
Zhang Yufei won the 2023 Person of the Year who moved China: the goal of the Paris Olympics is to be the world's butterfly queen

author:Big data in sports

On the CCTV screen on the evening of April 8, the stars were shining and moving. When Zhang Yufei's name was announced at the award ceremony of "Moving China 2023 Person of the Year", the national audience was proud of the bright star of Chinese swimming. Standing on this glorious stage with Zhang Yufei, there are also outstanding representatives in various fields, but Zhang Yufei's story is particularly eye-catching because of his indomitable spirit and domineering declaration of "being the butterfly queen of the world".

Zhang Yufei won the 2023 Person of the Year who moved China: the goal of the Paris Olympics is to be the world's butterfly queen

"It's better for your muscles to burn in the middle of the night than for your emotions to sink in failure. This is the award speech given to Zhang Yufei by the organizing committee, and it is also a portrayal of her struggle. In the face of difficulties and challenges, Zhang Yufei never flinched, even when she was most tired, she still insisted on every training and every game. As she said in an interview with Bai Yansong: "Some competitions can be for yourself, but some competitions are for the country. This belief in fighting for the honor of the country has supported her to constantly surpass herself and achieve one brilliance after another.

In 2023, Zhang Yufei's schedule is full, from the World Championships to the Universiade, to the Asian Games and the World Cup, she participated in a total of 59 competitions in three stops, and won 23 gold medals. Behind such achievements are countless days and nights of hard work and unremitting efforts. When asked if she felt tired, she was honest and said that she was really tired, but she couldn't say no. Because she knows that these competitions are not only for her own growth and progress, but also for the honor and dignity of the country.

Zhang Yufei won the 2023 Person of the Year who moved China: the goal of the Paris Olympics is to be the world's butterfly queen

On the field, Zhang Yufei showed amazing perseverance and fighting spirit. Every dive is a challenge and transcendence of oneself. With her graceful posture, precise movements and outstanding performance, she conquered the judges and the audience, and won countless applause and praise. Her success is not only a personal success, but also the pride and glory of China's swimming career.

In addition to his brilliant achievements on the field, Zhang Yufei's quality off the field is also admirable. She always remained humble and low-key, never publicizing her achievements and accolades. She knows that her success is inseparable from the support of her team and the cultivation of her country. Therefore, she always has a grateful heart and uses her practical actions to repay the society and the country.

On the stage that moved China, Zhang Yufei's tears rolled in her eyes, but she still firmly said that she would continue to work hard to win glory for the country and fight for the swimming career. This firm belief and persistent spirit make people moved and proud.

Zhang Yufei's story is not only the struggle of an athlete, but also an inspirational story of an ordinary person pursuing his dreams and realizing his value. She proved with her practical actions that as long as you have dreams, beliefs, and courage, you can overcome all difficulties and challenges and achieve your own glory.

Zhang Yufei won the 2023 Person of the Year who moved China: the goal of the Paris Olympics is to be the world's butterfly queen

On this night full of emotion and respect, we praise Zhang Yufei and praise China's swimming career. Let us look forward to that in the coming days, Zhang Yufei will continue to write his own legendary story and add glory to the honor and dignity of the country!

As a youth representative of the new era, Zhang Yufei used his practical actions to interpret what is real struggle and hard work. Her story tells us that only by constantly surpassing ourselves and climbing the peak can we go further, higher and stronger on the road of life. Let us learn from Zhang Yufei and use our sweat and wisdom to contribute our own strength to the prosperity and development of the motherland!

Zhang Yufei won the 2023 Person of the Year who moved China: the goal of the Paris Olympics is to be the world's butterfly queen

Zhang Yufei, this name has become the pride of Chinese swimming, and it is also a role model in the hearts of countless young people. Her story tells us that no matter how great the difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we have dreams, beliefs, and courage, we can overcome everything and achieve our own glory. Let us hope that Zhang Yufei will continue to write his own legendary story in the coming days and add luster to the honor and dignity of the country! At the same time, let us also climb the peak bravely in the journey of the new era and contribute our own strength to the prosperity and development of the motherland!

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