
It's a big fuss! The shame has been thrown abroad, and the Korean media have commented that the national football team is only a third-rate player in Asia

It's safe to say that China is a proper sports powerhouse, but the only thing we can be proud of now is the women's volleyball team, which has not only dominated Asia so far, but has also been able to compete with any of the best teams in the world.
It's a big fuss! The shame has been thrown abroad, and the Korean media have commented that the national football team is only a third-rate player in Asia

After talking about our most face-saving women's volleyball team, it is always cruel to uncover the wounds, and we have to mention the national football team (men's football team) again, not only to hate iron but not steel, but even to grit their teeth, because they began to lose people and threw them abroad!

On April 6, Beijing time, the Korean media "Mydaily" suddenly posted an article on a whim to evaluate our football, of course, it is likely to refer to the Chinese men's football team (national football).

Their headline is very sarcastic: "Another big shame for Chinese football, it can't even enter the top 10 of the FIFA rankings, ranking 13th in Asia".


The article said that the national football team is now not only far behind by South Korea, Japan, Iran and Australia, but also being squeezed by Middle Eastern countries, which can only be regarded as the third rate in Asia.

It's a big fuss! The shame has been thrown abroad, and the Korean media have commented that the national football team is only a third-rate player in Asia

After the South Korean media's article about the national football team was reported, it aroused heated discussions among our domestic fans, and they expressed their opinions in the comment area, which is really heart-wrenching!

Let's take a look at what they have to say about the national football team:

1. It must be affirmed that what the Korean media said is the Chinese men's football team, and the women's football team is still worthy of their respect, which is very reasonable!

It's a big fuss! The shame has been thrown abroad, and the Korean media have commented that the national football team is only a third-rate player in Asia

2. The Korean language makes us have nothing to say, and it doesn't even have anything to do with me? It seems that some fans have been disappointed in the national football team!

It's a big fuss! The shame has been thrown abroad, and the Korean media have commented that the national football team is only a third-rate player in Asia

3, the Korean media is telling the truth, and the ridicule is not [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet]

It's a big fuss! The shame has been thrown abroad, and the Korean media have commented that the national football team is only a third-rate player in Asia

4. The evaluation of the Korean media is still too high, and the national football team should be one of the top 500 in the world!

It's a big fuss! The shame has been thrown abroad, and the Korean media have commented that the national football team is only a third-rate player in Asia

5. It's not a mockery, their people don't even need to exist!

It's a big fuss! The shame has been thrown abroad, and the Korean media have commented that the national football team is only a third-rate player in Asia

6. The national football team has disgraced the whole of Asia, and the Korean media is still polite!!

It's a big fuss! The shame has been thrown abroad, and the Korean media have commented that the national football team is only a third-rate player in Asia

7. What people say is the truth, accept it calmly!

It's a big fuss! The shame has been thrown abroad, and the Korean media have commented that the national football team is only a third-rate player in Asia

8. I really want to refute, but I'm helpless, and the World Cup is hanging again!

It's a big fuss! The shame has been thrown abroad, and the Korean media have commented that the national football team is only a third-rate player in Asia

Although everyone is refreshed after scolding the national football team, we finally have to face a reality, that is, they are still our own national team, although they are at a low ebb, but I really hope that one day, they can really come out and earn face for our country!

It's a big fuss! The shame has been thrown abroad, and the Korean media have commented that the national football team is only a third-rate player in Asia

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