
The four-nation coalition provoked in the South China Sea, and Russian bombers took off with bombs and rushed into the backyard of the United States and Japan

author:Xu Xu.


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The four-nation coalition provoked in the South China Sea, and Russian bombers took off with bombs and rushed into the backyard of the United States and Japan

Text: Xu Xu.

Edited by Xu Xu.

Recently, the situation in the South China Sea has changed dramatically, and the trick of the United States playing the role of a "hero in the green forest" has once again been staged. The Philippines, the American horseman, spared no effort to "touch" China in the South China Sea, but unfortunately missed again and again. Seeing that it was useless to rely on itself, the Philippines immediately appealed to the United States for help, but the United States did not say a word, and immediately summoned Japan and Australia to form a so-called "four-nation alliance" to provoke and show off its might against China in the South China Sea. However, the Chinese army has always been wary of arrogance and fatigue, and has made a powerful counterattack against the unconspiracy of the Four-Nation Alliance, which has made them taste the hardship.

In the meantime, don't forget about "Uncle Bear" Russia. This "Siberian Tiger" was not idle, and sent strategic bombers to fly close to the Sea of Japan with bombs and go straight into the US air defense identification zone in Alaska, causing the United States and Japan to tremble. Russia's operation is undoubtedly a resounding slap in the face to the four-nation coalition, warning them not to mess around in the South China Sea, otherwise they will pay a heavy price!

The United States has always boasted to the Philippines that it is "anti-China," which has dazzled this small country, but in the eyes of the United States, the Philippines is nothing more than a "bad chess" that can be discarded at any time. However, it is surprising that the United States is involved with Japan and Australia this time. However, it is no wonder that, after all, Japan and Australia are both "hardcore allies" of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region.

The four-nation coalition provoked in the South China Sea, and Russian bombers took off with bombs and rushed into the backyard of the United States and Japan

The four-nation exercise in the South China Sea is claimed to be aimed at defending the so-called "freedom of navigation," which is extremely ridiculous! It is clearly an opportunity to carry out military provocations and demonstrations against China. Moreover, do they think that the Chinese are all idle people? Soon, the PLA's southern theater dispatched naval and air forces to carry out "joint assault at sea" and other actual combat exercises in the South China Sea to effectively fight back against the actions of the four-nation coalition forces.

We, the Chinese soldiers, have always pursued the philosophy of "good luck, no trouble". But if some people do anything wrong, then don't blame us for being "unkind"! The behavior of the Four-Power Coalition has already touched our "red line," and the Chinese armed forces have every right to take all necessary means to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. I believe that the Four-Nation Coalition has deeply experienced this.

But while the four-nation coalition was fluttering in the South China Sea, Russia was not idle. Several Russian strategic bombers loaded with missiles flew over the Sea of Japan without warning, and even Japan did not have time to react. Moreover, these Russian fighters actually crossed the Japanese archipelago and approached the US air defense identification zone in Alaska.

The four-nation coalition provoked in the South China Sea, and Russian bombers took off with bombs and rushed into the backyard of the United States and Japan

The United States and Japan were originally arrogant when dealing with China, but as soon as they saw Russia's "display of firepower," they immediately looked like turtles with shrunken heads, and could only force a smile and say that the Russian army's actions were "no threat." It is extremely ridiculous! Obviously, Russia wants to use this to give the four-nation coalition an ultimatum: If you do anything wrong, you will bear the consequences!

Russia's move is indeed a little sideways. However, after analyzing it, it is not difficult to understand that this crouching tiger has actually been accumulating grain for a long time. Despite the backwardness of the Russian army's conventional forces, Russia has never relaxed its efforts to develop its strategic nuclear forces. Even in the most difficult times, Russia insisted on devoting sufficient resources to nuclear armaments.

It is precisely by virtue of its world-leading nuclear strike capability that Russia is not afraid of threats and sanctions from Western countries. Once the "ultimate weapon of mass destruction" is activated, the entire earth will fall into madness, and no country can be imagined! Russia now has nothing to fear, and it is this "trump card" that Russia relies on. The Quadruple Coalition is fearless, and after Russia shows its nuclear weapons, expect them to be able to keep their mouths shut?

The four-nation coalition provoked in the South China Sea, and Russian bombers took off with bombs and rushed into the backyard of the United States and Japan

It has to be said that Russia's approach has taught the Chinese a vivid lesson: in the international arena, only real strength is the most convincing "diplomatic language". No matter who it is, if we stretch out our wolf claws to China, we must beat the water dogs so that we will not be deceived.

Since ancient times, China has been a country that "stresses martial arts", and only when the military continues to thrive can the country maintain its long-lasting prosperity. From this point of view, China's modernization drive will never end, and the modernization of the armed forces will never stop until it reaches the first rate! Otherwise, the United States and other countries will intensify their attacks on China's ideas.

Compared with Russia, China's military development started late, but it is obvious to all. Pentagon data shows that by 2030, we will have at least 1,000 strategic nuclear warheads, and the overall nuclear forces will be among the top in the world. With these "killer weapons" in hand, no country will act rashly.

As the saying goes, we want the whole world to know that China has never been a "paper tiger" to be bullied. In the future, we will definitely see more Chinese warships and warplanes "roaming" in global hot spots such as the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, and domineering diplomacy is enough to achieve it in one swing. At that time, who else would dare to cause trouble at our "doorstep"?

The four-nation coalition provoked in the South China Sea, and Russian bombers took off with bombs and rushed into the backyard of the United States and Japan

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet.

Some netizens think: "The United States is a hooligan, and it is quite irrational everywhere, which is really despicable." However, this time Russia's counterattack is very beautiful, and it directly takes off the pants of the US imperialists, which is really relieving to watch! China should also learn from Russia and show ruthless moves when necessary, so that those countries that are doing things recklessly will know how powerful we are!"

Some netizens believed: "This time the United States is indeed excessive, but we Chinese should still adhere to the path of peaceful development and use 'wisdom' to resolve contradictions and conflicts." It is true that China is becoming more and more powerful, but it must not become 'crazy', otherwise it will repeat the mistakes of the great powers. "

Some netizens believed: "It is inevitable that there will be differences and contradictions between countries, and the key is to insist on dialogue and resolution, and not to use force lightly." China is now very strong and does not need to go around like Russia and threaten other countries. Restraint and principle are the proper style of a great power. "

The four-nation coalition provoked in the South China Sea, and Russian bombers took off with bombs and rushed into the backyard of the United States and Japan


Looking at the escalation of the situation in the South China Sea, it is not difficult for everyone to see that the United States is the single-hand mastermind of this farce. Out of selfish motives, the United States disregarded regional peace and stability and deliberately sowed discord, which eventually led to a situation in which the four-nation coalition openly provoked China. Fortunately, the Chinese army came prepared and counterattacked and defused it in time.

However, unexpectedly, Russia also took action. On the one hand, it has warned the four-nation coalition forces not to act arbitrarily in the South China Sea, and on the other hand, it has also indirectly sent a clear signal to the United States and other Western countries that nuclear forces are Russia's "hole card" and should not be underestimated in any case.

This kind of hard-line style really makes people look up to Russia with admiration. Even in the face of difficulties, Russia has never relaxed its research and development of strategic weapons. It can be said that it is precisely by virtue of its strong nuclear power that Moscow can straighten its back in international affairs and not be at the mercy of any country. This is undoubtedly beyond the reach of small and weak countries.

In contrast, although China has made tremendous achievements in modernization and its overall national strength has been rising, there is still a certain gap between China and the United States and Russia in the military field, especially in terms of nuclear forces. The good thing, though, is that China is ramping up its investment in this area. It is predicted that by 2030, the mainland will have more than 1,000 strategic nuclear warheads, and by that time the nuclear deterrent force will rank among the top in the world.

The four-nation coalition provoked in the South China Sea, and Russian bombers took off with bombs and rushed into the backyard of the United States and Japan

So, with its powerful military strength as a "talisman," can China be more confident in handling international affairs? Can it be qualified to "speak up" in order to defend its national interests? Will it be like Russia to "harshly criticize" all the actions of Western countries? All these are worthy of our deep thought. However, there is no doubt that only when China is truly strong can it be generous in international affairs and calmly cope with all kinds of changes. Gone are the days of appeasement and resignation.

Overall, the turmoil in the South China Sea has once again aroused everyone's attention to national security and military strength. As Chinese citizens, we should firmly support the modernization of the armed forces, and at the same time, we should have our own independent thinking and put forward pertinent suggestions for the development of the country. So, what do you think of this series of events? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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