
Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

author:The world as you see it
Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

Bungee jumping, as a popular outdoor leisure sport in modern times, is known for its thrilling experience.

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

But recently, I saw Dou Wangling bungee jumping on a certain platform, which really refreshed my eyes, is there a safer bungee jumping than this? I have never dared to bungee jump, and I also have a feeling that I can do it.



Netizens in the comment area also laughed to death!

It's too safe, watch out for the danger.

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

My milk in the cellar is more exciting than this hahahahaha.

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

The most dangerous thing is the phlegm on the ground hahahahahahahaha

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

Charge three dollars.

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

I've swiped several, and it looks like I'm hanging.

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

At first, I thought that this man was going to sink into the pond for something.

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

Is there a charge, charge to the police.

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

You say he's dangerous, and there's no excitement, you say he's safe, and the entire cement floor below is going to die in an accident. One thing to say, something happens on this concrete floor, which is indeed more dangerous than real bungee jumping.

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

ღ᭄ꦿLoѵe climbed up with a deflated belly, and was hung down by a rope again, which was as exciting as a fall while walking.

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

Can you tie a rope around your neck, or are you amazing? Brother, don't be impulsive.

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

Play this, how much money does the merchant give me.

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

Fire drills?

Blessed are those who don't dare to bungee jump. The safest bungee jumping in history!

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