
Hepatitis B, whether you are a big Sanyang or a small Sanyang, this recipe has the same tone of liver, spleen and kidneys, and there is no defeat

author:Director Yang Fengxiang
Hepatitis B, whether you are a big Sanyang or a small Sanyang, this recipe has the same tone of liver, spleen and kidneys, and there is no defeat

Because I have been interested in practicing medicine since I was a child, what "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Yellow Emperor's Neijing", "Jin Kui Yaolu", what others may only read in college, I have read countless times when I was a child.

Because of this, in clinical treatment, I can often prescribe prescriptions that others don't know, not only with good results, but also with fast recovery, and my colleagues often come to me to learn from me and let me tell them the secret of my good and fast treatment. What's the secret of this? It's nothing more than to see more, think more, and practice more.

Hepatitis B, whether you are a big Sanyang or a small Sanyang, this recipe has the same tone of liver, spleen and kidneys, and there is no defeat

A few years ago, when I was in the clinic, I saw a patient. The patient was 31 years old, and was diagnosed with hepatitis B in the fifth grade of primary school, and is currently hepatitis B Xiaosanyang, although his liver function is normal, but he has liver hemangioma. And usually likes to get angry. Relatives and friends avoided him. It's been a long time, and there is no one to interact with him.

And because of illness, his body shape is thin and weak, and since the third year of junior high school, this body shape has not changed. The face is dull, the spirit is also poor, the eyes are dry and unbearable, there are red bloodshots, and it is easy to feel soreness and discomfort after looking at things for a long time.

In addition, his spleen and stomach are not good, and he can't digest anything he eats, so he usually eats less. In addition, he has liked hands since he was an adolescent, and now he still has symptoms of kidney yang deficiency, such as impotence, premature ejaculation, weak erection, lifting but not firm, heavy urine smell in the morning, yellowish urine, fear of cold and other problems.

A long time ago, in order to treat hepatitis B and pimples, I ate a lot of Chinese herbal medicines, which hurt my liver and kidneys.

I differentiated the syndrome of liver, spleen and kidney insufficiency, and prescribed a prescription to regulate the liver, spleen and kidney to treat him.

Hepatitis B, whether you are a big Sanyang or a small Sanyang, this recipe has the same tone of liver, spleen and kidneys, and there is no defeat

This recipe is composed of traditional Chinese medicines such as Huaishan, Schisandra chinensis, Yuan ginseng, Angelica, mulberry seeds, jujube kernels, ligustrum seeds, fairy spleen, Morinda officinalis, Mai Dong, chrysanthemum, fried malt, licorice and other traditional Chinese medicines, boiled into a soup, and then rushed into the antler gum.

After taking 6 doses, the patient's eye symptoms were reduced, so I added or subtracted a few more medicines, this time with the patient taking 5 doses. The patient told me that the symptoms of my eyes were basically better and I would not feel uncomfortable anymore. But due to the stimulation of waking up in the morning, plus tears in the afternoon, the eyes are still red.

So I added or subtracted a few more flavors and asked him to continue taking them. and told him to recuperate. After a long time, all kinds of discomfort slowly disappeared, and the body finally recovered.

Hepatitis B, whether you are a big Sanyang or a small Sanyang, this recipe has the same tone of liver, spleen and kidneys, and there is no defeat