
Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

author:Lao Zhu talks inside and outside


Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

Presumably, everyone has a certain impression of the solar water heater, which uses solar energy to convert into electricity.

A solar collector panel is installed on top of the house to convert the collected solar energy into electricity to supply the water heater with the energy it needs. Once this solar water heater was launched, it attracted a lot of attention from the people.

They believe that this kind of water heater is very energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, and the use of solar energy, a clean and natural energy source, can also save a lot of electricity costs.

Many rural households have chosen to install this kind of solar water heater, which makes it easier to collect solar energy by taking advantage of the vast space on the roof of rural houses and not being sheltered by high-rise buildings.

But now fewer people are using this type of water heater.

Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

1. Solar water heaters are widely used in rural areas

The living conditions in the countryside are very different from those in the past, and the most distressing thing for the friends who used to live in the countryside is that there is no way to take a bath in winter.

The weather in the north in winter is too cold, the surrounding rivers are frozen, and it is more troublesome to obtain hot water resources, so it is more inconvenient for many people living in rural areas to take a bath in winter.

Now the living conditions in the countryside have improved a lot, and every family has renovated their houses, with advanced electrical equipment, warm and comfortable decoration environment, and spacious courtyards.

This is not much different from urban housing, it is even more spacious, and the usable area has become larger. People have also installed water heaters in their homes, so that they can take a bath anytime, anywhere.

Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

No longer need to be limited by the season, the quality of life and level are gradually improving, and solar water heaters have appeared in people's lives.

The energy source of this water heater is solar energy, and after collecting a certain amount of solar energy by installing a collector panel on the roof of the house, it is processed to convert solar energy into electrical energy, so that the water in the water heater can be heated and can be supplied to people for bathing.

The use of solar water heaters may be more convenient in rural areas, and solar collector panels need sufficient space and scope to collect solar energy.

However, there are many high-rise residential buildings in the city, and people in the city install solar collector panels on the roofs of residential houses, which are easily blocked by high-rise buildings, and it is difficult to collect sufficient solar energy resources.

Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

On the contrary, the rural areas have a wider space and no high-rise buildings, so they can collect solar energy resources sufficiently. Solar energy can be obtained for free, so many rural people think that using solar water heaters can save a lot of electricity bills.

Many rural people choose to install solar water heaters at home, but in recent years, people have gradually used solar water heaters less.

Second, the disadvantages of solar water heaters

When rural people use solar water heaters, they also find that there are many problems with the use of this water heater.

Solar water heaters are very weather-constrained, solar collectors need to collect solar energy for a long time to heat the water heater, and if it is cloudy for many days, then the collected solar energy is very limited.

Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

During this period, people will not be able to use solar water heaters normally. There are still a lot of rainy weather in the southern region, there is no sun for many days, and solar energy cannot be collected at all.

The use of solar water heaters in rural areas during the northern winter has also encountered some problems.

Whereas, the temperature in the northern winter is lower, and the temperature is below zero, which causes the water inside the water heater to freeze. At this time, it is very difficult for people to use solar water heaters, and they need to open the pipes to thaw the frozen water.

And this process is relatively long, and people still need to wait for a longer time. This is a troublesome thing for villagers who need to take a bath urgently.

Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

The cleaning process of solar water heater is more cumbersome, people use solar water heaters, they need to store a large amount of water in the solar water heater in advance, and then make the water in the water heater hot under the drying of solar energy.

This reciprocated use for a long time has caused a lot of limescale to accumulate in the solar water heater, and it needs to be cleaned regularly.

Villagers need to invite professionals to clean their homes, and they also need to prepare cleaning solvents, which cost a lot of cleaning to clean solar water heaters.

If you don't choose to clean it regularly, the scale accumulated in the solar water heater is likely to clog the pipes and prevent the water from gushing out, which will make the water flow of the bath smaller and smaller, affecting the effect of the bath.

Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

Solar water heaters actually take up a lot of space and are usually installed on rooftops or balconies.

Placing it in such a location can make it easier to absorb sunlight, but being installed on the roof in this way may affect the overall aesthetic of the house.

The actual weight of the solar water heater is still large, and if it is installed on the roof for a long time, the roof may not be able to bear the weight and be crushed.

After considering the inconvenience, many villagers gradually gave up using solar water heaters. The advent of electric water heaters and gas stoves has given villagers more options.

In the past few years, the selling price of electric water heaters on the market is still relatively high, an electric water heater needs to cost thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan, and at the same time, the use of electric energy when bathing also needs to cost a lot of electricity.

Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

Considering the cost of purchase and use, the villagers chose to use solar water heaters, after all, solar energy does not cost money.

Now the electric water heater is gradually upgrading and improving, and the price is gradually decreasing, and the price of an electric water heater on the market is only about 1,000 yuan.

The electricity bill in the countryside is slightly lower than that in the city, and villagers are now more inclined to choose electric water heaters for bathing.

You don't need to worry about the weather when using an electric water heater, you can use it anytime, anywhere, as long as you connect the power supply in advance, heat the hot water, and you can take a shower.

There are also many villagers who have installed gas stoves in their homes, which can quickly heat up the water when they want to take a bath, but they also encountered some problems when using gas stoves.

Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

Gas stoves may experience clogged pipes when heating water, which will cause the water flow to be clogged in the pipes, and people may suddenly be irritated by cold water when taking a bath.

Maybe you are enjoying a hot bath, and the next second there will be cold water rushing on your body, affecting people's experience.

3. Advantages of solar water heaters

Of course, when people first use solar water heaters, they still consider some of its advantages. Solar energy, as a clean energy source, can save electricity and fuel energy.

After all, every household needs to take a bath, and the energy consumed in the bath is still large. Solar energy does not cause any environmental pollution problems when it is operated, and some other gases may be produced when the electricity is running and the fuel is burned.

Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

For example, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc., these gases are emitted into the air, which may cause environmental pollution and cause the greenhouse effect.

Therefore, for the sake of protecting the environment, it is more recommended and advocated to use clean energy in daily life.

Solar water heaters are less dangerous during use because the main energy source used by solar water heaters is solar energy.

In the process of solar energy use, the probability of inducing dangerous phenomena such as fire and explosion is still relatively low.

Electric water heaters and gas stoves use electricity and gas, which may induce explosions, fires and other hazards in the process of use.

Therefore, it is best not to connect the electric water heater to the power supply when taking a bath, which can easily induce danger, and in serious cases, it may cause personal and property casualties.

Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

Fourth, people's more choices

In the past, people in rural areas were obsessed with using solar water heaters because there were too few types of water heaters on the market.

Now there are a variety of water heaters such as electric water heaters, natural gas water heaters, etc., for them to choose from.

Electric water heaters can effectively make up for several problems of solar water heaters, occupy less space, are not limited by time, can be used at any time, and the maintenance and cleaning methods are relatively simple.

Natural gas water heaters also play a role in energy saving and environmental protection, using natural gas as an energy source, and making the water temperature rise rapidly through natural gas heating for people to use.

The way to obtain natural gas is relatively simple, and it can be transported directly to the homes of villagers through pipelines.

Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?

The price of natural gas is still relatively low, and it will not increase the cost of use by the people too much. At present, the rural areas are gradually developing and changing, and the gap between them and the cities is gradually narrowing.

New asphalt roads have been built in many rural areas, making it easier for people to travel from the city to the countryside, greatly shortening the travel time and improving the efficiency of traffic.

Many rural areas also make use of their own characteristics and unique advantages to develop characteristic tourism and new agriculture, and many residents living in cities yearn for a free life and fresh air in the countryside. There are also many college students who choose to return to the countryside after graduation to build their hometowns.

Now that you come to the countryside, do you find that many places are different from before? The facilities have become more complete and more modern.

Why is the solar water heater that used to be popular in rural areas now used by no one? What are its flaws?


In the past, solar water heaters were all the rage in rural areas, and almost every household in rural areas would choose to install solar water heaters.

Solar water heaters are less expensive to use, and there is no need to spend electricity bills to use solar energy, a clean energy source.

However, in the process of use, there are problems such as limited use time and season, inconvenient cleaning, and large space occupation.

With the emergence of electric water heaters and natural gas water heaters in people's lives, rural villagers have more choices and gradually give up using solar water heaters. What other changes have you found in the countryside, and what new things have emerged?

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