
The Standing Committee of the Jiangle County Party Committee (expanded) will be held

author:Micro will be happy
The Standing Committee of the Jiangle County Party Committee (expanded) will be held
The Standing Committee of the Jiangle County Party Committee (expanded) will be held
The Standing Committee of the Jiangle County Party Committee (expanded) will be held

On April 9, Chen Xi, secretary of the county party committee, presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the county party committee (expanded) to focus on studying the important instructions and important articles of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches recently, and convey and implement the spirit of the national, provincial and municipal network information office director meeting and the municipal party committee network information committee meeting, the spirit of the national, provincial and municipal customs work committee meeting, the spirit of the national, provincial and municipal audit committee and audit work conference, as well as the spirit of the provincial Taiwan work conference, the main leaders of the Sanming Municipal Party Committee to investigate the spirit of the speech, and listen to the "3 + 3" Report on the special action, study the implementation plan for learning and using the experience of the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project to effectively and effectively promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside (draft for review)" and other related work. Wu Zekun, Fang Hong, Jiang Taisheng, Chen Jianqiu and other county and department-level leaders participated.

The Standing Committee of the Jiangle County Party Committee (expanded) will be held

The meeting emphasized

It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions, continue to build a solid foundation for food security, expand and strengthen characteristic agriculture, rely on rich red resources, vigorously carry out patriotic education, inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of good Jiangle, vigorously develop a green, low-carbon circular economy, and accelerate the integrated development of cultural and tourism economy. It is necessary to consciously put the concept of "people first" throughout the work, firmly establish a correct view of power and political performance, vigorously carry forward the fine tradition of "four grassroots units", accelerate the construction of practical projects for the people, and continue to improve the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

It is necessary to take the work of "four leaders and one promotion" as the key starting point, continue to deepen and expand the "three contentions" action, based on its own reality, make good use of its comparative advantages, give full play to the leading role of red cultural ideology, green ecological trend, industrial transformation and innovation, and reform and opening up policies, and make every effort to promote the construction of high-quality development demonstration zones in old revolutionary areas to improve quality and efficiency. It is necessary to strengthen confidence in development, maintain strategic focus, vigorously implement the "3+3" special action, solidly promote investment promotion, enterprise assistance and other work, rely on Shanghai-Ming cooperation and mountain and sea cooperation, broaden the sales channels of agricultural products, and do a good job of integrating culture, tourism and sports, further strengthen project research and demonstration, strictly control the access gates, and accelerate the "two concentrations and one expansion" of mineral resources. It is necessary to adhere to the priority of protection, rationally develop and utilize the resources of ancient houses and ancient buildings, deeply excavate the connotation value of traditional culture such as Yangshi culture, vigorously inherit and promote folk culture and traditional skills, and help the revitalization of rural culture. It is necessary to persistently rectify formalism, insist on drawing inferences from one example, establish rules and regulations, continue to deepen the rectification of "formalism at the fingertips" to reduce the burden on the grassroots level, and create a good entrepreneurial atmosphere. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of being strict and strict to the end, promote healthy practices, discipline and anti-corruption in depth, comprehensively build pro-Qing political and business relations, and unremittingly cultivate a clean and upright political ecology.

It is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the party's overall strategy for solving the Taiwan issue in the new era, continue to deepen cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, conscientiously do a good job in serving Taiwan enterprises, attracting investment to Taiwan, project planning and reserves, etc., based on characteristic advantages, increase cooperation in cultural exchanges, environmental protection and other fields, continue to build Fujian and Taiwan agricultural integration and development promotion counties, support Taiwan's rural construction and township innovation teams to participate in the planning, design and construction of rural revitalization projects, and promote cross-strait integrated development. It is necessary to adhere to the mechanism of "weekly notification, January 1 drying" and "three-color list" supervision, scientifically and dynamically adjust the "3+3" project library, focus on 7 key characteristic industrial chains, increase investment attraction, continue to implement full life cycle services, carefully carry out activities such as "hand in hand", government-bank-enterprise docking, talent recruitment fairs, etc., increase supervision and inspection, strengthen the use of assessment results, and encourage cadres to take responsibility. It is necessary to deeply study and apply the development concepts, working methods and promotion mechanisms contained in the "Ten Million Project", closely follow the five revitalization goals, strengthen systematic thinking, coordinate the promotion of rural development, rural construction and rural governance, keep the bottom line of food production and cultivated land protection, and accelerate the construction of livable, workable and beautiful villages.

It is necessary to deeply study and comprehend General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on cyber power, give full play to the advantages of the Internet, increase brand publicity such as Yang Shi culture and music culture, focus on weak links, strengthen the investigation and rectification of risks and hidden dangers, and actively guide the majority of party members and cadres to learn, understand and use the Internet, and continuously improve the ability to guarantee network security. It is necessary to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on caring for the next generation, focus on the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, strengthen the leadership of caring for the next generation, adhere to integrity, innovation, and initiative, continue to optimize the environment for the growth of young people, and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care for young people. It is necessary to conscientiously follow the deployment of the national and provincial and municipal audit work conferences, scientifically prepare the audit work plan, promote the effective integration of audit supervision and various types of supervision, strengthen the use of audit results, give full play to the role of explaining and warning by cases, and build a solid discipline and style of audit team, strengthen the awareness of high-quality products, actively strive for excellence, and promote the continuous improvement of the quality of audit business.

Source: County Financial Media Center Reporter: Zou Guanchang Yin Zhiyi

Editor: Li Ping Preliminary review: Xiong Ruqing Review: Zou Guanchang Final review: Xiao Jiuhui Business cooperation, news clues, and crackdown on fake news reports: 0598-2322923 Submission email: [email protected]

The Standing Committee of the Jiangle County Party Committee (expanded) will be held
The Standing Committee of the Jiangle County Party Committee (expanded) will be held

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The Standing Committee of the Jiangle County Party Committee (expanded) will be held
