
Foreign woman complains that her mother-in-law does not let her be intimate with her husband and that "she will never have grandchildren"
On April 7, local time, the British "Mirror" reported on the distress of a newlywed woman: she lived with her "domineering" mother-in-law, and whenever she was intimate with her husband, her mother-in-law came out to stop her, the woman couldn't bear it, and now she has moved back to her parents' house, she said that if this continues, her mother-in-law will never have grandchildren. She also asked netizens all over the world to help, how should she solve this problem?
Foreign woman complains that her mother-in-law does not let her be intimate with her husband and that "she will never have grandchildren"

The woman spoke about her distress on the social media Reddit.

A year ago, the woman and her husband got married, and before the marriage, they both worked and studied at the same time, so the time they spent together was very limited, and it could even be said that they rarely met, and they never lived together. After getting married, the woman moved to her husband's apartment.

Two months after the marriage, her husband's father died in an accident, and it happened so suddenly that her husband and mother-in-law were very sad.

The woman's husband was the only son in the family, and after the death of her father, the mother who lived alone suggested that her son and daughter-in-law move to her house to accompany her, but because the woman and her husband were working and studying in another state, this plan could not be realized, so the mother-in-law moved in with her son.

Foreign woman complains that her mother-in-law does not let her be intimate with her husband and that "she will never have grandchildren"

The woman said that the seven months that her mother-in-law moved in was a huge pressure for her.

The mother-in-law did not like her and thought that no woman in the world was worthy of her son, and the daughter-in-law was certainly no exception.

As newlyweds, the woman and her husband were very close, and their intimate life was usually once a day, or even twice a day, but after the arrival of the mother-in-law, the situation changed.

The woman went on to say that the family lived in a small apartment, and whenever she made a move with her husband, her mother-in-law would magically appear and interrupt them, no matter what time it was, even if it was 3 a.m., and she would knock on her son's and daughter-in-law's door as if she were careless, asking them what they were doing, or telling him that she was having a headache or something else, and that she "felt terrible."

The woman said that she sensed that after her mother-in-law came, she no longer had any privacy.

Foreign woman complains that her mother-in-law does not let her be intimate with her husband and that "she will never have grandchildren"

Moreover, even during the day, she could not feel relaxed and happy, and her mother-in-law criticized her for everything, and even more disdainfully the food she cooked.

Later, the mother-in-law intensified and "added drama", she wanted to separate her son and daughter-in-law, she told her son that one day when her daughter-in-law was at home in the afternoon, she lost a few valuable benzene in her room, and the money was also lost, and the mother-in-law hinted that her daughter-in-law was stealing.

The woman said she felt really fed up and that her life was not what she wanted. At the beginning, because her father-in-law died unexpectedly, her mother-in-law was very distressed, and she sympathized with her mother-in-law, so she agreed to move in with her, "but I didn't let her call me a thief." ”

The woman couldn't stand it anymore, so she went back to her parents' house, and her husband kept calling and texting her to go back, but the woman felt too much pressure and didn't know what to do—should she go back to such a home?

A netizen commented that it is recommended that you give your husband two choices, either to marry you or to marry his mother.

Foreign woman complains that her mother-in-law does not let her be intimate with her husband and that "she will never have grandchildren"

Another netizen said, can you endure this situation until your mother-in-law dies? This kind of life destroys the soul, and if you can't bear it, don't go back. If your husband asks you to go back, ask him to move your mother-in-law out and move to a far place, not next door.

Many netizens agree with this point of view: don't go back until your mother-in-law leaves your house.

Do you have a good idea?