
2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

author:Hi live large-screen interaction

The lottery link is an indispensable link in each on-site activity, but if the lottery method is not innovative, it is difficult to stimulate the enthusiasm of the on-site personnel to participate, and some traditional lottery methods are monotonous and lack of novelty.

I don't know if you feel it, but generally everyone is the most active when the annual meeting is in the lottery or when there are some creative programs, and winning the prize is a kind of luck that can bring endless joy. The company's annual meeting is a symbol of corporate culture, and it is also an annual commendation for the clerks who have contributed to the company and a summary of the company's year.

In order to allow the company's employees to actively share and forge ahead, the lottery form at the annual meeting plays a decisive role. Here, we will share with you a fancy lottery method of another company, hoping to help you plan an event with both atmosphere and benefits.

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

Annual Meeting Lucky Draw Program:

1. The prizes of the lucky draw will be set up as the first prize, the second prize, the third prize, the lucky prize, and the number of prizes will be arranged according to the company's budget and number of people.

2. Personnel participating in the lucky draw: all staff and guests of the company. Some annual meetings will invite representatives of cooperative companies and agents to participate, in addition to the company's employees, they also have the right to participate in the lottery. In order to get closer to the relationship, you can appropriately set some for them, mainly based on the welfare of the company's employees.

3. Lottery rules: All participants in the company's annual meeting can sign in through brand sign-in, 3D sign-in, etc.

Those who sign in are automatically entered into the prize pool. After the lottery starts, click on the big screen to select the prize and the number of winners, and click Start to start the lottery.

Hi on-site interaction is a free, simple, fun, personalized WeChat wall, WeChat large screen production software tool, through brand communication and multi-screen interactive professional integration, is committed to helping the event party enhance the value of brand communication in the event, integrate product symbols in the event, and enhance the effect of the event.

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

The following is a share of the steps of HI on-site 3D sign-in:

Welcome to Hi site.

Follow the process to create a new event

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

1. Function description

Participants scan the QR code on WeChat, and after completing the check-in, the avatar will be displayed on the big screen, arranged and displayed or formed into a graphic

2. Function settings

  1. Go to the interactive function settings and select "Check-in Wall" to set the relevant settings
2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

2.3D basic settings of the sign-in wall: avatar, avatar form, and whether to display the number of sign-ins

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?
  1. 3D effect settings
2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

1) Custom logo: Click Edit, upload a custom logo graphic, and manually adjust the effect to achieve the best effect

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

2) 3D Graphics Transformation: Click "+" to add graphics

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

3) Background Effects & Custom Music

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

3. Effect display

Click "View 3D Sign-in Wall Screen" to preview the effect

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

(Custom logo)

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?


2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

(Rotating Cylinder)

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

(Spiral Ribbon)

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

(3D Rubik's Cube)

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

(Cubic Rectangle)

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

(Time Tunnel)

2024 novel lottery method_How to plan the annual meeting lottery plan?

Frequently Asked Questions on Key Points of the Draw:

1. The whole process of the lottery should be equipped with a music background, and the songs should be cool and enthusiastic to build an atmosphere.

2. Due to the large number of award-winning staff members of the Good Luck Award, the gifts will be received after the annual meeting.

3. Each honorary award shall be extracted in stages, and the intermediate time interval shall be scientifically arranged according to the time and steps of the annual meeting of the enterprise.

4. Divide and match photos. Assign relevant staff to bring digital cameras in advance to do a good job of taking photos at exchange meetings and banquet sites.

PS: Okay, today's article is shared here, thank you for your appreciation, if you are interested in 3D sign-in, you can go to the hi live platform to create and use, hi live platform in addition to the large screen 3D sign-in, there are many fun live interactive lottery games, I believe there will be something you like!

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