
Latest!Follow-up of the aunt's smashing of the car: The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car with a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

author:Xiao Zhi Hou Bagua

The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car and had a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

Can you imagine an elderly aunt who, because her garlic sprouts were squashed, picked up a brick and smashed it against a million-dollar luxury car? This is just the beginning, and the subsequent development of things is even more unexpected, let's walk into this farce together and see what a wonderful drama will be performed.


An aunt's car accident caused a fire

Approaching the Qingming holiday, tourists from all over the world have returned to their hometowns to sweep the tombs and worship their ancestors, and the roads are congested. A black Mercedes-Benz sedan was jammed on National Highway 106, and the driver, Ms. Wang, chose to temporarily turn onto a country road.

Latest!Follow-up of the aunt's smashing of the car: The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car with a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

Who knows that on both sides of this path, there is a wheat field on one side, and on the other side is the garlic seedling field of the villagers' aunt. The car in front drove the road, and Ms. Wang also turned in, but unfortunately accidentally flattened a piece of garlic seedlings on the way.

Latest!Follow-up of the aunt's smashing of the car: The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car with a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

This garlic sprout is the aunt's "heartache"! The aunt chased after her all the way on a battery car, and smashed the Mercedes-Benz with a brick in her hand, beating the rearview mirror and the body of the car hard.

Latest!Follow-up of the aunt's smashing of the car: The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car with a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

Ms. Wang was so frightened by her aunt's violent behavior that she forgot to get out of the car for a while, so she could only cover her heart and call the police. The scene is really a bit comedic.

Latest!Follow-up of the aunt's smashing of the car: The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car with a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

The two sides entered the police station, and the aunt told the truth. It turned out that Ms. Wang pressed her family's garlic seedlings, and she smashed the car so badly to vent her anger.

Where is it so simple to repair more than 30,000 car damage?

Afterwards, Ms. Wang drove the car into the repair shop, and the inspection results showed that the damage to the vehicle was as high as 37,433 yuan. This time, she was completely annoyed: "I admit that I crushed her garlic seedlings, but she has to pay for smashing my car! One yard is one yard, how can I reconcile?"

Latest!Follow-up of the aunt's smashing of the car: The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car with a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

Netizens overwhelmingly supported Ms. Wang, believing that the aunt's behavior was too much and should be punished. Some people also speculate that the aunt is probably scared at this time, and she will have to pay the price for doing something wrong.

Latest!Follow-up of the aunt's smashing of the car: The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car with a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

The aunt has another secret, and the wife hides at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

However, the truth does not seem to be as simple as netizens think. Some locals revealed that the aunt's behavior was so abnormal, in fact, it was related to her mental illness, and it was not surprising that she smashed the car.

Latest!Follow-up of the aunt's smashing of the car: The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car with a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

It turned out that the aunt's mental condition had been very bad, and although the villagers stepped forward to dissuade the car when the car was smashed, they also ate the aunt's madness. It seems that her family is also quite helpless about this.

However, even if the aunt is indeed sick, she will definitely be responsible for smashing the car. Now that things are in an uproar, foreign reporters and enthusiastic people have rushed to learn about the progress, and the aunt's family has become a laughing stock in the village.

Latest!Follow-up of the aunt's smashing of the car: The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car with a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

What worries me the most at the moment is my aunt's wife. Some locals photographed the aunt's husband hiding at the entrance of the village on a battery car, secretly observing the development of the situation, sometimes looking and sometimes contacting people through his mobile phone, probably discussing countermeasures.

Latest!Follow-up of the aunt's smashing of the car: The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car with a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

Judging from the wife's dress, I am afraid that the family's economic conditions are not well-off. Now that he has been single-handedly troubled by his aunt, the whole family has suffered.

Rational face is the king's way, and I hope that both parties will be lenient

In the face of this accident, Ms. Wang, as a victim, handled it objectively and rationally, and did not conflict with her aunt in person. If you have a physical conflict with your aunt, you are likely to bite back with your aunt's mental condition.

Latest!Follow-up of the aunt's smashing of the car: The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car with a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

As for the aunt's family, although there are extenuating circumstances, they must be at a loss first, and they must be at a loss to deal with the car repair fee. After all, smashing a car is a deliberate act, and even if it is a mentally ill person, the family members cannot escape the blame.

Latest!Follow-up of the aunt's smashing of the car: The neighbor revealed that the aunt smashed the car with a hidden secret, and the wife hid at the entrance of the village to observe secretly

We hope that the incident can be resolved fairly through legal means, and that there will be fewer verbal wars and excessive contradictions and confrontations. Ms. Wang can be more empathetic, and the aunt's family will also be responsible for it, and both parties may need to make concessions to end this farce.