
Did you have internal friction today?

author:The Beni Twins

Recently, I watched the variety show "Half-familiar Lovers" produced by Tencent, and I watched it quite well.

However, there is a Su Su in it, which really makes people can't help but jump into the screen to persuade her - give up Lao Wang quickly.

Did you have internal friction today?

If you haven't watched this variety show, I will probably tell you about it, at the beginning of the show, 4 men and 4 women were arranged to enter a resort, and they completely left their posts and began to get to know each other, date and get along, similar to a blind date show that can give a period of time to develop. After a period of development, they arranged 2 men and 2 women, adding new possibilities and interactions, and the watchability is still quite good. In particular, the process of them observing, feeling, and testing each other is very interesting.

The reason why the show is called "Half-familiar Lovers", my understanding should be a pun, "half-familiar" not only refers to their age, but also refers to their relationship and become "half-familiar lovers".

Su Su is one of the 4 girls who joined at the beginning, and she fell in love with Lao Wang after she joined the group. As a result, this old Wang Xin has another belonging, and he has always liked another girl, Pamela. Seeing that Su Su has always had a crush on Lao Wang, but he has frequently seen him interacting with others, and he has been suffering from internal friction, the audience is probably the same as me, and they shouted in their hearts, please, give up on him.

Did you have internal friction today?

And it is true that Susu also has a boy who focuses on her, Yangyang. As an audience, I think Yangyang is more worthy of her. He was one of the boys who came in later, and she was always targeted. It's a pity that she also has a tendon and only stares at Lao Wang. This is what the song sings: "I love you, you love him, he loves her......"

In short, Su Su is a little girl who looks very entangled and has internal friction, although she is very simple, but she can't stand it because the internal friction is very large.

Yes, the topic I want to talk about today is internal friction.

I think of Xiao Zhao, a little girl in our online relative group, and I think she is also a little internal.

She obviously lives an enviable life, for example, the home photos she takes are particularly clean, tidy, comfortable and warm, and she does a particularly cost-effective job - although there is often a risk of unemployment, her leaders always persevere to protect her. Then she was good at drawing, she was also very motivated, and she was admitted to the graduate school on the job. In short, she just lived as we envied.

But sometimes, I see her more emo, and I feel that I am not good anywhere, and even the vignettes I draw are revealing this kind of down-down emotion.

I often think that she is like me when I was younger. There is a kind of "teenager who doesn't know the taste of sorrow, falls in love with the floor, falls in love with the floor, and is worried about the new words." ".

I used to be a person with a lot of internal friction. As soon as something doesn't go your way, I immediately go down, feeling that I am useless and lonely.

Of course, I am not saying that people cannot have negative emotions, but that we subjectively magnify things that do not go well, and let ourselves fall into extremes, or a kind of self-imagined pessimistic world, such internal friction is indeed more hindering our personal physical and mental development.

I'm so much better now than I used to be. But the reason why I thought of saying this is because I also burned it out two days ago because of the problem of buying bracelets.

Originally, I had a jade bracelet from my mother-in-law and a jade bracelet from my father, although it was not expensive, I still felt very satisfied, but because I accidentally broke the bracelet that my father bought last time, I was very distressed, and I began to be dissatisfied and wanted to buy another one.

Did you have internal friction today?

But my current situation (I am unemployed, and my husband is about to lose his job) is not a state where I can buy non-essential items, so I am very entangled. While struggling, I searched for bracelets online......

In the end, I found a bracelet, I liked two models, and I hesitated for a long time before placing an order for a cheap one. The point is that after placing the order, I have been blaming myself for a long time, feeling that I am spending money again, and I should not buy such unnecessary things, and I also think of the blame of my parents and lover for spending money on me in the past.

Then it wasn't until I went out of the house at night to throw out the garbage and walked outdoors that I came over and began to feel that there was something great, and I couldn't buy this bracelet if I couldn't buy it, and I felt that I was really very internal friction and very unnecessary in front of me. At the same time, I also looked back at the process of my internal friction, and I was mainly afraid that my family was doing something wrong.

But to be honest, it's because of this special situation that I'm more consumed by non-essential expenses, and most of the time I have very little internal consumption.

First, I have more experience and more experience as I get older, and secondly, I have been in contact with psychology, including counseling with psychological counselors, reading psychological books, studying psychology courses by myself, etc., and I have learned a lot about psychology, and I have found that I am very good at observing my emotions and thoughts, and once I am aware of my emotions and thoughts, it is not so difficult to adjust.

When I was younger, I was really confused about my emotions and thoughts, and I only knew that I was unhappy and unhappy, but I didn't know why. Sometimes they even avoid delving into it themselves, for fear of coming up with problems they don't want to face. In fact, this is not good for people like me. It's that some people like to persuade others to "don't think about it, think too much before you worry", this kind of talk is useless for people who are prone to internal friction, not only useless, but will stimulate others - people don't think about it at all, but they just can't control it.

So, in my own experience, it's most useful to look inside and be aware of yourself. Only at this time can "I" see "myself" as a third person, but I have all my senses, so I can hold myself and enlighten myself more (find the crux of the problem, and open the knot of death).

Just like the sentence written on the mouse pad I just bought recently, "there are things to do, and there are things to do, and contentment knows what is not enough", knowing yourself is the only way to achieve yourself. At the end of the day, I'm my own savior.

Did you have internal friction today?

As for the enlightenment that follows, it is actually important to change the environment and take the next step. Just like my internal friction in the previous year, my thoughts change immediately when I go out, and our attention is easily changed by the changes in the environment and affairs, and the same is true for ideas.

That's one of the reasons why I love words, because I can sort out my ideas and write them down. And a lot of times when I don't write without writing, that's pure brainless fun.

So finally, I wish you all to get rid of internal friction as soon as possible, and be able to move forward decisively and develop yourself smoothly.