
China and the United States talked for two days, Yellen had something to ask for something to China, and as soon as the words fell, the Chinese side turned against the army on the spot

author:Wang Taofeng

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen visited China, and high-level talks between China and the United States were held for two consecutive days. What did Yellen discuss with the Chinese side, and how did the Chinese side respond to Yellen's request?

On April 4, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen arrived in Guangzhou, China, for a six-day visit. At an event held by the American Chamber of Commerce in China a few days ago, Yellen addressed representatives of American companies present, saying that the US government opposes the "decoupling" of the Chinese and US economies and pointed out the need to maintain economic ties between the two countries. Yellen argues that economic "decoupling" will pose a threat to global economic stability, so the United States is pursuing a "constructive and results-oriented" relationship rather than a full-blown confrontation.

China and the United States talked for two days, Yellen had something to ask for something to China, and as soon as the words fell, the Chinese side turned against the army on the spot

In addition, Yellen also mentioned that the success of U.S. companies in China is critical to the U.S. economy, and the U.S. government will support these companies to pursue opportunities in the Chinese market while complying with international rules and ensure that they can compete on a level playing field. It can be said that Yellen's remarks are intended to show the "pragmatism" and "sincerity" of the US Government in handling economic relations with China.

However, Yellen's statement is actually "something in words", and what she wants to convey is actually that "the US economy cannot do without the Chinese market". However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yellen's visit to China is obviously a request from the US side, but Yellen's sincerity in this visit to China has not been reflected much.

China and the United States talked for two days, Yellen had something to ask for something to China, and as soon as the words fell, the Chinese side turned against the army on the spot

After all, before her visit to China, Yellen also "spoke harshly" about China, intimidating China's new energy industry for "overcapacity" and "impacting" the US market, and threatening to impose sanctions on Chinese companies. However, Yellen's shouting of "maintaining a healthy and stable relationship with China" while waving the stick of sanctions against Chinese companies is indeed too hypocritical.

Of course, it is undeniable that Yellen, as a rare "pragmatist" in American politics, has played a certain role in easing Sino-US relations during her visit to China. During the two days from April 5 to April 6, Yellen held several rounds of talks with Chinese senior leaders in Guangzhou. Focusing on the implementation of the important consensus reached by the heads of state of China and the United States, the two sides focused on issues such as balanced economic growth, financial stability, sustainable finance, and anti-money laundering cooperation between China and the United States and the global economy.

China and the United States talked for two days, Yellen had something to ask for something to China, and as soon as the words fell, the Chinese side turned against the army on the spot

However, during the talks, the Chinese high-level expressed concern about the U.S. economic and trade restrictions in the presence of Yellen, and responded to the production capacity issue. It can be seen from this that the reply given by the Chinese high-level in this meeting does not seem to be as rosy as the US side imagined.

Some analysts pointed out that the Chinese high-level officials frankly admitted that the two sides had in-depth, candid, pragmatic and constructive exchanges on the macroeconomic situation between the two countries and the world, as well as on China-US economic relations and global challenges, which undoubtedly recognized the results of the talks between the two sides. However, with regard to the so-called "overcapacity" raised by the US side and the US economic restrictions on China, the Chinese high-level officials have also unceremoniously raised serious concerns. It can be said that this is in line with the US side's own statement, and it is "anti-general" to Yellen.

You must know that what China has always emphasized and advocated is to carry out diplomatic and economic cooperation with other countries on the premise of peace, reciprocity and mutual respect. However, while emphasizing its own economic interests, the US has ignored the interests of Chinese companies, and even stepped up its suppression and containment, which not only undermines the global free trade market, but also undermines the international credibility of the United States.

China and the United States talked for two days, Yellen had something to ask for something to China, and as soon as the words fell, the Chinese side turned against the army on the spot

It can be expected that if the United States fails to take a correct attitude and talk to the Chinese side from the perspective of mutual respect on the "major issue" of Sino-US relations, it will continue to make demands and conditions on the Chinese side. Then, Sino-US relations will inevitably deteriorate, which will be detrimental to both sides and even to the world