
The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

author:Ride a pigtail to wander

Kindness was let down, and cold water was poured on holding an umbrella for others

In the past few days in Hangzhou, a thought-provoking story has occurred.

A restaurant owner, out of kindness, let several college students eat casually for 5 yuan, but these college students not only ate and drank for nothing, but also ran away with more than 5,000 yuan in meal expenses!

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

This made the kind-natured boss Mr. Guo very remorseful, and his enthusiasm was poured cold water.

The seemingly ordinary little things reveal some hidden dangers in the moral concepts of young people nowadays.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

When the owner, Mr. Guo, was swimming, he met several college students who were working locally.

It turned out that these college students worked part-time at a nearby swimming pool, and they could only get their hard-earned wages at the end of the month.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

Mr. Kwok felt sympathy when he learned that they were living in poverty and often starving.

When I left my hometown and came to Hangzhou more than ten years ago to work hard, I also lived like this.

The difficult life when there is no money makes Mr. Guo empathize.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

Mr. Guo said enthusiastically: "In the future, when you come to my small restaurant to eat, you will only charge 5 yuan per person per meal." ”

Unexpectedly, Mr. Guo's enthusiasm was exchanged for the cold violence of this group of students.
The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

These college students only need 5 yuan to patronize Mr. Guo's restaurant every day.

Crazy eating and drinking, ordering like water, spending hundreds of yuan per meal.

Although Mr. Guo lost money, he still didn't care, he just hoped that these young men could eat and drink enough to get through the difficulties.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

In the past two months, these college students have owed more than 5,000 yuan for meals.

Mr. Kwok reminded that when it was time to settle the bill, they not only delayed it, but also used excuses to find excuses.

lied and said that he lost his wallet, his mobile phone was broken, and he couldn't be contacted, and finally he simply lost contact and disappeared!

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

This made Mr. Guo completely dumbfounded. He wanted to lend a hand, but these college students even ran away.

The boss was ruthlessly let down by the kindness of his belly, and he only felt extremely cold.


"I also came from the countryside to work hard in the city, and I survived hunger and cold.

So when I saw that these college students were living in difficulty, I thought about helping them.

How do I know that not only do they not know what to do, but they bully me too much, which makes me very cold and helpless. ”

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

As soon as this incident spread, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, and everyone thought that these college students who "ate and drank nothing" were too inauthentic.

They have grievances for their bosses, denouncing these college students for lacking minimum character and quality, and treating kindness as nothing.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

"The boss's kindness should be rewarded! These students don't know how to be grateful!"

"It's really the mentality of being fed a leopard! The boss has learned a lesson, and you can't trust people casually in the future. ”

"These college students are so ashamed, they take the boss's kindness for granted, and they go too far!"

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

Indeed, Mr. Guo's good deeds are commendable, but kindness also requires meeting the right person.

He didn't expect that these college students would be so cold-blooded and ruthless, turning a blind eye to the care of their benefactors.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

Good intentions are not rewarded, this sentence is extremely true.

Mr. Kwok was determined to help these college students tide over the difficult time, but he miscalculated.

He underestimated the sinister human heart, and the kindness of this loss made him greatly disappointed in human nature.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

In fact, if these college students have a little basic cultivation, they will not be able to pay the meal fee for a while.

You should also take the initiative to contact your boss to explain the situation and express your apologies and gratitude.

Even if the boss asks them to do the laundry and wash the dishes to pay back, they should gladly accept it.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

But they not only bully, but also evade responsibility.

The attitude of these college students in the face of goodwill has already exposed how low their morals are.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

"I haven't recruited anyone to mess with anyone in my life, and I've been running a restaurant honestly for many years, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. Mr. Guo sighed helplessly.

It is true that it is a natural principle that good deeds are rewarded, but in this matter, Mr. Guo is destined to gain wisdom with pain.

For this kind of "eat and drink" people, netizens scolded bitterly.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

But we also need to reflect on what caused their moral degradation.

Can these college students recognize their mistakes and correct them? This requires the power of education and guidance.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

"A gentleman is a righteous man, and a villain is a law. ”

As intellectuals, college students should have higher moral standards and responsibilities.

Those who have helped us silently, we must learn to be grateful and reciprocate.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

This seems to be a small matter, but it reflects the dilemma of insufficient positive energy in today's society.

We need more people like Mr. Guo who work hard to do good, and we also need to guide more college students to treat the world like benefactors.
The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

Lao Ziyun: "The good one, I am good, and the bad one, I am also good; Deshan. ”

We want to touch people's hearts with kindness and move the world with positive energy.

The restaurant owner let the summer vacation worker eat 5 yuan casually and was owed 5,000 meals! Netizens angrily reprimanded

Let everyone no longer die for good advice, but be grateful, and repay every care with sincerity.