
After intervening in her marriage and repenting, she still tasted the viciousness of the original match

author:Flying flowers drift snow

#夺冠2021 #

After intervening in her marriage and repenting, she still tasted the viciousness of the original match


When youth is gone, the goal of moving forward in life will eventually fade.

After a fruitless interweaving of deep love, the sensibility is exhausted, rational and explicit, and the stance is clear.

After a woman is affectionate and sees through a man's selfish, power-hungry nature, she will let go of love no matter how much she loves.

Ling Ruowei was deceived by Si Zainan for three years and made him an underground lover for three years.

She thought he was a divorced single man, but she didn't expect her separated wife to move from Hong Kong to Shanghai.

Being deceived is that he is stupid and stupid, and knowing the truth, he can no longer be labeled as a little three by this man.

"That's it, don't come back." Ling Ruowei had already sorted out and packed the clothes and supplies that Si Zainan had placed in her home.

While hating him for cheating on her, his heart was also colicky.

Three years of youth, three years of feelings, she is giving sincerity, she can also feel that he really loves him.

But he was a man with a marriage after all, and she didn't want a moment in such an entangled life.

After intervening in her marriage and repenting, she still tasted the viciousness of the original match


Sit from dusk to dim light.

The living room smelled of cigarettes.

Si Zainan was silent, bitterly suppressing his inner irritability.

For the sake of fame and fortune, when he was young, he sacrificed love in exchange for marriage.

When the wildness is full, life can still grasp the tail of youth.

In the accidental situation, the catalysis of loneliness, met the heartbeat.

He had her, forgot that he was a married man, and sank into the vortex of love.

"You give me some time." Fool yourself, Si Zainan bowed his head and gritted his teeth.

It turned out that I had struggled for more than ten years, but I was just making a wedding dress for others.

With the touch of a finger, people can beat you back to your original form.

Why should a woman stick to a proof that he can give her what others can't give in their marriages, why can't she stay by his side with peace of mind?

Ling Ruowei sneered and shook her head, knowing too well what this time meant?

She should have refused hysterically, but in the middle of the pull, she once again surrendered to him.

In the entanglement of emotional limbs, the burning breath is intertwined, and the eyes of deep love portray each other as if they were under the eyes.

Love each other without violating the moral bottom line.

After intervening in her marriage and repenting, she still tasted the viciousness of the original match


Ling Ruowei sold her house and left Shanghai.

In a coastal city close to her hometown, she found a new job and started a new life.

The position that Si Zainan exchanged in marriage did not have hands and eyes to the sky, nor could it be underestimated.

However, in half a month, he found Ling Ruowei's home and let her lose her job.

In the three years of relationship between men and women, in resistance, the weak woman is once again attacked by the domineering man.

Again and again, the clouds and rain, love entangled.

Pain and hatred engulf the remaining love.

In the darkness, cold tears crossed the corners of Ling Ruowei's eyes.

She looked in disgust at the man lying soundly asleep beside her.

He wasn't in love with her.

He just wanted to possess her and enjoy her fresh physical and mental satisfaction forever.

How she was going to get out of his control.

Tell his wife to send the face to the door for the family to beat.

Re-embrace another threat of intimidation.

Hiding far away is just another cycle.

Once and for all, the method is not nothing.

When Si Zainan called with Ling Ruowei on his back with a smiling face.

She knew that he just wanted her to become a plaything under his crotch in her limited youth.

Wait until the person is old and yellow, waiting for her is the abandonment of life.

Blurry and ambiguous photos recalled Si Zainan to Shanghai.

A month after Si Zainan left, Ling Ruowei quietly returned to Shanghai...

If a beautiful woman follows the routine, she will thoroughly grasp the interesting research of men that they think is unique.

There is no target that cannot be attacked.

Wei Yan was the target of Ling Ruowei's self-preservation.

This goal is eye-catching.

One meter eight tall, thick eyebrows, big eyes, good voice, good home.

After intervening in her marriage and repenting, she still tasted the viciousness of the original match


Wei Yan was Si Zainan's distant cousin.

They met in an egg tart shop.

Ling Ruowei likes to eat egg tarts, all kinds of egg tarts, soft and crispy.

Only the original egg tart could most impress Ling Ruowei's heart.

She had thought that Si Zainan was the most touching one.

I tried to replace it and found that the taste of red bean tarts was also unforgettable.

Coincidentally, Wei Yan also liked red bean-flavored egg tarts.

She thought she had set an elaborate trap for the other side.

But I didn't expect that their pace would be so in tune.

For example, egg tarts, Shakespeare, operas, idols...

Fictional love is born in response to the scene, beautiful flowers before the moon, romantic passion.

Under the favor of Wei Yan's unique tricks, Ling Ruowei stepped out of the shadow rendered by Si Zainan and fell into a sweet river of love.

In Ling Ruowei's eyes, Wei Yan and Si Zainan were different.

Where is the difference.

For women, the biggest difference between men and men is in love affairs.

Si Zainan was domineering and brave, only knowing that he was happy and sleeping.

Sometimes I would hold her, and most of it was unfinished.

Wei Yan was gentle and meticulous.

Will pay attention to her feelings and strive to satisfy her to the extreme.

Ling Ruowei was trapped in this meticulousness and could not extricate herself, and when she found that the menstrual event was delayed, she suddenly understood.

From the beginning of the use, to the current sincere support.

Ling Ruowei really wanted to live a lifetime with this man.

She wanted to give birth to this child for him.

After intervening in her marriage and repenting, she still tasted the viciousness of the original match


The second encounter with Si Zainan was at her wedding with Wei Yan.

The moment he saw Ling Ruowei, Si Zainan's face was unexpectedly distorted.

But the other party is his cousin, even if he swallows a fly, he can only swallow the disgusting part.

Since then, Ling Ruowei has really got rid of Si Zainan's entanglement.

When she was glad that she had chosen the right path, Ling Ruowei threw her heart on Wei Yan's body.

Even with a big belly, she insisted on cooking and making the food that her husband liked to eat.

Wei Yan's gentleness was halved, and the days of returning home were getting less and less every day.

The worry of cheating during pregnancy bothered Ling Ruowei all the time.

With three months left to go, what should she do if her husband cheats?

Ling Ruowei's attention to Wei Yan became more and more careful.

The more careful you look, the more alarmed you become.

For example, Wei Yan's shirt had ambiguous lip prints.

The suit will shake out a woman's hair.

The underwear that took off the shower at night was different from the one worn after the shower last night.

In this way, Ling Ruowei felt that she would collapse.

But the evidence of the betrayal was overwhelming, and she only wanted to know who the woman was.

After half a month of investigation, Ling Ruowei finally found out that Wei Yan would go to the community where she once lived every day after work.

It was just that the room that Wei Yan entered was the opposite door of the room where she had lived.

The whole building was Si Zainan's property.

There was a faint trepidation that enveloped Ling Ruowei again.

Standing in front of the closed door, Ling Ruowei couldn't help but tremble, she knew it was time to turn around, but she wanted to know too much who Wei Yan was meeting inside.

To her surprise, the door was not unlocked.

She walked in.

After intervening in her marriage and repenting, she still tasted the viciousness of the original match


On the sofa in the living room, a pair of men and women are entangled in sugar twists, which are inseparable.

The woman clearly saw Ling Ruowei, did not frighten, and became more and more devoted.

That face, clearly...

The adulterous affair was revealed, and Wei Yan was not in a hurry and left without any trouble.

Ling Ruowei stared at the sexy and charming woman in her pajamas, never thinking that she would face Si Zainan's wife in such a situation.

"You... ”

A mouthful of humiliating evil breath was held in the chest cavity.

Ling Ruowei didn't even know what to scold her?

Scolding Grecia shamelessly, as a married woman seducing her husband

So what were her previous actions?

Ge Lihua shrugged her shoulders indifferently and smiled charmingly, "Don't be angry, I understand your current mood, isn't this the video scene you sent me when you rolled with my husband?" ”

"Everything is your revenge." Ling Ruowei's heart was cold, and her back was chilling.

Ge Lihua looked at Ling Ruowei's eyes overflowing with viciousness, "Yes, you know that I am only a month pregnant, can not be stimulated, you deliberately revealed the information of my husband's cheating, but also anonymous text message provocation, causing me to have a small birth, I would hate to cut you a thousand knives, but that way, too cheap for you." ”

"I've quit, why don't you let me go?" She has left Si Zainan, why?

Ge Lihua's disdainful eyes were full of contempt, "I have seen too many women like you, poor and incompetent, and covet the unattainable wealth in the world, the best way is to seduce rich and capable men, whether it is stepping on another woman's happiness and hard work to climb up, shamelessly at the same time under the banner of love, your love is sneaking in bed to enjoy the indulgence, after entanglement, interests are asked for, once you don't want it, leave, hook up with other men, let other men take over, Also in the name of quitting, pheasants are cleaner and cleaner than you. ”

"You..." Ling Ruowei's whole body trembled with anger, and her face turned pale, "What do you want?" ”

Ge Lihua's words are like knives, but every sentence is stripped of ugly truths.

Yes, when she knew that Si Zainan had a wife, she thought about leaving, but leaving meant being destitute again.

Even if you take a wrong step, there is no chance of repentance?

Grewa sneered, "I don't want to do anything now?" Because you're as pathetic as a dog, a husband who doesn't belong to you, a mutilated marriage that you can never get out of, a..."

"What?" Ling Ruowei's eyes widened, and her hand tightly covered her round belly.

The other party's words of wanting to stop dragging her into the abyss of fear.

But Ge Lihua laughed wildly, as if Ling Ruowei was a big joke.

After intervening in her marriage and repenting, she still tasted the viciousness of the original match


When Ling Ruowei returned home in a daze, Wei Yan was still that Wei Yan, but he only revealed his true face.

Wei Yan leaned back on the sofa and spat out smoke rings comfortably, and no longer cared whether his wife was pregnant or not.

"Don't worry about my business in the future, you will always be Mrs. Wei, naturally, if you are lonely, you can go and hook up with your old lover again, as long as he is willing, I don't care."

Naturally, Si Zainan could no longer ask for the woman he had played with.

That would be too cheap for Si Zainan.

"Why?" Ling Ruowei's whole body shivered.

This man who sentenced the two of them was really her husband.

Wei Yan spat out a thick puff of smoke at Ling Ruowei, "We are all the same kind of people, so why ask such idiotic words." ”

He, like Si Zainan, came from a small place.

Si Zainan refused to promote him.

He can only seek a way.

Cheated on, without children, a heartbroken and golden cousin became a shortcut for him to climb up.

Some people booed and asked for warmth, coupled with being betrayed by their relatives, this green hat was Ge Lihua's best revenge for Si Zainan.

It is impossible for Greta to divorce the cheap Si Zainan.

Since it can't be normalized, that's it.

It was impossible for Horizontal vertical Grewa to give birth to a child for Si Zainan again.

But he always needs a marriage to cover up, and others are innocent.

As a result, Ling Ruowei came up in order to get rid of Si Zainan, so it was this woman.

By the way, let Ge Lihua take revenge again, and even more willingly bear children for him.

In the future, his children will inherit all the family property of the Ge family, and what will they do with marriage?

As for Ling Ruowei, this is also karma.

"But I'm pregnant with your child." Ling Ruowei burst into tears.

I never imagined that the pain that had been inflicted on others would be multiplied back on me in such a way.

Repent of the beginning, so what?

"How could I get you pregnant with my child?" Wei Yan looked at Ling Ruowei sympathetically and turned around with a smile.

This truth still requires Ge Lihua to tell her the truth in a retaliatory way.

Ling Ruowei's eyes widened and she ran towards Wei Yan, "What are you talking about?" You say it again, Wei Yan..."

After intervening in her marriage and repenting, she still tasted the viciousness of the original match


Three months later, Ling Ruowei gave birth to a daughter with intellectual disabilities.

Ge Lihua sent her blessings on WeChat, accompanied by a video.

After watching the video, Ling Ruowei Muna, with empty eyes, lay silently on the hospital bed.

No tears, no pain, no sound.

The phone that fell to the ground kept repeating the video sent by Greta.

In the video, Ling Ruowei, who was drunk and smoking, was helped into the room by Wei Yan.

After that, four or five with colorful hair and tattoos engraved on their arms went to the room together.

One of them also has a mentally handicapped man...

When you trample on the pain of others with youthful beauty and plunder.

Perhaps God, the pain has long been multiplied, quietly arranged in another way.

Three lives of cause and effect, but do not violate the original heart.

Desire for iniquity in this life, and always be good.

Life circumstances, and live, and cherish.

(Short stories, happy reading!) )