day I got married, you locked yourself in the house, drunk yourself, and lay down for three days, I can't stand you... ...”

The woman whimpered and cried.

The man sat down in front of the stove and lowered his head to his chest. The past is vivid, since he broke his heart in the woman, he closed his heart for many years, and then missed the best age for love, he never fell in love again, and he spent so many years alone in his mother's complaints and other people's strange eyes.

However, the woman's man died, although he couldn't use the word happy to describe his feelings, it was disrespectful to the deceased, but the man's death did ignite the fire of hope in his heart, so that he was full of infinite strength, he wanted to chase her, he wanted to take care of her, and he wanted to accompany her to the days to come.

The man stood up from the stool, he boldly walked to the woman's side for the first time, grabbed the woman's hand and held it in his big hand, and said sincerely: It's all over, I don't care, let's live together in the future, okay?

The woman lowered her head and sobbed, she didn't dare look up at him, but she didn't pull her hand back from the man's hand.

(Thank you for admiring, thank you for your attention!)

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