
160 million! Wujin No. 1 High School Expansion!

author:Wujin today
160 million! Wujin No. 1 High School Expansion!

Education is a major part of people's livelihood

this year

Luoyang Town's key livelihood projects

The renovation and expansion project of Luoyang High School is also progressing in an orderly manner

In order to improve the educational environment and improve the quality of teaching

Provide basic protection

160 million! Wujin No. 1 High School Expansion!
160 million! Wujin No. 1 High School Expansion!

At the construction site of the Luoyang High School Reconstruction and Expansion Project,

The pile foundation construction of the first teaching building has been completed.

Structural construction of the basement floor is underway.

160 million! Wujin No. 1 High School Expansion!

Wei Jingjing, project manager of the project management party of Luoyang High School Reconstruction and Expansion Project

"At present, the construction of teaching building 1 and dormitory building is synchronized, which can meet the needs of the spring semester of 2025. ”

160 million! Wujin No. 1 High School Expansion!

It is reported that the total investment of the project is 160 million yuan.

The school's Zhenshan Building and Hongmei Building will be demolished in stages to build new teaching buildings.

The first site of the teaching building is the original Zhenshan Building.

After the new construction, there will be 22 classrooms.

There are 34 classrooms in the second teaching building.

After completion, it can accommodate about 2,500 students to study in the school;

After the renovation of the dormitory building,

It can set up 255 student dormitories,

It can meet the accommodation needs of more than 1,500 students.

160 million! Wujin No. 1 High School Expansion!
160 million! Wujin No. 1 High School Expansion!
160 million! Wujin No. 1 High School Expansion!

The reconstruction and expansion project of Luoyang High School was voted as a practical project for people's livelihood in 2024, and the construction progress is currently progressing in an orderly manner. In order to ensure the orderly progress of the teaching work, the project adheres to the combination of scientific construction and scientific management in the construction process, improves the supporting facilities, ensures a smooth transition, and attaches importance to teaching and dormitory management. The construction site is separated from the normal teaching environment, and the students' awareness of risk prevention is strengthened, and the construction area is kept away from the construction area during the break period to ensure the safety of teaching and construction, so as to create a campus that satisfies students, parents, teachers and staff.

Reporter: Shi Lianyin

Editor: Jiang Xintong

Review: Lu Weidong Ju Liaoyuan

Please indicate the source for reprinting: Wujin Today

(WeChat: wjrb2013)

Produced by the Propaganda Department of the Wujin District Committee of the Communist Party of China

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