
"The bed is against two walls, and the family is sick", these two walls don't lean, it's not superstition, there is a basis

author:Sheep and sheep entertainment

In the deep traditional cultural concept, the arrangement of beds has always received great attention. It is believed that the right bed arrangement promotes the health and good fortune of family members. But there is an old proverb: "If the bed is against two walls, the family will be sick" warns us that the wrong choice can have a detrimental effect on the health of family members.

"The bed is against two walls, and the family is sick", these two walls don't lean, it's not superstition, there is a basis

First wall: The wall against the window

In the layout of the bedroom, the wall where the bed is next to the window can present a series of problems. First of all, the problem of air leakage cannot be ignored. Even well-sealed windows can create tiny gaps due to airdrafts, allowing cold air or moisture from the outside world to enter. Being exposed to cold winds for a long time makes the human body susceptible to colds and weakened resistance, which in turn increases the risk of colds and respiratory diseases. In addition, sleep quality can also be affected by air leakage.

"The bed is against two walls, and the family is sick", these two walls don't lean, it's not superstition, there is a basis

2. The wall of the bed near the window is easy to regain moisture. Especially in humid weather, the moisture from the exterior wall can affect the bed and the surrounding air through the wall, resulting in excessive humidity in the bedroom. Such an environment is prone to the growth of mold and bacteria, which poses a threat to health. Moisture regeneration can cause beds, bedding, clothing, etc. to become damp, which not only causes discomfort to the body, but can also cause allergic reactions and skin diseases.

"The bed is against two walls, and the family is sick", these two walls don't lean, it's not superstition, there is a basis

3. Walls near windows are often prone to accumulate a lot of dust. In areas with high winds and sand or in open areas, dust and fine particles blown by the wind can easily enter the room through windows and accumulate on walls and beds. Prolonged exposure to dust can trigger allergic reactions and aggravate symptoms of respiratory diseases.

"The bed is against two walls, and the family is sick", these two walls don't lean, it's not superstition, there is a basis

Therefore, in order to ensure the comfort and health of the bedroom, it is recommended to adjust the position of the bed and avoid the wall next to the window. At the same time, strengthen the sealing performance of windows, reduce air leakage and moisture return, and keep the room dry and clean. In this way, you can not only improve the quality of sleep, but also protect the health of your family.

"The bed is against two walls, and the family is sick", these two walls don't lean, it's not superstition, there is a basis

Second wall: The wall against the toilet

Studies have shown that toilets are not only a breeding ground for bacteria, but their walls are also often infested with bacteria. Despite our efforts to keep the toilet clean, bacteria are always present, especially when water vapor and odors spread through the walls into the bedroom, increasing the chance of us and our family members being exposed to germs, thus increasing the risk of contracting diseases.

"The bed is against two walls, and the family is sick", these two walls don't lean, it's not superstition, there is a basis

And there are a large number of bacteria and viruses in the toilets, including pathogens and pathogens of intestinal infectious diseases. These microorganisms are transmitted through air, water droplets, etc., and are easy to stay and spread in a closed environment. Therefore, the walls near the toilet are susceptible to contamination by these microorganisms, and long-term exposure to such an environment can put our health and that of our families at risk, as well as an increase in the incidence of respiratory infections and intestinal infections.

"The bed is against two walls, and the family is sick", these two walls don't lean, it's not superstition, there is a basis

In addition, there are often various odors in the toilet, such as feces, urine, etc., especially if the odor is not ventilated in time after use, the odor is more likely to be retained. These odors not only affect the quality of indoor air, but also have a negative impact on people's physical and mental health, such as dizziness, nausea, etc. Long-term exposure to such environments puts our health and that of our families at greater risk, which can lead to respiratory diseases or digestive problems. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the hygiene of toilet walls, clean and disinfect regularly, and maintain good ventilation to reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses and protect our health and the health of our families.

"The bed is against two walls, and the family is sick", these two walls don't lean, it's not superstition, there is a basis

In summary, although this view may be considered superstitious, the evidence provided by modern medical and architectural research provides some support for this traditional view. Therefore, the placement of the bed is not inconsequential, but should be decided based on scientific and health considerations.

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