
What is the landing strength of our army? At present, 10 combat brigades can be sent, and whether or not the various attack groups can land on Taiwan Island

author:Knowledge of popular science

In today's international situation, the Taiwan issue has always been one of the focal points of much attention. For a long time, the strength of the PLA's Marine Corps was only 2 brigades, which means that in the first wave of landing operations, all the landing ships of the PLA Navy could only send 2 brigades of marines to the island of Taiwan. The Chinese Government regards Taiwan as an inalienable part of the motherland, while the Taiwan authorities uphold the "one-China" principle. After the new military reform in 2017, the PLA Airborne Forces are composed of 8 reinforced brigades, including a special operations brigade, which can carry out key strikes. Against this background, the landing strength of the Chinese army has attracted much attention, especially whether it can achieve a landing on Taiwan. In the early days, the PLA Navy had only a few dozen landing ships of the 072 and 073 types of 1000-4000 tons, and the rest were a huge number of 067 and 272 small landing craft. This article will discuss the landing strength of the Chinese military and the possibility of its landing on Taiwan.

What is the landing strength of our army? At present, 10 combat brigades can be sent, and whether or not the various attack groups can land on Taiwan Island

The landing strength of the Chinese army is mainly reflected in two aspects: the army and the navy. The Chinese Army has a lot of modern equipment, including tanks, armored vehicles, rocket artillery, etc., and has a strong land combat capability. In China's Marine Brigades, each brigade has 2 mechanized amphibious battalions, each battalion is equipped with 56 Type 05 amphibious infantry fighting vehicles and Type 05 amphibious assault vehicles, and 1 light amphibious mechanized battalion is equipped with Type 08 wheeled assault vehicles, Type 11 wheeled assault vehicles and other equipment. At the same time, the Chinese Navy has also experienced rapid development in recent years, equipped with a large number of ships and landing ships, and improved its landing capabilities at sea. 1 artillery battalion equipped with Type 07 self-propelled howitzers, as well as an air assault battalion equipped with helicopters, an anti-aircraft battalion equipped with anti-aircraft missiles and a reconnaissance battalion dedicated to intelligence gathering, etc. In addition, the Chinese Air Force's strategic transport aircraft and helicopter units can also provide air support, providing strong support for landing operations. In terms of the size of the establishment, China's amphibious combat forces are very powerful.

What is the landing strength of our army? At present, 10 combat brigades can be sent, and whether or not the various attack groups can land on Taiwan Island

The Chinese army can currently send at least 10 combat brigades to conduct landing operations at the same time. It should be said that China's amphibious combat forces are very strong and have a relatively strong landing combat capability. China can send multiple attack groups to conduct landing operations and launch an attack on Taiwan.

What is the landing strength of our army? At present, 10 combat brigades can be sent, and whether or not the various attack groups can land on Taiwan Island

However, it is not a simple matter to achieve the landing on Taiwan. Taiwan's geographical location is special, its coastline is complex, and the landing operation is facing many difficulties and challenges. Taiwan's fortifications are also relatively perfect, and its army, navy, and air force should not be underestimated. In order to land on Taiwan, the PLA needs to make full preparations and carry out comprehensive and thorough operational planning.

What is the landing strength of our army? At present, 10 combat brigades can be sent, and whether or not the various attack groups can land on Taiwan Island

In the course of the development of landing combat capabilities, the Chinese armed forces have undergone many reforms and transformations. From the initial exploration in the early days of the founding of the army to today's modern equipment and efficient combat capability, the pace of development of the Chinese armed forces has never stopped. In 1953, China established the Marine Corps, and by 1957, China had formed eight divisions and 110,000 marines. In the 60s and 70s, China readjusted the establishment of its marine units, and went through the process of development from divisions to regiments and from regiments to brigades. Since the beginning of the 21 st century, with the development of informationization and synthetic combat mode, new changes have also taken place in China's amphibious combat forces.

What is the landing strength of our army? At present, 10 combat brigades can be sent, and whether or not the various attack groups can land on Taiwan Island

The landing strength of the Chinese army has been significantly enhanced, and it has a certain ability to land on Taiwan. However, it is not an easy task to achieve the landing on Taiwan, and it faces many difficulties and challenges. The PLA needs to further strengthen the building of its landing combat capability and make full preparations to ensure the smooth progress of the landing operation. At the same time, the international community also calls on all parties to exercise restraint, resolve the Taiwan issue through dialogue and negotiation, and avoid unnecessary conflicts and wars.

What is the landing strength of our army? At present, 10 combat brigades can be sent, and whether or not the various attack groups can land on Taiwan Island