
The fox fairy was injured in the tragedy, and was taken home by the old man to recuperate and take care of his injuries, and after recovering from the illness, the fox fairy asked to marry

author:Ninth Lou Little Brother

In a small village on the northeastern border, Liu Dashan is leisurely basking in the sun and chatting with his old friends in the village. On this day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and everything seemed so harmonious and peaceful. Suddenly, a snow-white fox burst into his sight, and the fox's eyes were full of pleading, apparently injured.

Liu Dashan's heart tightened, and he hurriedly stepped forward to check. I saw that the white fox's front legs were blurred with flesh and blood, and it was obvious that he had suffered a lot of calamity. Although Liu Dashan is a rough man, he is unspeakably uncomfortable when he sees such a small creature injured. He squatted down, gently stroked the white fox's head, and muttered: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll help you." ”

The white fox seemed to sense Liu Dashan's kindness, closed his eyes slightly, and let him examine the wound. Seeing this, Liu Dashan hurriedly ran home to get herbs and bandages, and carefully bandaged the white fox. Under his careful care, the white fox's injuries gradually stabilized and began to have some vitality.

In this way, Liu Dashan and the white fox formed an indissoluble bond. Every day, he will change the dressing and feed the white fox on time, and the white fox also seems to regard him as a relative, and always snuggles up to him obediently. When the old friends in the village saw this scene, they all smiled and said that Liu Dashan had raised a "fox spirit", but Liu Dashan knew in his heart that this was not only a strange relationship between humans and animals, but also a spiritual touch and baptism.

As the white fox's injury is getting better, Liu Dashan's life has become interesting. Every morning, he would wake up early, prepare fresh food for the white fox, and then sit in the yard and watch it run around happily. The white fox also seems to be particularly fond of Liu Dashan, and every time he sees him, he jumps on him excitedly and scratches his face with his little furry paws.

The fox fairy was injured in the tragedy, and was taken home by the old man to recuperate and take care of his injuries, and after recovering from the illness, the fox fairy asked to marry

"Haha, you little guy, what a naughty ghost!" Liu Dashan smiled and held the white fox in his arms and gently stroked its fur. The white fox closed his eyes comfortably, enjoying this rare warm time.

Over time, the white fox has fully recovered from its injuries and it is beginning to show some unusual behavior. One night, when the moonlight was like water, Liu Dashan was sitting in the courtyard to enjoy the shade, and suddenly heard a melodious flute. He followed the prestige and saw the white fox standing in the moonlight, holding a bamboo flute in his mouth, playing a beautiful melody.

"Oh, you little guy can play the flute!" Liu Dashan exclaimed in surprise. The white fox seemed to understand his words, turned his head and smiled at him, and then continued to play. The sound of the flute is like a cry, and it is graceful to hear, as if telling an ancient and mysterious story.

As the days passed, the relationship between the white fox and Liu Dashan became deeper and deeper. They went up to the mountains to collect medicine, went down to the river to fish, and spent many happy times together. Liu Dashan also gradually discovered that the white fox was not an ordinary fox, it seemed to have some kind of magical power. Sometimes, when he encounters difficulties or troubles, the white fox will always comfort him in his own way, making him feel extremely warm and comforted.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, Liu Dashan was working in the field when he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps. He looked up and saw several people in strange clothes walking towards him. When they saw the white fox, they had a greedy look on their faces.

The fox fairy was injured in the tragedy, and was taken home by the old man to recuperate and take care of his injuries, and after recovering from the illness, the fox fairy asked to marry

"Haha, I've finally found it! this fox is a treasure!" one of them exclaimed excitedly. As soon as Liu Dashan heard this, he immediately understood their intentions. He hugged the white fox tightly and said loudly, "What do you want to do? This fox is my friend, and I won't let you hurt it!"

Those few people obviously didn't want to bother to say more, so they came forward to grab it directly. Although Liu Dashan was old, in order to protect the white fox, he tried his best to fight them. After a fierce battle, Liu Dashan finally drove them away. But he was also so tired that he was out of breath and sat down on the ground.

Seeing this, the white fox immediately ran to his side and rubbed his face with his small furry body, as if to comfort him. Liu Dashan stroked the white fox's head, and his heart was full of emotion and relief. He knows that no matter what happens in the future, he will always protect this magical white fox friend.

One evening, Liu Dashan was preparing dinner in the house, when the white fox suddenly rushed in, his eyes flashing with anxiety. It tugged at Liu Dashan's sleeve with its mouth and pulled it out vigorously.

"What's the matter, little guy, what's wrong?" Liu Dashan looked at the white fox suspiciously, and a sense of uneasiness swelled in his heart. The white fox didn't seem to be able to put it into words, just looked at him with more anxious eyes, and then quickly turned around and ran towards the door.

The fox fairy was injured in the tragedy, and was taken home by the old man to recuperate and take care of his injuries, and after recovering from the illness, the fox fairy asked to marry

Liu Dashan's heart moved, and he hurriedly put down the work in his hand and followed the white fox out of the house. I saw the white fox running all the way, through the village, to the edge of the mountain forest at the entrance of the village. At this time, Liu Dashan found out that the fire in the mountain forest was soaring, and the smoke was billowing out, obviously on fire!

"Oh, it's on fire! What can I do?" Liu Dashan exclaimed. The white fox continued to run deeper into the forest, as if to guide him somewhere. Liu Dashan followed, his heart full of anxiety and worry.

They passed through a sea of fire until they finally came to a mountain pass. I saw that many villagers were gathered there, and they were anxiously waiting for something. Liu Dashan saw his neighbor Lao Li Tou at a glance, and he hurriedly ran over and asked, "Lao Li Tou, what's going on? Why did it suddenly catch fire?"

Lao Li Tou sighed and said, "Alas, I don't know which one lacked the eye, so he threw the cigarette butt into the mountains and forests, and it burned all at once." Everyone is busy putting out the fire, but the fire is too big to control!"

When Liu Dashan heard this, his heart tightened for a while. He looked around and saw that the fire was getting stronger and stronger, and it was already approaching the col. At this moment, the white fox suddenly jumped on his shoulder and pointed in one direction with his mouth. Liu Dashan looked in the direction it was pointing, and saw that there was a narrow mountain road there, which seemed to lead to a safe place.

The fox fairy was injured in the tragedy, and was taken home by the old man to recuperate and take care of his injuries, and after recovering from the illness, the fox fairy asked to marry

"Everyone, come with me! There's a way to escape!" Liu Dashan shouted. When the villagers heard this, they followed him towards the mountain road. The white fox guided them all the way, sometimes jumping over the fire, sometimes through the smoke, and finally brought everyone to safety.

By the time the last person was safely evacuated, the entire mountain forest had been engulfed in flames. The villagers sat on the ground in horror, glad they had escaped. Liu Dashan hugged the white fox tightly, looked at it gratefully, and said, "Little guy, I really owe it to you today! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we would all be buried in the fire!"

The white fox seemed to understand his words, rubbed his face with his head, and then lay quietly in his arms. At that moment, Liu Dashan felt a warmth and peace of mind that he had never felt before. He knew that the fate between himself and the white fox had been deeply imprinted in each other's hearts.

After that thrilling fire, Liu Dashan and the white fox became the little heroes of the village. The villagers came to thank him, and Liu Dashan always waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's no big deal, it's all the credit of the white fox." ”

The white fox also seemed to enjoy the feeling of being praised, and every time it heard a compliment, it would wag its tail proudly, then jump onto Liu Dashan's shoulder and rub his neck with its little furry face.

The fox fairy was injured in the tragedy, and was taken home by the old man to recuperate and take care of his injuries, and after recovering from the illness, the fox fairy asked to marry

The days went on peacefully and warmly. The story of Liu Dashan and the white fox is a good story in the village, and whenever someone mentions it, they will sigh: "It's really a deep love for people and foxes!"

And Liu Dashan will respond with a smile: "Yes, this little guy is my family, and I will always guard it." After speaking, he will pet the head of the white fox, and the white fox will also snuggle up to his side obediently, as if to say: "I will always accompany you." ”

In this way, the story of Liu Dashan and the white fox circulated in the village and became a good story of the harmonious coexistence of humans and animals.