
The second book means that you can take the exam, so it is superior?

author:Zion Torch

This expert has always had the concept that from the perspective of ecological niche, the ecological niche of the second graduate in the 2020s (mainly referring to scarcity here) is equivalent to the graduation of junior high school in the 2000s, the primary school graduation in the 1980s, and the literacy class graduation in the 1950s. Of course, this argument has aroused the anger of many graduates of Erben who are high-eyed, talented, and talentless, and have no talent and no virtue, so this group of contemporary illiterate (contemporary Erben graduates) has attacked this expert in groups.

The second book means that you can take the exam, so it is superior?

This expert likes to hear about this effect, after all, "fighting with people is infinitely fun". Of course, when it comes to this, there are a few graduates of the second book who ask the expert: the junior college is also a scumbag, why don't you see the expert ridicule the junior college? In fact, this is because, if the expert says that the college student is a scumbag, the college student is too lazy to take care of the expert, because the advantage of the college student is that he knows that he is a scumbag, and he has no sense of superiority, but the second graduate does not think so. Even many parents of the second book believe that even if the contemporary second book is not good, it still has the opportunity to take the exam, and the junior high school students in 2000 did not have this opportunity, and the junior high school students of any era did not have this opportunity.

Considering that the contemporary Erben parents are so ignorant, it is necessary for this expert to talk to the Erben parents about why the contemporary Erben is actually similar to the junior high school more than 20 years ago.

1. Junior high school in the 2000s

It is true that in 2000, it was true that after graduating from junior high school, he could not take the civil service examination. But don't forget, in those days, college students were relatively scarce compared to now, so the requirements for public examinations were not strong. In many units, the requirements are only junior college and undergraduate – in other words, there is no emphasis on having to be full-time.

The second book means that you can take the exam, so it is superior?

In our country, in addition to full-time undergraduate and junior colleges, there are also part-time - such as self-examination, correspondence courses, and electrical universities. Even at the moment in 2024, there are some civil service positions that are not restricted from part-time application. From a practical point of view, the self-examination is not limited to the original academic qualifications, even if you have not studied for a day, you can also take the self-examination. Although correspondence courses and universities require a high school diploma, many provinces do not have strict requirements for this. In fact, even if it is the general college entrance examination, it is not necessary to graduate from high school to apply for the examination - almost all provinces can take the general college entrance examination if they have the same academic ability as high school - the so-called high school equivalent academic ability refers to the academic level equivalent to high school graduation. Of course, many people don't know this.

In 2000, those who graduated from junior high school and wanted to take the civil service examination could get a diploma of correspondence bachelor's degree. Therefore, I think that the superiority of the contemporary two books lies in the examination and editing, and you can wash and sleep. Of course, when it comes to this, some people will say that the landing rate is really not high in 2000, and it is true that in 2000, the landing rate of correspondence undergraduates who graduated from junior high school was really low. However, now the landing rate of the second graduation is high?

2. Primary school in the 1980s

OK, let's take a look at elementary school graduation in the 1980s and Niben graduation in the 2020s.

The second book means that you can take the exam, so it is superior?

In the 2020s, both the public examination and the entry into a state-owned enterprise were considered to be ashore. In the 1980s, the system of public examination was not born, and the recruitment of many public units did not depend on academic qualifications, but on the succession system.

For example, suppose Xiao Wang's father, Lao Wang, is a staff member of a public unit, and after he retires, his children can work at work. Even if the children have graduated from primary school, they can also take over the succession - after the succession, run an on-the-job academic degree (in fact, self-examination and correspondence education and other academic qualifications were originally used to improve the academic qualifications of this kind of group). Of course, this situation is common in state-owned enterprises.

Therefore, in that era, it was popular to say: It is better to have a good father than to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well.

Therefore, the idea that the current generation of graduates of the second book thinks that when they graduate from junior high school and elementary school graduates will not be able to enter the compilation, it can only be said that it is wrong.